In the face of Min Wen's dilemma, min Hua does not ask, but tells min yang to return safely.

Well, half a year ago, only min Wen joined the army, but now it's not. There are not many people in the Min family. Even because Jiang Ting has no talent, they occupy a lot of small positions.

Just like min Yang, he is simple and honest and good at martial arts. In addition, Jiang Ting helped him to stab acupoints with silver needles and teach him martial arts. In the army, he is also inclined to the leader level at the top.

In addition to min's family, the families of three counties, including Sishui County, also provided a lot of talents for the army... Although Jiang Ting often lamented that his talents were not enough.

But in fact, he was not too short of talents for controlling the four families, just because he belonged to the four families and could not win the great trust of Jiang ting and Su Jiu, so he could not occupy a high position.

Looking at Min Yang again, he wound his head: "father, don't worry, I'm not alone. With my martial arts, as long as I'm not surrounded, who can kill me..."

Min Hua sighed: "it's a pity that your elder brother has not been able to teach martial arts. Your brother-in-law uses silver needles to stab acupoints to improve martial arts. If not, I would be more relieved."

Martial arts is not a secret now. The secret is that Jiang Ting uses silver needles to stab acupoints to improve his martial arts instantly.

Without Jiang Ting's means, even if other people learn martial arts, they can't lose their strength in a short period of time. At most, they can only improve their health... Moreover, those who can get martial arts are all soldiers who need to practice every day or take charge of other chores.

Where's the time to practice?

If you don't have time to practice, how can you improve your martial arts.

It can be called a cycle without solution.

The Min family of nuota, min Yang alone, has won the honor of Jiang Ting's personal skill enhancement with silver needles... The reason for this is min Yang's temperament.

After min Yang joined the army, Su Jiu found that Min Yang was simple and honest, and he didn't have much thought. If he was cultivated well, his loyalty could be guaranteed.

As for min Wen, although he was the first one to join the army in Min's family, it's a pity that Min Wen's mind is a little more, and Jiang Ting is not in charge, so Su Jiu doesn't trust him.

"Don't worry, my father. I've always been responsible for logistics. Now it's just a small fight. There's no danger."

After a pause, min Wen whispered: "it's my father... In my opinion, our uncle doesn't like to respect etiquette."

Min Hua's brow suddenly wrinkled... Min Wen mentioned this matter not once or twice, but he was scolded directly before, but now, the wedding date has been set, but at this juncture, the army is about to go out.

Although min Wen and min Yang didn't say anything, min Hua was not a fool. When he came back, min Wen said that Ke Yang of Jiangyuan county had become the king of Yang... He knew with his feet that Jiang Ting must be in a hurry. It didn't take long to order the army to go out and control the whole Wuxi County.

The wedding is coming, but the swords are everywhere. It's not beautiful!

Seeing this, min Wen's eyes flashed and murmured: "father, you should know that Su Jiu is the only one that my brother-in-law trusts now... Although Su Jiu has no official position, she is in charge of everything. If you go on, her sister can't fight her."

Min Hua was silent for a moment, shaking her head: "she can put everything in order, but your sister... Red makeup such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting is OK, martial..."

Min Wen hears the speech, opens his mouth, and finally sighs in his heart... He even has some helplessness in his heart. For the sake of Min's family, he doesn't like Su Jiu.

But I have to say that Su Jiu's ability is really extraordinary. Every time he stands in front of Su Jiu, he always feels that everything he thinks is clearly seen by Su Jiu.

The key is that Su Jiu keeps everything in order... In his opinion, Jiang Ting, the leader of the rebel army, is very irresponsible... But under Su Jiu's care, there is no trouble.

Even if Jiang Ting didn't care, Su Jiu used all kinds of tricks to let everyone know that the leader of the rebel army was Jiang Ting, not others.

What scares him most is that Su Jiu promotes people from other families by various means and divides the forces in the army into many groups. In addition, the top leaders of the army are Jiang Ting's diehard loyalists... There is no place to play tricks.


Min Yang looked at the two people who were worried and said, "what do you want to do so much? Compared with the other three families, the status of our min family is undoubtedly much higher."


The next day, the barracks.

Jiang Ting took advantage of the light of the early sun and entered the barracks in the center of the four counties.

In the barracks, many officers and generals stood under the high platform, and behind them were some ordinary soldiers.

Only Jiang ting and Su Jiu stood on the high platform.

High platform.

Jiang Ting looked at the dark crowd below and exhaled slowly... After training for half a year, it's time for them to see blood.

Wuxi County, a total of 12 counties, he occupied four counties, the remaining eight counties are still controlled by Zhao.

This time, he will win all eight counties at one time, and then gather forces to win Wuxi County. At that time, he will be king. Although his soldiers may not be able to beat Ke Yang, they have the strength to fight against each other.

What's more, compared with Ke Yang, there are not many wars in Wuxi County. He doesn't need to work hard to consolidate the rear.

If the speed of military expansion and training keeps up, his troops and combat power can even surpass Ke Yang!

In his mood, Jiang Ting spoke slowly: "not long ago, news came from Jiangyuan County..."

Well, all the fussy, high sounding, nonsense.

The general meaning is that in the final analysis, the defeat of the Zhao army in Jiangyuan county was caused by the unpopularity of the Zhao royal family, which brought about the chaos of the world.

But he Jiangting can't bear it any longer today, so he decided to protect himself and spread the army to take over the surrounding counties to give the world a bright future.

To put it simply, through many high sounding words, Jiang Ting declared positively that... He rebelled!

Although all the troops under his command know that they are the rebels of the state of Zhao, there was no direct rebellion before, but now... It has been announced.

Compared with the past, there is almost no difference, the only difference is the nominal difference?

About a quarter of an hour later.

Jiang Ting stopped his high sounding words and drank: "Gai Yi!"

"The end will be here!" Easy to cover the first three steps.

Jiang Ting turned his head slowly and drank softly: "I ask you to order 5000 soldiers to be generals and take Antang County... And other three counties. Do you have any objection?"

Gai Yi immediately drank: "I will obey you!"

Although he knew it before, he still couldn't stop his ecstasy when he was appointed by Jiang Ting himself... He used to be just a Dharma protector in Qianqing village. Now, he has been regarded as a smoker in his ancestral grave!

In a word, everything is a procedure. Although it is cumbersome, it is a necessary step to enhance the morale of the army.

Jiang Ting's face was expressionless: "order troops!"

Gai Yi first saluted, then turned around: "minyang out!"

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