Because there are too many rules involved in the capture of Hunyuan yundao tree, so it is impossible to start a scuffle... If it is really a scuffle, I am afraid that countless worlds will be destroyed by the fire of war.

As a result, many years ago, countless strong people gradually had a tacit understanding, and the scope of fighting for Hunyuan yundao tree was limited to the world where Hunyuan yundao tree was born.

Once a strong person successfully seizes and leaves, there will be no more disputes afterwards. If someone violates the rules, the rest of the strong people will attack them. This unwritten rule has continued since its birth.

And no one can violate it.

After all, once the ability of the three realms of rules is revealed, it is impossible to cheat. With the terrible strength of the three realms of rules, we can see through the past and the future at a glance. Who can cheat?

Not to mention, once the Hunyuan yundao tree is transplanted, it can no longer be captured... In addition, the three realms of rules are extremely difficult to kill, and gradually, no one will break the rules.

"I see." Through Luo Xue's explanation, Jiang Ting understood that his mood was very rare and excited.

Although he doesn't know if he can successfully capture it in the hands of those people... However, if he has won it and tried it, he won't regret it.

Excited, Jiang Ting's mood became dignified: "I don't know what the world is like."

He didn't know what the world among the stars was like, and how to capture it.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting said, "is there any other news?"

Luo Xue pondered for a while and nodded gently: "yes, although it's very easy to lower her distraction and enter the world, for the sake of fairness, the number of people who enter is limited. Each strong person can only enter two people at most..."

There are two meanings for those two people. One is that the strong one in the three realms of the rule will lower his will and distract himself, and the other one will help him.

Or, the rule does not enter the three realms and controls the two pieces to come from the sky.

At the same time, in Luoxue's subsequent explanation, Jiang Ting learned that... It's not a short time since it was found here, and Luoxue doesn't know who it was.

I only know that according to the hidden rules, these strong people will wait here for three years. After three years, the strong people here will join hands to set up a ban, so that they can not enter here, and they will be isolated from everything.

Those who want to take part in the capture of Hunyuan yundao tree still have three years to go.

Also because of that explanation, Jiang Ting suddenly felt countless pity for the two rules of this place... Those two rules are just chess pieces.

According to the agreement, before they come to that world, their accomplishments will be discarded, some accomplishments and strength will be discarded, and then they will come to the lower world with their weak real bodies to help the three realms of the rule to capture the tree of Hunyuan yundao.

What they can get is not much. It can also be said that the remuneration is very rich.

Because their reward is that they can serve as servants or followers after the event, and follow the rules of the three realms... It sounds very beautiful, but in fact, if they come as real beings, once they die in the lower world, they are really dead!

To win one with one's life, a bright future.

After a while, Jiang Ting responded: "how can you find here?"

He asked, of course, Luoxue.

"I found it by accident when I was walking in the middle of nothingness. As for the news, I learned it from the carefree people who like to make friends," he replied

Jiang Ting's eyes slightly picked... Accidentally found out?

You know, before he didn't know the situation inside, even he didn't dare to come in rashly. Luoxue had a rule two territory, and he dared to come in when he saw the forbidden outside?

Moreover, although the carefree Taoist is only a separate person... But the essence of carefree Taoist is still a rule, three realms, and the best among them. How can he tell Luoxue so much information?

Lying? Or a part of it?

Jiang Ting is not sure, but he doesn't ask... He doesn't like to explore other people's secrets.

Curiosity is too much to live long.

Talking for a while, Jiang Ting quietly approached the stars: "the new world."

After approaching, he found that there are many prohibitions beyond the stars... There are those prohibitions, which ensure that no strong person can wipe the world situation among the stars without any sound.

There are too many prohibitions, and the atmosphere is very complicated. There are at least hundreds of rules and three realms left behind. No one knows whether the first strong one left behind is a human or a demon.

The carefree Taoist drifted close: "do you want to know the situation within the stars?"

"Do you know?" Jiang Ting immediately said with a smile, and at the same time, he called him as a Taoist.

The carefree Taoist denied: "I don't know. When the old Taoist came here, there were nearly a thousand disciples."

Jiang Ting thought deeply for a long time before he said: "the first person who found this place should know the general situation of the stars very well, right?"

"That's nature." Wuyou Taoist nodded and then laughed: "no matter which Taoist friend found this place, since he found it, it's not reasonable for him to take advantage of it."

Jiang Ting's eyes flashed and whispered, "why doesn't he monopolize it?"

What he didn't understand was that Hunyuan yundao tree was so important. Why did that person inform others?

If you don't inform... With the terrible strength of the rule three realms, even if the real body doesn't enter, it can send in countless people or demons outside the world. Why let the benefits out!

Carefree Taoist's eyes suddenly flashed, deeply watching Jiang ting.

After a long time, he pursed a smile: "don't you think the rest of your fellow Taoists are too weak... The reason why rules are rules is that all living beings abide by them. That's the rule. Unless one person oppresses the world, if not, no one will like it if the rules are broken."

Jiang Ting looks unchanged: "it's good if the news doesn't leak."

"It seems that Taoists don't know about Hunyuan yundao tree... No matter who took the thorn tree, no matter how weak the fluctuation is, it can't be concealed by the fellow Taoists wandering in nothingness."

Without waiting for an answer, the carefree Taoist said with inexplicable words: "moreover, if you escape here alone, you will set up a ban here... The fluctuation of the ban is enough to make the passers-by aware. If you don't ban, you can't hide the smell of the Hunyuan Taoist tree from us."

To put it simply... If there is a ban, it will arouse suspicion. If there is no ban, it will be found by the strong people passing by... Even if it is lucky that no one gets the Hunyuan yundao tree, the strong people outside will also find the fluctuation of the Hunyuan yundao tree when they take it out of the world.

For all these reasons... No matter who the creature is, it is the only choice to inform others to come.

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