In the face of Min Hua's inquiry, Jiang Ting first denied it, and then directly explained that... He needed to move some min family children to the imperial capital.

Hearing the speech, min Hua pondered a little for a while and then said, "although the foundation of Min family is in Yuwen County, min family is in the county city, but there are some details. It's not difficult to move all min family into the county city."

Move the whole family?

But at that moment, Jiang Ting shook his head: "this method is not feasible. Yuwen county is the place where I started. Although I don't think I will fail, I say I will fail before I win. To support a family to control again is always closer to me than min family."

Seeing this, min Hua thought for a while and then asked, "in this case, what are the requirements of the migrated children?"


About half an hour later.

Min Hua and Jiang Ting talked for about half an hour before they finished.

Then min Hua turns around and leaves in a hurry... He's going to move half of the Min family to the county town, not now, of course.

According to Jiang Ting's instructions, after Jiang Ting first laid down the county city and then stabilized it, the part of the Min family began to move.

Then it happened that Jiang Ting was crowned king, and the Min family just entered the county city to expand their foundation when many aristocratic families in the county city were cleaned.

Before the aristocratic family was cleaned, it was not convenient for the people of Min family to go to the county town... Because Jiang Ting wanted to clean the aristocratic family of County town, and some aristocratic families of County town had some friendship with min family.

Maybe not, but it is.

If the Min family enters the county ahead of time, it will cause some unexpected obstacles to Jiangting's cleaning action. In order to avoid trouble, Jiangting will strangle the trouble at the source first.

Looking at Min Hua's back, Jiang Ting whispered: "Min family..."

This time he had a long talk with min Hua. He suddenly remembered that many of Min's children had died in the past six months. If he remembers correctly, nearly 20 of Min's children had been killed in the past six months.

The charges are almost the same. Anyway, it's all because of harming people's lives, or it may be that more and more people die. Some people who have problems with the style of the Min family are now under house arrest by the Min family. Those who act outside are all innocent people.

Of course, looking back now, it's not that Jiang Ting feels sorry... Since he came to Wuxiang mainland, although few people committed suicide, in fact, many people died because of his law.

At the moment, he was just thinking. Maybe he should be closer to the Min family.

He doesn't have time to cultivate talents. What he has to do is to compete with the rest of the world. Now Wuxi County may not be able to see it, but when the territory expands again, he will need a lot of talents to put him in charge of all directions.

After all, counties, villages and towns need to be managed by people, and these people, he has no time to cultivate, he can only choose from his family.

Now the sphere of influence is too small, and we can't see any regret under the iron and steel suppression, but what about in the future?

As the saying goes, Tiangao emperor is far away... When the territory becomes wider, if those suppressed aristocratic families are bent on doing evil, how can they stabilize the rear for him to invade the world!

To relax the restrictions on Min family from the perspective of law?

In a moment of reflection, Jiang Ting shook his head directly... Military law, military discipline, and local laws are the foundation of his territorial stability. Except for some minor mistakes, others, such as those involving the innocence of human life, can not be relaxed.

So, how to show closeness?

After thinking a little, Jiang Ting looked in the direction of the county city which was far away... He would be king when he went to the county city this time.

Ponder for a while, Jiang Ting mouth up, in the heart, has made up his mind.

"My husband." The sound of a nightingale sounded outside the yard.

Jiang Ting instantly turns back and looks up. It's just that Min Yun and his maid like to stand outside the yard. There's a touch of sadness hidden in his eyes.

Why worry, and why worry?

Jiang Ting's wisdom and thinking in this world, except for the existence of the three realms of the same place rule, almost no one can match... He also knows why min Yun is so.

The reason is also very simple. He has no feelings for min Yun, that's all.

Between the thoughts, Jiang Ting felt a little pity in his heart, but his face didn't change: "what's the matter?"

"I don't know... When will I come back when I go to the county town this time?" Min Yun's face was full of concern, and his smile was quite soothing.

Jiang Ting thought hard for a while, then whispered: "if there is no accident, we should not come back in three or two years."

He and min family's Union, everyone is happy, all get great benefits... In the early stage, with the help of Min family's Li Liang, he quickly stabilized Yuwen County, but also quickly took control of Yuwen county.

And the Min family, because of him, will rise at an extremely terrible speed.

The only one who is pitiful is probably min Yun... He Jiangting is not Qin Liang as min family thinks. If he is very free, he doesn't mind playing in the ghost world like he used to. It's OK to stay in the end and even give him a lifetime of warmth.

Unfortunately, in this world, he is very busy!

On the other side.

Hearing Jiang Ting's answer, min Yun's look was slightly stiff.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting laughs: "when the county is stable, you and Min's children will go to the county."

"That's good, that's good." Min Yun's face relaxed instantly.

Jiang Ting looks at his nominal wife and shakes his head without any trace... He wants to ignore it, but he is not a vicious person after all. He also has his own code of conduct.

If you have spare time, it's OK to play three parts... After all, she's just a poor man. After all, she's the one he married in this world. She's the one who carried the big sedan into Jiangfu.

Think of here, Jiang Ting slowly close to a little: "between the eyebrows is full of heart worry, but there are people disrespectful?"

When speaking, Jiang Ting reaches out his hand and caresses min Yun's hair.

Min Yun feels the palm of Jiang Ting's hand and looks slightly stunned. She clearly feels that Jiang Ting has endless alienation from her, but at this moment, the alienation seems to disappear without a trace.

After a while, min Yun recovered and stammered: "no... No."

Cheeks, reddish.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting sighed in his heart, but his face was very gentle: "you know, now that the world is full of heroes, I have no time for love."

Words, like silk, go straight into the heart.

"Yes... I'm sorry, but I'm not well. I'm worried about my husband." Min Yun looks down at the ground, the whole person becomes uneasy, eyes slightly red.

Sometimes, moving a person is very simple, to meet a person is also very simple.

"What nonsense."

Between words, Jiang Ting let min Yunlan in his arms: "now the world is not flat, just within the territory of Zhao, there will be chaos everywhere, let alone the whole world, and I, do not want to mediocre life, more willing to stay in history, you will support me, right?"

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