When the hunter was full, he felt a little full and embarrassed.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting smiles and doesn't care. Instead, he whispers, "it's time for you to go back."

"Yes, master. I'm going." The hunter circled his head and left.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting didn't get up to say goodbye. He just looked at it quietly and saw that the hunter was away.

And after the hunter left, he suddenly thought of something, and quickly turned back... And then under the gaze of Jiang Ting, the hunter quickly passed through the boulder, but this time, the hunter failed to get out of the array!

Unknowingly, the hunter went through the cabin and reached the other side.

Looking at the river, the hunter showed confusion: "strange, how can't find the master?"

Then he returned, only to his disappointment that he had never been able to see Jiang Ting or find the wooden house.

"How can we not find... Is it a ghost... Ah, there is a ghost..." thinking of this, the hunter was shocked, his eyes showed a touch of panic, and quickly turned and ran away.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "it seems that I am worried too much."

Most of his previous communication with the hunter was just listening but not speaking. That's because the hunter was unconsciously not affected by the array, which made him a little confused... Now it seems that it was the hunter who was drunk before he was lucky not to be affected to see him.

Sort of, a lucky hunter.

A moment later, Jiang Ting walked slowly to the river, quietly looking at the reflection of the river... Maybe, it's time to get out of the mountain.

He has lived in seclusion for two years. Although he has not left here for the past two years, and even has been around the wooden house day and night, it does not mean that he has no knowledge of the outside news.

As far as he knows, since the arrival of extraterrestrial visitors, including him, two years ago, the whole Wuxiang continent has been in chaos... At the beginning, only some small countries were in chaos.

The small countries, as far as he knew, had very small territory, the smallest of which was almost a county.

The largest countries, represented by Zhao state, have a territory diameter of about a thousand li... And where he is, is governed by Zhao state.

The mountain behind him is the Jinning mountains, and not far away is Jinning town. He has never been to Jinning Town, but Su Jiu often goes there.

Zhao Guodu has begun to appear a large-scale rebellion... It's time for him to get out of the mountain. If he continues to delay, Hunyuan yundaoshu and he may not be able to get together.

There are only three counties in the state of Zhao... Most of the Jiangyuan county has been lost. In addition to some small-scale rebellions in other places, the state of Zhao has been swaying in the wind and rain.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting slowly closed his eyes: "but I'm not sure what a hunter knows. When Su Jiu comes back, ask if it's true..."


Soon, the sun will set on the west mountain.

"Step on step on step..." in the sound of not too big footsteps, Su Jiu in red clothes went through the maze and approached the wooden house.

Close to the cabin, Su Jiu saluted slightly: "young master."

"Not necessarily."

After a pause, Jiang Ting whispered, "what happened to Qianqing village? Is it different? "

"Don't worry, young master. Although I seldom go to Qianqing stronghold, Qianqing stronghold is firmly controlled by Han Zhuo."

Without waiting for an answer, Su Jiu said with a smile: "although I'm not good at training, Han Zhuo has studied. In addition, some of my suggestions... Although there are few people in Qianqing village, their strength is not low. If it is not for lack of supplies, they will not only keep the size of 200 people."

Jiang Ting hears the speech and nods... Han Zhuo, this person he has never met.

But he knows this man. According to Su Jiu, she met him once in the wild.

Su Jiu's beauty is well known... It's just a meeting. Han Zhuo is fascinated by Su Jiu, and then follows Su Jiu. Although Su Jiu was not short of hands at that time, she found that Han Zhuo's identity was not simple,

Later, I learned that Han Zhuo's identity did have some origins. He was a descendant of the Han family in Wuxi County. Because of some contradictions in his family, he ran away from home in a rage and wandered all over the world.

Han Zhuo is a talented person. After su Jiu learned about it, he gradually deepened his charm. Now Han Zhuo... Well, even if Su Jiu asked him to die immediately, he would not hesitate.

Jiang Ting moved a chair and sat down. He bent his fingers and knocked on the table: "200 people... Less people."

The table, of course, is a stone table, placed in the middle of the two wooden houses.

Su Jiu quickly bowed his head: "excuse me, young master. This is not a rich place. If we raise too many people, we can't keep up with the money. Unless we can occupy one side, we can have enough reserves."

At this point, we have to mention the income of Qianqing village... It's impossible for a village like a bandit to farm, but it can only rely on toll collection.

Fortunately, this kind of business is just like that in ancient times, when the aristocratic clan controlled the land business, even if they had collected tolls or robbed directly, Jiangting would not have any psychological burden.

"No problem. In this remote place, it's excellent to have 200 elite soldiers."

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting said again, "what happened to the rebellion in Jiangyuan county?"

Su Jiu thought for a while and shook his head: "it's not clear about the details. Before he sent someone to inquire about it, he only knew that Ke Yang had a sudden rise a year and a half ago, and suddenly attracted many people. He defected half a year ago, and now he has occupied most of Jiangyuan county."

After a pause, Su Jiu explained: "no one dares to talk about the rebellion. Even if I ask people to sneak into Yuwen county to inquire, I don't know much. If I inquire deliberately, I'm afraid there will be accidents."

Yuwen County, um, governs the county seat of Jinning town.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Ting got up slowly: "maybe we can get out of the mountain."

Su Jiu is a Zheng first, immediately the eye Mou reveals a little excitement: "now then come out of the mountain?"

"Not bad... How about the defense in Yuwen county? With the troops of Qianqing village, can we win Yuwen county? " Jiang Ting looks calm.

The reason why he chose to live in seclusion before... Was that he was worried that he would be targeted by all parties if he came out too early.

Nowadays, even the state of Zhao has such a big rebellion... Even if Zhao is a big country, the rebellion in other places is even more serious.

Now he is standing up and will not be noticed. As long as he is careful, he will be able to hold on to the final battle.

Su Jiu pondered for a while, but shook his head: "should not fight down."

"No way?" Jiang Ting's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "it's just a Yuwen County, how can it not fight down? According to the previous intelligence, the county soldiers are not strong. As long as we move fast enough, how can we not fight down? "

"Young master, this world is the world of the world's aristocrats."

At the end of the speech, Su Jiu said with a bitter smile: "the county soldiers are nothing. What is worth worrying about is that they are the powerful families in Yuwen county."

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