Because there are many factors in the language of Wuyou Taoist, no matter who is found, they can only choose to inform others after they are found.

If not, we'll attack... With the number of strong people in the three realms at this moment, who can bear it?

"I see."

Jiang Ting nodded suddenly, then he was curious: "I've never seen a world suddenly evolve. What's the trick to find such a world?"

The carefree Taoist shook his head: "everything is due to the law. Moreover, the Hunyuan Taoist tree does not exist only in the new world...."

In Wuyou Taoist's explanation, Jiang tingcai learned that Hunyuan yundao tree is not exclusive to the new world.

At this point, we have to mention the essence of Hunyuan yundao tree... According to the carefree Taoist, Hunyuan yundao tree is actually a reward to the new world from the boundless nothingness and the origin world.

Yes, reward!

The transformation and upgrading of the world is very slow, but Hunyuan yundao tree will accelerate the transformation.

When there is a new world, nothingness and the origin will reward the lower world, condense the Hunyuan tree and come into the new world, that world.

And these people, seizing Hunyuan yundao tree, strictly speaking, is actually seizing the chance of the world.

For the world that was taken away, and the creatures in that world... They should be regarded as extraterritorial demons?

It's undermining the promotion and transformation of the world.

However, no one would care... To seize the emptiness of heaven and earth to perfect themselves. This is the right reason.

It is worth mentioning that it is not only in the new world that there will be a Hunyuan yundao tree... Some old world may also appear, but the probability of its emergence is very low.

Ten thousand old world, it is difficult to have old world, there will be Hunyuan yundao tree again.

The specific principle of worry free Taoist didn't say is that he didn't know or he didn't want to tell Jiang ting.

Even so, Jiang Ting still took sincere boxing: "thank you."

If not for the explanation of the carefree Taoist, he did not know many of them.

Wuyou Taoist waved his hand: "it's OK, but it's just some well-known news..."

At the end of the speech, he suddenly remembered something and said, "little friend, your breath is quite strange. I don't think you have entered the origin of Freemasonry yet?"

"The origin of Freemasonry?" Jiang Ting was surprised at the right time.

Worry free Taoist smile, no explanation, but slightly seal, give birth to a ray of light fluctuations.

Then Wu Youdao said: "little friend, if you follow this fluctuation and explore nothingness in the name of the origin of mutual aid, you will naturally know."

Jiang Ting heard the speech, pondered for a while, then nodded his head gently, and his mind spread. In the nothingness, he began to explore according to the four words of "origin, mutual aid" and the breath fluctuation in the hands of worry free Taoist.

As soon as he began to explore, he felt that his mind was pouring into a certain communication mark, and that communication mark was very special... Because he felt that there were nearly 4000 breath in that communication mark!

And one is one, all special. It's the fluctuation of three rules

Even Jiang Ting could not help but look up and say, "what is this?"

The carefree Taoist didn't give a positive answer, but chuckled: "it seems that Xiaoyou hasn't been to the technology world next to the origin world..."

"Science and technology world..." Jiang Ting's eyebrows were slightly picked. He was going to have a look before, but he was not free all the time.

"Lao Dao, I went to that world once."

After a pause, the carefree Taoist sighed: "although the creatures in that world are not as good as the ants, they have their own strong points. I refer to the communication in that world, and with the help of Nothingness as the carrier, I have expanded a group of communication... The reason why there are so many Tongdao here is that the one I found left the coordinates in it."

"I see." Jiang Ting nodded gently.

The mood becomes strange... Mass communication? He left a message in the imprint of his recent communication, which can be seen by all the other strong people, and any one of those strong people who left a message can also be seen here.

And after he had a general perception, he found that... He had seen the rule of the three realms, even can detect the breath in it.

Nianchenfan, Feiying, the three men Gu Yannan, or the man who is in the same position, no one dares to be in front of him, or even the empty cicada he just saw

All the three realms of rules he had seen could find corresponding breath fluctuations in the "origin of Freemasonry".

This worry free Taoist, did he not pull in all the rules of the origin world?

As if he knew what he was thinking, the carefree Taoist said with a smile: "Lao Dao loves to make friends all his life, because of the particularity of the origin of mutual aid. Although I dare not say that every one of his fellow Taoists is here, I think 90% of them are here."

Jiang Ting whispered, "I admire you."

No matter whether it's true or not that Wuyou Taoist said that he likes to make friends... But with the origin of Gongji, which has nearly four thousand rules, the Wuyou Taoist is not a simple role!

The carefree Taoist is quite modest: "little friend is over praised. It originated from mutual aid, but it's just a small way for the old Taoist to spread the news as soon as possible."

Jiang Ting laughs. He has no words, but he is attentive. Although he doesn't know his strength, his means are really powerful.

For example, the so-called Yuanyuan Gongji that he just added is obviously set up to let other people know the news of Hunyuan yundao tree. If one of them gets the news because of Yuanyuan Gongji, he also takes the Hunyuan yundao tree, isn't he in debt to the carefree Taoist?

For a long time... Who knows how many people and Demons owe the favor of the carefree Taoist?

Yes, people and Demons... There are about two thousand six hundred rules in the three realms, among which there are many demons!

It's really extraordinary to be able to bring so many strong people into it.

What else does the carefree Taoist need to say? Besides the ban, there are strong people coming in.

"An old friend is here. Excuse me." The carefree Taoist showed a little apology and then drifted towards the forbidden area.

Jiang Ting nodded slightly, looked at the forbidden stars, and then retreated to Luoxue's side.

Luo Xue smile: "how, I didn't cheat you."

"I have no doubt..." Jiang Ting responded with a smile.

Two people have a chat, at the same time Jiangting quietly look around, secretly thinking.

Hunyuan Yun daoshu's news seems to be right... What he's having a headache about now is, how can he capture it?

According to the information of Luoxue and Wuyou Taoist priest, it's not bad to send two flags to capture... However, Jiang Ting has never tried to enter. God knows how to capture?

There was no clue. If he found two people to go in, he would have failed.

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