Jiang Ting gets the map from Zhang Cheng'an's hand, and his mind sinks into it. He feels it slightly for a while and then determines that Zhang Cheng'an is not lying about the whereabouts of the treasure.

As for the whereabouts of the other map, Zhang Chengan should not have cheated him Instead of trusting Zhang Cheng'an, he believes in destiny.

Since Qianshan is in qiantianmen, another map is mostly in qiantianmen. Moreover, he believes that Qianshan will get another map from qiantianmen treasure because of various coincidences.

In his mind, Jiang Ting raised his head and showed a brilliant smile: "thank you, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Cheng'an said with a smile: "if you can get it, you are powerful. This treasure is what you should get."

Jiang Ting's smile became more and more brilliant: "in that case I don't want to take all the Qingling stones from your Zhang family. Let your Zhang disciples take out 20 of them. You and I will be clear. "

Zhang Cheng'an was stunned and nodded: "yes, yes."

"The solution." Jiang Ting waved his hand to lift the ban.

Zhang Chengan didn't dare to delay: "go, get 20 Qingling stones quickly!"

While Jiang Ting is playing with the map, his mind is constantly thinking He was thinking about whether it was the work of the song and Qing Dynasties.

After all, he casually took an assassination and got the clue of the treasure of heaven and earth And another map will fall into the hands of Qianshan.

It's a coincidence.

Song Qing wants to see him fight with the destiny? Although it seems very likely, but he has a feeling, should not be so simple, otherwise, before Song Qing would not appear in person.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Ting shook his head and ignored it, no matter what the reason was At present, he will not let go of the treasure, and in his current state, he is not qualified to grab it.

The most important thing is to use qinglingshi to recover the injury and transmutation rules.

About thirty minutes later.

A strong man of Zhang Jia came near with fear. At the same time, there were twenty Qingling stones.

Jiang Ting took over qinglingshi with a bright smile: "you and I are clear."

When Zhang Chengan heard the speech, he immediately relaxed No matter what you think in your heart, it's the right thing to send Jiang Ting away first.

At the same time, he secretly decided to just send . he wants Jiangting to die without a burial place!

Can't beat it?

It doesn't matter if you can't fight! Don't forget the map. He just needs to publicize the map. Naturally, there are innumerable rules. Two territory and three territory attack and kill Jiangting.

He doesn't believe that just one rule can stand the strangulation of countless strong people.


"The seal." The river court a whisper suddenly rings out.

Then Zhang Chengan's mind was frozen by time. When his mind recovered, his body was cut off again.

This time, Jiang Ting didn't give him time to react. The second sword directly killed him, and the terrible rules crushed him I can't die any more.

Zhang Jia's strong man's face suddenly changed: "Laozu..."

Jiang Ting looked at Zhang Cheng'an, who had only his head left, and shook his head slightly: "how can I let you live when you say such news?"

He's not stupid He is sure that he really dares to let Zhang Cheng'an go. Next moment, I'm afraid the origin of Nuo Da will know that he has got the map that can trace the treasure of heaven and earth What's more, he did not forget that there might be a God's pride in the three realms near the silver city.

He, where dare to let people go?

After killing the man, Jiang Ting ignores the rest of Zhang's family, but urges a transmission array in the jade pendant Zhang's head soon disappeared.

But for a moment, a total of 15 Qingling stones were sent into the jade pendant from nowhere, and also fell into the hands of Jiang ting.

"It seems that the reward shown is the reward I can get. It's good."

Jiang Ting showed a smile, and his figure dispersed: "next..."


Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, three years have passed.

These three years have been extremely peaceful for the world of origin.

For the territory of qiantianmen, the past three years have not been very peaceful Gein, in the past three years, a killer statue appeared in the ecstasy building of qiantianmen.

During the three years, he madly took dozens of assassination missions. What's most shocking is that no one failed and all of them were successful.

In just three years, there were dozens of rules in the scene. They died on the trip with the moon. It is said that the man not only never failed, but also made a crushing gesture!

Therefore, over the past three years, the rules of qiantianmen have been in danger, for fear of being watched and killed. Countless people suspect that accompanying the moon may be a heavenly pride, but no one can be sure.


in qiantianmen territory, Jiangting comes to the starting point of the origin boundary, somewhere outside Heishan.

"Damn accompanying the moon, don't force me! I'm in a hurry. You and I will die together! " An angry roar suddenly sounded at the edge of somewhere, at the same time, a figure in a mess appeared.As soon as he appeared, the man was angry Break the space and try to escape.

"Why struggle?" A voice of indifference followed.

With the appearance of a young man in white, there are also sharp sword lights The fall of sword light didn't bring any terrible aftereffect. There was only a corpse that was pierced by sword light like a beehive, and a hole that didn't know how deep.

The first person to appear, the pawn.

And who is that young man, not Jiang Ting?

Jiang Ting slowly approaches the corpse and skillfully transports it through the jade pendant As for the destination of transmission, he did not know, and he did not explore.

After a while, twenty Qingling stones appeared in Jiangting's hands.

Jiang Ting showed a brilliant smile and began to absorb qinglingshi with his mind.

After about three breaths, the twenty Qingling stones were all scattered with fly ash.

Feeling his body for a while, Jiang Ting said with a smile: "it will be completely recovered soon."

At the same time, he didn't hesitate to pour His divine thoughts into the jade pendant. The first thing that came into his eyes was the information about him in the jade pendant.

Nickname: Companion month line

number of tasks completed: 50.

The highest level of assassination: ordinary rules

failed assassination: none.

I've received the assassination: Wu

looking at the list of online games in my mind, Jiang Ting's smile is more and more brilliant.

After he succeeded in assassinating Zhang's father, he began to intercept and assassinate him. In just three years, he received a total of 50 assassinations, each of which was paid by qinglingshi.

It's very simple. It's just that not every time the target is in the light, but some of it is hidden. He needs time to find out where the target is. It takes a lot of time, so he has only completed 50 assassinations in three years.

In other words, plus just died in his hands, he has killed a full 50 rules, his injury, the distance from complete recovery is only a line!

According to his estimation, there are less than ten qinglingshi, he can completely recover from the injury, and the rules are completely transformed!

One task is enough.

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