According to Jiang Ting's estimation, he only needs about ten qinglingshi to recover from the injury and completely change the rules.

Another successful assassination is enough.

If he hadn't aggravated his injury every time he shot, his injury would have recovered. After all, the reward he got for completing 50 assassinations has exceeded 1000 qinglingshi!

"Hateful, if this person is not too able to run and hide, I should only need five Qingling stones now." With a murmur, Jiang Ting shakes his head and sinks his mind into the jade pendant, ready to receive a task.

If everything goes well, after completing an assassination, he doesn't have to carry out the assassination. He can find a quiet place to practice in seclusion and try to promote the rule of three realms.

Rule one territory, 30 qinglingshi, ordinary killer can pick up.

Rules of a realm, thirteen green stone, ordinary killers can pick up.


See here, Jiangting brow slightly pick, thirty green stone? And the closest target to him?

According to his understanding of taking over the assassination in the past three years, if qinglingshi is used as a reward, the reward of the ordinary rule is about 10 to 20.

He hasn't seen the reward of 30 qinglingshi.

Thinking for a while, Jiang Ting's eyes narrowed slightly: "is someone assassinated?"

The target of assassination does not mean that it will continue to be assassinated If so, ecstasy building is likely to attract countless hostility.

As far as he knows, if the target of the assassination is assassinated three times, that is to say, if the assassination of the ecstasy building fails three times, the assassination of that target will be cancelled, and the ecstasy building will not be listed as the target of the assassination from now on.

If the assassination fails, the ecstasy building will inform the employer who issued the target of the assassination. Then the employer may increase the reward for the assassination, so as to attract more powerful assassins to assassinate and increase the possibility of successful mission.

Of course, if it is the rule of genius level, or the pride of heaven, then the reward will certainly increase a lot However, the strength of the show is very clear, just a common rule.

If it's not superior strength, then there are some other killing moves or secrets to block the assassination?

No matter what the reason is, that person is more difficult.

Jiang Ting thought for a while, and then he took over the assassination With the reward of 30 qinglingshi, even if he is a gifted man, he can pay enough price to kill him and get enough reward to make him recover.

After all, he only needs about ten Qingling stones to recover completely The reward is 30 pieces, and the cost of his hand is nearly 20 pieces of qinglingshi.

There is no accident with such a large number.

After the next assassination, the target's message immediately came.

The owner of Ning family in Heishan City, the rules of control are unknown

After searching the information, Jiang Tingmei Yu showed some inexplicable Ning family owner?

If he remembers correctly, he and the Ning family seem to have some disputes. Before, he got a lot of qinglingshi from the Ning family, but if he remembers correctly, Ningyang was just Fanli Sanjiang.

Now, have you been promoted? And the assassination of ecstasy building has failed twice?

Yes, according to the information he got after he took over the task Before him, the task had been taken twice and failed twice.

He was the third one to answer If he also fails, the ecstasy building will cancel Ningyang's assassination, and will not offer a reward for Ningyang's assassination in the future.

"It's a little interesting. Ningyang just broke through the rules, and it was able to force back two assassins. It seems that the Ning family is not simple." With a whisper, the body of Jiangting disappeared.

Of course, he didn't care too much. Even if Ning family had any secrets, he was not afraid The control of rule territory over rules is too shallow to resist his attack.


Heishancheng, Ningjia.

Deep in the mansion is a lush courtyard.

There is no one around the courtyard. Ningyang is sitting quietly in the deep of the courtyard. I don't know whether he is practicing or sleeping.

I don't know how long later.

A light curtain suddenly appeared around the courtyard As soon as the curtain of light appeared, countless cracks suddenly appeared, turning into debris.

Ningyang suddenly opened and drank: "who!"

Between words, the power of rules bursts, countless stars evolve, and the stars are all over the sky.

"The star rule The rules are ordinary, but the strength is good. " With a sound of appreciation, Jiang Ting appeared in front of the courtyard without a sound.

With his appearance, the light curtain completely shattered and disappeared.

Secretly, it's a pity for Jiang Ting This Ningyang has been assassinated twice, so he has been on guard for a long time. After he arrived, he couldn't kill in secret, so he had to break the battle first.

As a result, although the array was broken, it also attracted Ningyang's vigilance.

Ningyang pupil instantly shrink: "Jiangting?"They have seen each other, and because of Jiang Ting's performance, how can Ningyang forget Jiang Ting? After all, in his cognition, Jiang Ting is a heavenly pride.

"You are here to assassinate..."

Speaking of this, Ningyang suddenly reaction: "in recent years, spread the boiling companion is you?"

"Seal!" Jiang Ting did not answer, but directly urged the time rule.

In an instant, everything was frozen This is the time freezing that the second frontier dare not ignore!

The reason why Jiang Ting dares to sneak into Ning's house and do it directly It is because his rule transformation has reached the last moment.

It may not sound like much, but in fact, Jiang Ting's strength at the moment, even if he burst out the rules at will, is infinitely close to the real power of the God King, which is not what Ningyang can resist at all!

To put it simply, even Tianjiao in the rule zone can't resist Jiang Ting's attack This is also the reason why Jiang Ting directly took over the assassination without much hesitation.

After freezing the time, Jiang Ting's body flashed, and the leisurely court was walking close to Ningyang, and the flowing clouds were cut off.

With the fierce rules, Ningyang's body was directly crushed by him If he does not need to keep the head to hand over the task, this blow is enough to completely crush Ningyang.

Also because of the need to leave the head, Ningyang is not dead Of course, it's on the verge of death.

Taking back the flowing clouds, Jiang Ting raised his hand again: "exterminate!"

He wants to shatter the spirit of Ningyang Then Ningyang naturally died, and he completed this assassination mission He doesn't care what's wrong with the Ning family.

All he knows is that his injury will recover immediately. From now on, his attack will not lead to the rule backfire, and there is no need for qinglingshi to continue his life!

"Stop it A Jiao drink suddenly rang out.

With this sound, Jiang Ting suddenly felt uneasy. He had frozen the whole Ning family's entire residence for thousands of miles. Everything was frozen. Who could stop him?

Most importantly, he also sensed a touch of strangeness.

Who is that man?

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