In the face of the young man's command, the arrival of a few people showed a hint of hesitation, but also the words out of three thousand thunder flag.

Hearing the speech, the young man shook his head slightly: "if he interferes too much, the growth of destiny will only disappoint people. Let it be."

Those people are still reluctant: "three thousand thunder flag, don't you want to take back the map? There are several supreme elders who are not willing to hand over the treasure and want to forcibly seek it back. "


With a smile, the young man quietly looked at the Star River: "three million years ago, do you know why the Terran and the demon clan would join hands to kill the netherworld?"

The men glanced at each other, puzzled.

But the young man didn't explain, and his voice suddenly became cold: "if I lose the demon clan this time, I will be able to compete with the other elders for the chance to escape. For this layout, I have planned for millions of years, which will ruin my ancestors Tell them that the three realms of rules and the three realms of rules are very different! "

Seeing this, the men retreated in a hurry, fearing no other words.

The young man didn't care. He continued to look at the Star River: "the power beyond our ancestors' cognition is . interesting... "


Qiantianmen, a mountain hundreds of millions of miles away.

With two speechless streamers, Jiangting and Luoxue appear in the sky.

Far away from their sight, a vast palace floating in the sky However, there was no fairyland in the temple, only a fragmentary taste.

There, is a ruins, and even from time to time can see some figures in the ruins of the access.

Looking at the ruins for a long time, Jiang tingcai turned his head: "is that the ruins of emperor Shitian?"

Before they left qiantianmen, because of Luoxue's request, Jiangting and Luoxue went on their way together. It took them half a year to cross hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers to get here.

I don't know how far away it is from qiantianmen.

With Jiang Ting's speed, it didn't take half a year. It was only because he was walking with Luoxue that the speed was slowed down And because of this journey, Jiang Ting determined that the origin should not be a planet, but a continent.

The reason is very simple. They have traveled hundreds of millions of miles. If it were a planet, they would not know nothing about it.

He did not know what force sent him to rule here.

Luoxue looked at the ruins of the distant sky, and her voice became fiery: "yes, that's the ruins of the emperor Shitian."

"Where else can there be treasures?"

After a pause, Jiang Ting was puzzled: "although I haven't come near yet, I can see that some people are still searching in the ruins. If there is any treasure, I'm afraid it will be taken away long ago."


Hesitated for a while, Luo Xue slightly shook his head: "first look closer."

Jiang Ting didn't refuse and turned into moonlight to speed up. However, within a few minutes, they were close to where the ruins were. As they approached, Jiang Ting clearly felt that there was a lot of breath in the ruins.

According to my initial perception, there are no regular two realms. There are about 20 regular one realms, and the rest are all ordinary ones Total, about thousands.

Although there are many people, but The ruins of the palace group occupies a full space of more than ten thousand li, so it seems that people are also scarce.

Looking at the ruins, Jiang Ting turned his head and said, "are there really treasures here?"

He doesn't think there are treasures here I'm afraid every inch of the ruins will be searched. Even if there were treasures before, there will be none now.

The reason for this is that he sensed that the forbidden array in the ruins had long been destroyed In short, this place has been raided a long time ago.

"Look for it." Rochelle's voice became uncertain.

After that, the two men raised their height again with their feet gently, and flew over the ruins at a higher altitude. Their sight and perception were constantly searching.

Soon, they searched about a thousand miles There are palaces, medicine gardens, rockeries and other places to search, but nothing is found.

What can be taken away has long been searched.

As for the other people who come in and out, no one is stupid enough to be the enemy After all, the ruins have no rules. Who dares to be the enemy?

Search again for a while, Jiang Ting slightly shakes his head: "it seems that we have run for nothing."

"It shouldn't be." Snow side search, side dark annoyed.

"We've been on our way for half a year. I don't know how you got the news here, but I'm afraid it's already out of date."

After a pause, Jiang Ting shook his head again: "maybe when you got the news, this place was not born, and it was not explored, but obviously, we came late, and the treasures here had already been searched."

Luoxue, no words.

Jiang Ting became interested: "is this treasure of ruins very precious?"

Luoxue is not simple. It's not so simple, but she cares so much about this relic If the treasures of the ruins are really important, Jiang Ting doesn't mind asking about them, and then he finds the former profiteer to take them.Luo Xue's voice became strange: "don't you know who the emperor Shitian is?"

"I don't know." Jiang Ting shook his head decisively It's not normal for him to know him. He may be a super strong man. Unfortunately, he is not a person in the origin world and can't know him.

"He is a very strong man."

After a pause, Luo Xue's voice became strange: "three million years ago, when the three clans of the human demon Ming fought for supremacy, his strength was unparalleled. It is said that he has gone out of the extreme of the three realms of rules and stepped into the realm of detachment."

After a pause, Luoxue's voice became pitiful again: "however, when the three clans were fighting for hegemony, he was killed by the underworld. In that battle, countless strong men died, and finally he was killed by a poisonous hand. It is said that before he fell, he left a secret about detachment. If he could get that secret, he would be expected to escape."

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "it's a fake."

"Don't you believe it?" Luoxue's voice became surprised.

"I don't believe it."

After a pause, Jiang Ting looked at the ruins and said with a smile: "the most ridiculous thing in the world is that ordinary people try to find a way to live forever in the grave by robbing the grave. The most ridiculous thing in the ruins is to find a chance to escape from the ruins of a strong man who has never broken through the state of detachment."

When Luo Xuedun stopped, he nodded for a long time

Obviously, Jiang Ting's words made her lose interest in exploration.

Jiang Ting sees this, as if unintentionally general voice: "detached, very difficult?"

He thought of Song Qing The song and Qing Dynasties should undoubtedly be an existence of transcendence. According to the evaluation of the song and Qing Dynasties, there is a one in a billion possibility that he can achieve transcendence.

Luo Xue's voice became gloomy: "in the history of the origin world, no living creature can achieve detachment."

Jiang Ting's mouth suddenly picked No living beings to achieve detachment? If he didn't remember the song and Qing Dynasties, or if he didn't remember that someone existed in nothingness at that time to urge him, he might have believed it.

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