When Jiang Ting heard Su Jiu's words, he was stunned at first, and then reacted... It's not Ke Yang's unwillingness to expand, but he can't, dare not!

It has just been said that in order to suppress the rebellion, the whole Jiangyuan County of Jinhu has been smashed into a pot of porridge... Six months ago, the state of Zhao had sent troops to suppress the rebellion, which lasted more than half a year.

After six months of fighting, Jiangyuan county has already been beaten to pieces, with countless lumens scattered throughout the county and countless families separated.

If Ke Yang dares to expand at this time, his foundation will be completely scrapped, his troops will not even get any food and grass, and mutiny on the spot is extremely possible.

Today, what Ke Yang needs to do is not to expand, but to stabilize the rear area, stabilize its foundation, restore the fields and other logistics... Even if Ke Yang wants to expand, he is powerless.

In addition, the world is already full of wars, so there must be a lot of people who can see this. The state of Zhao can even see that if the state of Zhao is willing, it is likely that it will reconvene its troops and take advantage of the situation to give Ke Yang a fatal blow.

Ke Yang's warning is to warn the state of Zhao, and the rest is to tell visitors like Jiang Ting not to disturb him. Whoever dares to disturb his base of hegemony, he dares to kill the enemy with his elite soldiers on the spot!

After all, it's true that his territory is suffering from great calamities, but his soldiers are also real elite soldiers!

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting looked at the sky: "Zhenyang King... How many soldiers does he have now?"

"Claiming to be 100000."

After a pause, Su Jiu showed some uncertainty: "it is said that although he has 100000 elite soldiers, because of the serious territorial disaster, only 30000 of those 100000 soldiers are still resident, and the other 70000 elite soldiers are temporarily demobilized to help the territory recover."

"It's the envy of the elite." Jiang Ting sighed.

Compared with other people, he is very angry... Ke Yang has a hundred thousand elite soldiers, but what about Jiang Ting? Now there are only 20000 soldiers in hand, and they are still a pile of useless soldiers. They can only survive in Wuxi County by training.

It's not a hundred battle elite soldiers fighting in the fire of war like the army under Ke Yang's hand!

The more he thought about it, the more annoyed Jiang Ting was... If the elite of Qianqing village had not been killed by nanliewei at the beginning, he would have been a general!

It was the generals Su Jiu had specially trained for him to fight for hegemony in the future. When he was outside, he was able to lead the army alone.

As a result, almost all of them died, leaving more than 30 people! If it wasn't for nanlie's attack, how could he lack talents to lead the army now!

The more he thinks, the more impatient Jiang Ting is.

Then, he shakes his head slightly and depresses his thoughts... The past is already a fact. It's useless to think more. Now he has no strength to encircle and suppress Ke Yang.

What he needs to think about now is... Take advantage of the situation!

Today, Ke Yang is in a grand position, and the natural danger of Wujiang is too great for Zhao to encircle, suppress and suppress... And the disgraced Zhao state will probably clean up his Jiang court next.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting said: "what's the situation over there in Chuanshan county?"

Zhao has three armed forces: Jiangyuan County, Chuanshan county and Wuxi County.

Jiangyuan County, backed by the natural danger of Wujiang.

Wuxi County, backed by the natural danger Jinning mountains.

Chuanshan County... Well, there's no natural danger.

Su Jiu thought for a moment and said, "the situation in Chuanshan county is still chaotic. It's said that there are bandits everywhere."

Jiang Ting frowned quietly when he heard the speech. He was sure that more than 80% of the bandits on the other side of Chuanshan county were probably from outside.

But it's Wuxi County... The whole Wuxi County, except Jiang Ting, no one has risen up?

In this way, once the state of Zhao regained his mind, he would ignore the bandits and turn to deal with him, the rebel who occupied the four counties.

And it won't be long for him.

Su Jiu said again: "young master, we can't get the news as fast as Zhao. Now Zhao says that he has already begun to negotiate to come to Wuxi County to suppress the rebellion."

Jiang Ting immediately snorted: "let's go ahead and leave 3000 soldiers and horses to guard the four counties. Let Gaiyi keep them ready and send troops everywhere. I will completely control the whole Wuxi County in the shortest time... Tomorrow, I will personally go to the barracks and ask them to send troops to the army!"

With the delay of the state of Zhao, it would not have been possible to suppress the army in two or three months. After all, the state of Zhao still has to suppress the border and regroup troops. For a while and a half, there is no way to put an end to the rebellion.

Although he doesn't have many people, he has enough.

Who let Wuxi County, there are not many soldiers? Who let the soldiers and horses go to Jiangyuan county to fight the rebellion!

As long as you win Wuxi County, the general situation will be achieved! Zhao state... At that time, the soldiers of Zhao state dared to come. He didn't mind learning from Ke Yang. He once killed the army of Zhao state, so that the royal family of Zhao state no longer had any soldiers in hand. He lived and died in name!


Min family.

Deep inside the house.

Min Yun in her courtyard room, lying in the window, looking at the sky with a touch of sadness, just like a bird in a cage.

Since she can remember, her activities have been limited to the Min family's inner house... In other words, before she got married, all the ladies in her family were not able to get out of the gate, just like the caged birds who yearned to fly freely in the vast sky.

"Miss..." with some rapid and light voice, her maid trotted all the way into the yard.

Min Yun took back his sight, and the sadness in his eyes dispersed: "what's the matter?"

"Happy, great." After the breathless voice finished, the maid came into the room.

Min Yun smell speech, after thinking for a while, reveal a touch of uncertainty: "day, set?"

"Yes, it's settled."

The maid nodded quickly, then showed some vision: "I just passed the master's study, the master asked me to tell the young lady that the wedding date has been agreed, in January."

Six months ago, Jiang Ting asked Su jiupairen to follow the six rites. No matter how tedious it was, it was almost the same for six months, and it was the last step to greet him personally.

Min Yun looked stunned: "so fast..."

"Quick?" With a whisper, the maid shook her head: "I'm not happy. I lost my uncle and delayed my life. I've been out of the cabinet for a long time


At the same time, the front hall of Min's family is a side room.

Min Hua and his two offspring min Wen and min Yang sit here quietly.

After a long time.

Min Huacai whispered: "I thought it would be quiet for a few months, but I didn't expect that there would be another war."

Then he looked at Min Wen again: "what happened this time is big."

Min Wengang wanted to speak, hesitated for a while, but still shook his head: "my father, military orders are like mountains in the army, I..."

"It's not convenient to say it."

Min Hua did not ask, but looked to minyang: "come back safely."

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