When Jiang Ting thought that the first realm of the origin rules did not exist in the endless God realm, he looked a little strange.

Because after three years of understanding, the first realm of rules is not to control the rules, but to use the rules temporarily with some secret methods. The second realm is to control the rules in a real sense.

Jiang Ting doesn't know why the origin realm has one more realm than the divine realm, and he can also use the rules by secret methods in batches. He is not interested in understanding He's the second rule. It's true.

In his mood, Jiang Ting thought: "it takes tens of thousands of years to completely transform I hope Xiaoying will come here earlier. Compared with me, her transformation speed should be much faster. "

He doesn't control many rules, such as time, reincarnation, reincarnation, the return of reincarnation and reincarnation, and the power of killing the crystal of rules.

Strictly speaking, he controls five rules, including the supreme rules of Guixu and time. Therefore, the speed of rule transformation is extremely slow.

If there is only one common rule, maybe it can be transformed in thousands or hundreds of years?

"Boss, do you have a magic wand? My wand was damaged in Black Hills a few days ago A pale young man entered the grocery store.

Jiang Ting suddenly regained his mind and shook his head: "the wand is too precious. My shop can't afford the wand business. There is a shop specializing in weapons on the Third Street on the left."

"No Thank you, boss The young man stopped, said thanks and turned away.

"No thanks." Jiang Ting's thoughts began to drift away again.

This world of origin is worthy of being called the world of origin There are all kinds of cultivation methods here.

In the past three years, he has seen some so-called magicians communicate with heaven and earth by the power of spirit to form attack and defense.

I have seen blood Qi, and temper it to manifest. This way of cultivation focuses on the physical body. The Qi of blood evil is very heavy, the physical body is strong, and the attack power is also strong.

I've seen fighting spirit. It's similar to blood gas.

These two powers are different from his way of cultivation, but the result is similar After his comparison, he found that his path of cultivation was not as good as his blood in physical aspect.

Of course, it's not that one road is different from the other, three thousand roads, different roads lead to the same goal. It's just that at the beginning of cultivation, the difficulty of cultivation, emphasis on direction, life span and so on are different.

In the end, you need to master the same rules, no difference.

In addition to the magic, blood and fighting spirit, he has also seen the instrument repair, taking a certain kind of divine weapon as the original life object, cultivating that life object to enhance the strength realm, which is similar to the way of the seven Spirits cultivation.

I've also seen the fairy way, Shinto way and pure Martial Way in taboo plays

in a word, he opened his eyes and found for the first time that there were so many ways of cultivation. Because the world where these cultivation methods came to was different, the way of greeting each other was also very different in the origin world, and the address of friends was also different.

It's also because different cultivation methods require different talents Therefore, in the world of origin, unless we are extremely lazy, we can't find pure mortals, because as long as we are living beings, we can always find the right way to practice in countless ways.

In addition, in the past three years, he also knew that there was only one clan in the area of millions of miles, one named qiantianmen. He did not know the specific strength of the clan.

All he knew was that when he was in Heishan Town, he had never seen the rule realm. Only the Fan Li realm and even the third realm were rare. The first realm was the most common, and the second realm was a little less common.

If it's a novel topic, Heishan town is usually the starting point for the protagonist to dominate the story In short, it's very safe here. As long as he doesn't cause trouble, he should be able to live here safely for tens of thousands of years, waiting for the rule transformation to be completed, and then starting to explore the origin carefully.

The only thing that surprised him was that he had never seen or heard of a foreign race in the past three years Maybe it's just like the realm of God, because it's located in the hinterland of the human race, so there's no news of the alien race?

"Step on..." The sound of footsteps sounded, and a man and a woman entered the shop hand in hand.

Jiang Ting immediately regained his mind and stood up with a smile: "two friends don't know what they want to buy?"

Now that he has a shop here and has health problems, Jiang Ting is ready to be honest and treat himself as an ordinary person to open a shop safely After all, once you use cultivation, you have to aggravate the injury and slow down the transformation of rules. He can't bear the cost.

The man raised his head and asked, "shopkeeper, do you have the scales of pangolin?"

Chuanshan beast is a kind of monster in Heishan which is not very powerful.

Jiang Ting's face was full of spirit: "yes, yes, my shop is the most fair shop in Heishan town. If my friend wants to buy it Ten scales for one coin. The price is fair. The old and the young are not deceived! "

The man and woman looked at each other, then nodded: "the price is not fair, it's the same everywhere."

Jiang Ting showed a little smile, and then showed a touch of philistine: "you can't say that. Who doesn't know that the quality of goods in Heishan town is the highest."The woman said: "brother Feng, forget it, buy it directly, there are other things to do."

The man was ready to lower the price, only slightly shrugged: "OK, give me 30."

Jiang tou laughingly went to the depth of the shop and took out 30 black scales.

The man took out three coins and left with scales.

Jiang Ting walked slowly to the chair and lay down These three years have been a good time, quietly doing some small business, waiting for the transformation of injury and rules.

It's very calm, no waves. Every day, he collects all kinds of materials from the experienced people, and then he sells them to earn a price difference. In this way, he can still pass the boring time. This kind of day is the best.

As for the money earned It's secondary to Jiang ting. He doesn't need money.


In the boring and peaceful leisure, time slowly turns to dusk, and the sun is about to set.

Jiang Ting got up and went to the door, showing his laziness: "I'm going to close the door and have a rest."

Although he can manage day and night However, Heishan town is not big. At night, there are almost no other people close to it. Therefore, except for a few shops, Heishan town will almost close for rest at night.

As a person with little interest in money, Jiang Ting naturally chooses to rest at night.

Standing at the door for a while, Jiang Ting's eyes suddenly narrowed and looked at the direction of Heishan. His eyes showed a little bit of horror.

As the king of God, as he has even seen the truth of taboo plays, he once thought that no matter what the truth he encountered, he would not change color.

But this time, he saw

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