Facing Jiang Ting's inquiry, Su Jiu explained with a bitter smile.

"Aristocratic families..." Jiang Ting could not help thinking of the family he understood.

Well, the families in his memory are all aristocratic families of cultivation... He doesn't understand the aristocratic families of excessive mortal.

As if he knew what he was thinking, Su Jiu shook his head and explained: "young master, you don't know something. This world is all mortals... Those aristocratic families control both the force and the knowledge."

Jiang Ting did not speak.

Su Jiu thought for a moment and explained, "it's not a place of aristocratic families. It's only suitable for hunting as a hunter for a living, or to serve the aristocratic families..."

Soon, in Jiang Ting's explanation, Jiang Ting realized that this world, most importantly, is a family of aristocrats.

Ordinary people... Well, ordinary people, can't use force, can't read.

It sounds incredible, but it's true... Ordinary people can't even write their own names.

According to Su Jiu, only one of the 100 people in Yuwen county can read.

Among the 100 literate people, more than 50 must be from the aristocratic families.

As for the so-called poor students in this field, they are not ordinary people.

The meaning of "humble gate" is that our ancestors once had glory, but now they are dilapidated... This is the humble gate.

The rest are some rich businessmen or something... Pure ordinary people, who are not qualified to read words.

And the martial arts of this world... According to Jiang Ting's knowledge, the first force of this world was to use some herbs together with constant exercise to polish the strength.

It's said that you can achieve a maximum of 500 Jin per punch. The herbs needed to polish your strength are cheap. Poor people are not qualified to polish their strength.

Because of Su Jiu's words, Jiang Ting's situation of ordinary people in this field increased rapidly.

After a while in Jiangting, Su Jiucai said: "there are not many county soldiers in Yuwen County... But there are many powerful families in Yuwen County, and there are many guards among them. If we attack directly, many powerful families will join hands to resist. We have no logistics, and the number is too small to fight."

At the end of the speech, Su Jiu finally concluded: "even if we can fight down, our losses will be extremely heavy. We don't have enough strength to govern Yuwen county. If you want me to say, maybe we can attack the surrounding villages and towns first, expand our forces first, and then fight against Yuwen county."

Attacking villages and towns?

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "this method is difficult. Villages and towns have no walls to defend, and they will also disperse their manpower. When the time comes, Yuwen county will send troops, and our losses will be greater."

Su Jiu became hesitant: "that... Unless Qianqing village is allowed to plunder wantonly, constantly plunder the surrounding villages and towns, and greatly push out property and food, then we can expand our manpower."

Jiang Ting's brow suddenly wrinkled when he heard the speech... He didn't know, that's also a good way.

However, he is not a pure villain. He can't do anything to ordinary people... Although Qianqing village relies on robbing and collecting tolls, how can we say that if the aristocratic families deprive ordinary people, then he deprives the aristocratic families.

Ordinary people have worked hard enough in this world. If they still fight against them

Thinking for a while, Jiang Ting got up and said, "let's go to Qianqing village."

"Young master, are you going to Qianqing village?" Su Jiu became surprised.

She made Qianqing village, but Jiang Ting has never been there. It's not that she can't go, but in her opinion, Jiang Ting, as the creator of this terrible existence, should disdain to flow with bandits.

"Well, go to Qianqing village, and then find a way to take Yuwen County, take Yuwen County as a stronghold, and keep spreading."

After a pause, Jiang Ting's eyes narrowed slightly: "if you can win Yuwen County, the people in the county will be able to continuously expand the number of people. Now you've been looking for internal and external troubles. Ke Yangding is in front of you, and you don't have time to pay attention to us..."

"But how to win Yuwen county?" Su Jiu became puzzled.

Jiang Ting's eyes narrowed slightly: "it's going to be dark."

Su Jiu is more and more puzzled. He doesn't understand the relationship between taking Yuwen county and darkness.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting explained: "in the country of mortals, we need to sleep at night... We went to Qianqing village before and entered Yuwen County tomorrow. Then we opened the gate in the county, as long as we control the county government first..."

If it's someone else, he doesn't bother to explain... But Wuxiang mainland, next he needs Su Jiu's full help, so naturally he doesn't mind mentioning.

Although the truth is very simple... It's just that Su Jiu was not an ordinary person or even a human before. It's not surprising that he didn't know this.


Across the river, there is a mountain.

The mountains are grotesque, rugged and steep. It's easy to defend but hard to attack.

Qianqing village is on the top of the mountain. It is guarded by 200 people. It is almost impossible to break it without a thousand people.

There are many wooden buildings at the entrance of the stockade, and there are many patrolling minions outside.

Su Jiu, beautiful and full of charm, slowly approaches Qianqing village with Jiang ting.

Patrol people see the arrival of Su Jiu, do all bow: "two in charge."

Unlike ordinary bandits, these specially trained bandits are more like elite soldiers... And there is no noisy discussion.

Although they didn't know Jiang Ting, because of Su Jiu, no one asked anything.

Under Su Jiu's guidance, they walked through layers of sentries. Soon, they entered the deep part of the stockade... Because most of them were patrolling or defending, and had alternate rest. In fact, there were few people in the deepest part of the stockade.

Deep in the stockade, there is an open space.

There are many fires in the open space.

Deeper in the open space, there is a wooden house hall like a main hall.

Jiang ting and Su Jiu are sitting in the deep of the hall. Besides, there is no one here for the time being.

"Step on..."

With a rush of footsteps, a blue, handsome young man, with two minions, approached the hall.

When the young man saw Su Jiu, he was obsessed: "second in charge."

When I saw Jiang Ting, my eyes showed some confusion.

Su Jiu looked at the two minions: "you two go down first."

The minions saluted in a hurry and then left quickly.

Su Jiu introduced to the youth: "this is the great leader."

Then she looked at Jiang Ting: "he is the third leader, Han Zhuo."

Jiang Ting nodded slightly: "brother Han."

"Big brother." Han Zhuo's eyes return to normal and salute slightly.

Jiang Ting doesn't care... Han Zhuo is just obsessed with Su Jiu, and Su Jiu is not a control, just a constant charm, which engraves a brand in Han Zhuo's heart, so that Han Zhuo can give up everything for Su Jiu.

It's just... Well, should it be a psychological cue? It does not affect Han Zhuo's own thinking and thinking suggestion.

If Han Zhuo had not been obsessed with Su Jiu, Su Jiu would not have been able to achieve constant influence and suggestion.

Han Zhuo went into the deep hall and sat under Su Jiu.

After sitting down, he said: "brother, listen to the second sister, the top ten Dharma protectors in Qianqing village are all promoted by brother's Secret skills?"

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