When the hunter crossed the stone, he suddenly saw two wooden houses and a young man fighting there. There was an indescribable charm between them, just like an expert in the world.

Because of seeing the young man, the hunter suddenly regained his mind.

Leng in situ for a long time, just stammered: "God... Immortal?"

The young boxers didn't pay attention to the hunter. Instead, they fought on their own... The speed was still very slow, the charm was not reduced.

Seeing this, the hunter sat down on the ground and looked at the young man with full vision.

About a quarter of an hour later.

"Hoo..." with the sound of breathing, the young man's boxing stopped.

The young boxers are naturally Jiang ting.

Counting the time, it has been two years since he came to Wuxiang continent and decided to temporarily live in seclusion and watch the tide rise and fall.

In the past two years, he has been living in seclusion here, practicing his own unknown martial arts secret book... Unfortunately, there is no energy between heaven and earth for him to absorb, and the energy he cultivates can only be absorbed from his flesh and blood.

For two full years, his strength has not increased much.

At most, you can do it in one jump.

As for Su Jiu, he has been very busy these two years... He has to help Jiang Ting hunt in the forest, and he has also built a mountain stronghold on the other side of the river.

The mountain stronghold, called Qianqing stronghold, has gathered more than 200 people. In Su Jiu's words, the staff of Qianqing stronghold is the preliminary information of Jiangting. No matter how they are going to act in the future, the more than 200 people can barely help.

It is worth mentioning that Su Jiuzhi was formerly the master of the Tianhu mountains, and the level of the original world was not high, so he was able to train a little and manage a lot of things.

Not far away, the hunter stammered: "God... Immortal?"

Jiang Ting suddenly converged and turned to look at the hunter. His eyes became strange... Can the hunter enter here?

Although these two wooden houses are built along the river... In fact, there are arrays here.

There are many boulders in the upper and lower reaches of the wooden house, and he has set up an array through those boulders... Well, because of the world, the array is not very effective.

The only effect is that it can slightly confuse the sense of direction, so that people who pass by can pass through the wooden house without knowing anything about it.

Apart from that, there is no other effect... It is reasonable to say that wooden houses can be seen in the upstream and downstream, but in fact, because of the large number of residents, the location of them and the use of some vision dislocation, wooden houses can not be seen in other places except across the river.

As a result, this hunter can enter here through the array?

"I'm not an immortal. I'm just a hermit."

After a pause, Jiang Ting tilted his head slightly: "how did you get in?"

"An expert in the world?" Hunter showed some excitement, then bowed his head: "I just walk in... There is no natural barrier on both sides, is it difficult to come in?"

Maybe it's too much talk at one time, and Jiang Ting can smell a faint smell of wine.

Bumped in by mistake?

Jiang Ting can't help but feel dumb... In the past two years, except Su Jiu or the people Su Jiu brought, no one has been able to enter here. Unexpectedly, a hunter came in by accident after drinking.

If you think about it carefully, the array he set up is just a little array that takes effect by force with the help of many huge stones. It's not hard to imagine that he was accidentally broken at the end of the array

"Meeting is fate. You look like you haven't eaten yet?" Between the words, Jiang Ting went to the wooden house and took out some firewood.

Then in front of the cabin, he took a leg of the beast which was smoked and dried.

"Gululu..." the hunter seemed very hungry, and his throat kept surging.

Jiang Ting laughs. He is very skillful in making fire and barbecue.

Well, for two years, all he ate was barbecue. After all, he needed the energy of animal meat to practice martial arts... And Su Jiu is not here for the moment, but went to Qianqing village.

Soon, the smell of meat spread.

Jiang Ting quite skillfully tore off a large piece of meat, and then handed it out.

"Thank you very much, master." The hunter is very happy.

Then, under Jiang Ting's attention, the hunter, like a hungry ghost reincarnated, gobbled up.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting shook his head and whispered, "it's not noon yet. It should be a good time for hunting. How can you come to the river?"

The hunter is eating meat.

Half a day later, he showed his helplessness: "master, you don't know something. The other side of the river has been occupied by robbers. Now no one dares to go there... Alas, there used to be many animals in the mountain, but in the past two years, except for some small animals, the number of big ones has started to decrease rapidly..."

In a word, in the past two years, the number of animals and beasts in the mountains has decreased too much, and there are many hunting families around, so the life of hunters has become more and more difficult.

Jiang Ting smell speech, eyes rare show a little embarrassed... Animals disappear speed, very fast?

When you think about it, Jiang Ting suddenly has some insight... This mountain range is not too big, although according to his estimation, the mountain range spreads nearly 100 Li, and there are many animals and beasts living in the mountain range.

However, no amount of things can stand constant consumption.

Su Jiu often swims in the mountains. Every time he swims, he brings back a lot of animals... Well, I don't know whether Su Jiu is more and more used to his body at the moment, or whether it's because Su Jiu's blood pressure on animals in essence. Now when Su Jiu goes hunting, he doesn't need to do it himself. He just needs to sweep his eyes, and other animals will be obedient.

Then he followed Su Jiu back in line, and then killed himself in line, waiting for Jiang ting to eat.

Of course, only a small animal, a slightly larger beast, Su Jiu can't control, he will be killed on the spot.

And those hunters, even if they go into the mountains, dare not go into the depths of the mountains... Think about it, the speed of the reduction of peripheral animals is indeed faster.

Orion began to gobble up again: "what's the matter with you, master?"

"Nothing." Jiang Ting's shallow embarrassment disappeared.

Then he digged off the topic: "when you came here before, it seemed that the whole person was worried. What's the matter?"

When the hunter heard the words, his face suddenly became helpless: "an expert has lived in the mountains for a long time. I don't know... Alas, the world is more and more chaotic."

Jiang Ting's eyes are tiny.

Orion continued to explain: "before I went to the county, I heard the old people say that there was a rebellion in Jiangyuan County, and the rebels have occupied most of Jiangyuan County... In case the rebels fight, I don't know if I can survive..."

Jiang Ting's eyes flashed. He didn't say anything. He just quietly continued to treat the hunters and let them eat meat.

Seeing this, Orion doesn't stop. He suddenly turns into a "hungry ghost" and enjoys himself. From time to time, he talks with Jiang Ting about rumors from the outside world.

It took a long time for Orion to stop.

Even more, he felt his full stomach: "er... I'm full... Thank you for your hospitality."

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