After Jiang Ting had a clear view of the surrounding scenery, he just looked at it a little, and Jiang Ting was sure that the clothes and hats were just ordinary things in nature, and they were only modified by the rules at the moment.

If he has a heart, his mind can penetrate the hat However, it was not his nature that the woman in white at the front foot helped him to leave qiantianmen, while the woman at the back foot probed into his secret.

After taking back the line of sight, Jiang Ting clasped his fist slightly: "in Xiajiang Ting, I don't know how to call the girl?"

The woman in white nodded slightly: "Luoxue."

"Thank you, Miss Luo." Jiang Ting thanks with a little gratitude Although Luoxue has only rules, it would not have been so easy for him to leave qiantianmen without his help.

At the same time, he has some secret puzzles Looking back at the moment, before Luoxue broke the treasure house and left, she didn't prepare early, but made a temporary move.

He didn't break the treasure house directly. How did Luoxue do it?

Of course, although he didn't understand, he didn't have the heart to explore Everyone has secrets. If there is no injustice or hatred, why should we seek the secrets of others.

"You don't have to worry about it." Rochelle shook her head slightly.

Jiang Ting smiles. He doesn't have a connection. Instead, he looks to Qian Tianmen: "I'm afraid Qian Tianmen won't give up for such a big loss. The girl hasn't leaked her Qi. Qian Tianmen can't be traced. However, Jiang appears in the treasure house. Qian Tianmen knows everything about her Qi and face. I'm afraid there will be big trouble next."

Without waiting for an answer, Jiang Ting said: "in order not to implicate the girl, Jiang will take the lead. If the girl needs help in the future, just tell her. If she can do it, Jiang will never refuse."

After that, Jiang Ting turned around and left.

It's only ten thousand li away from qiantianmen. At the moment, he can even see that there are several rules in the fairyland of qiantianmen. The fairyland begins to spread. It's obvious that he is preparing to search. It's not long before he can find it.

At this time, Luoxue again with a soft voice: "I really want to ask brother Jiang for help."

Jiang Ting just about to leave the body suddenly stopped, then turned: "I don't know what?"

"Go to the ruins of the emperor Shitian and find their relics."

After a pause, Luo Xue showed a little pity: "I dived into the treasure house of qiantianmen. I was going to take the five Yun umbrella, the most precious treasure of Shasha, for exploration. I never thought that although I dived into it, I couldn't get the treasure. Instead, I was exposed."

Jiang Ting suddenly frowned when he heard the speech Wu Yun umbrella, which he did not forget, is indeed a treasure, if not for his appearance, Luo Xue might really be able to leave with Wu Yun umbrella?

Luoxue's voice became softer and softer: "without the five Yun umbrella, I don't think I can get treasure from the ruins But brother Jiang's strength is extraordinary. If brother Jiang is willing to help, he will have a better grasp than the five Yun umbrella. "

Jiang Tingyi's mind perceives the ever-changing map in the storage space, ponders for a while and gives up the plan of closing to find 3000 thunder flags.

Although he doesn't think he is a good man, he is not the one who repays kindness The so-called relics, just take a look.

But somehow, maybe after staying in the divine realm for a long time, he always felt whether there was a black hand behind every chance.

Jiang Ting's mind was full of emotions, but he said quietly: "if it hadn't been for Jiang's trouble, it would not have been difficult for the girl to get the five Yun umbrella Since Jiang has disturbed the girl's arrangement, it's reasonable to help her explore the ruins. I don't know where the ruins are? "

"Come with me." Luoxue did not explain, but broke the space on the spot.


The origin of the world, somewhere on the top of the vast sky, there are a number of fairy temples that do not know how many areas spread.

There is everything in the fairy palace.

In the deepest place, looking from the outside, there is a place about a hundred miles around, evolving a vast scene of stars.

Beyond the star river.

A young man with a handsome face is standing quietly outside the river of stars. His eyes are shining, as if they contain an endless world.

Even if there is no breath around this person, it's like common, but no matter who, as long as you see this person, you will subconsciously believe that this is a supreme peak to strong!

He didn't know when to look at the stars in front of him. Maybe he had been standing for endless years.

I don't know how long later.

"Laozu." There are several strong people in rule two who are close to each other with vast breath, and their faces are full of formality and respect.

The young man did not speak, still quietly looking at the stars.

After a long time, the young man regained his sight and turned his eyes into worldliness: "Heaven's destiny, has it come into my Tao sect?"

Those a few people shake head immediately: "did not have."

The young man didn't answer, and his eyes were not happy.

Seeing this, those people quickly bowed their heads: "Laozu, things have changed. According to your calculation, when Qianshan, the man of heaven's destiny, hasn't achieved the rule, he won't leave qiantianmen, and there shouldn't be any intersection between huadaozong and qiantianmen, just..."

"What happened?" The youth's eyes began to show coldness.Those people hastily replied: "qiantianmen summoned, trying to make our huadaozong issue an order to pursue and kill a rule Er Jing named Jiangting."

"Jiangting, qiantianmen..." The young man frowned and looked back at the stars.

As he turns his head, the river of stars turns into a vast land, and the bodies of Jiangting and Luoxue emerge in the river of stars.

The picture has just emerged, and a brilliance that can't describe the color rises.

"Er..." The land of stars was broken, and the young man suddenly stepped back, and his face became a little abnormal.

Those people were surprised: "Laozu?"

"No problem."

As he whispered, the young man's face returned to normal: "who is Jiang ting and what is his origin?"

The broken river of stars, re turned into a river of stars, just lost the scene of Jiangting and Luoxue.

"Back to Laozu, according to the information that the seven elders went to qiantianmen to investigate, this man suddenly appeared in Heishan town with a seriously injured body. He had several encounters with Tianming. Finally, he sneaked into qiantianmen treasure house and captured a map, which aroused qiantianmen's anger."

After a pause, the voice of the people showed some confusion: "as for the woman in white, there is no news, but can leave the qiantianmen treasure house at will with the strength of the rules, I think it's a big secret."

Another rule is that the two realms show hesitation: "this man disorganizes the layout of his ancestors. Do you need to kill him?"


After pondering for a while, the young man looked at the river of stars: "the future is in disorder. This man, I think, comes from the non origin world, crossing the void What about the demon clan? "

Those people at the same time answered: "back to the ancestors, the demon family carrying the destiny of the demon, still as the established trace forward."

After thinking for a long time, the young man whispered, "as long as there is a way, there is a way. The request of qiantianmen is answered by them. The others need not be interfered."

When several people heard the words, one of them hesitated: "Laozu, the three thousand thunder flag map was captured by Jiangting That's the most precious treasure derived from heaven and earth, which you and the other ancestors spent countless efforts to force. In this way, they give it to others? "

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