Jiang Ting holds min Yun in his arms when he speaks, and his words are like silk in his heart.

"Well." Min Yun lies in Jiang Ting's arms and nods.

In fact, she can't understand the so-called four chaos in the world. She studied piano, chess, calligraphy and painting from primary school, and red makeup embroidery.

But... Although she didn't understand, it didn't prevent her from nodding. She was not big in Jiangting, but leaning in Jiangting's arms made her feel at ease.

Maid Xi Chun, I do not know when has been very witty to leave, stay in place, only Jiangting and minyun, no one to disturb.

We hugged each other for a long time.

Jiang Ting let go and looked at the sky: "look at the long sky, what's there?"

Min Yun with a little reluctant also open hands: "the sun, white clouds?"

"Yes, sun and cloud"

After a pause, Jiang Ting spoke slowly: "the sun is like a king, and the vast light shines on the world, while the clouds are like courtiers, and the white clouds are like upright officials. They assume the monarchy, and let the king raise all things with gentle sunlight, while the clouds are like traitors, covering the vast monarchy and playing with the people."

Min Yun looked slightly stunned.

Jiang Ting showed a little Indifference: "and I'm going to get rid of the clouds and see the blue sky, and clean up heaven and earth. In this way, it's not in vain to come to this world."

Min Yun leans on Jiang Ting's shoulder... She is not interested in these things. She prefers to lean on Jiang Ting forever.

All she knows about the chaos of the world is from the story books. As the only daughter of the Min family, she has seen countless shadows... For her, it is enough to have a lover in her life.

There is a lover who likes her and she also likes, that is, heaven and earth favor her.

Jiang Ting didn't pay attention. He thought about what he said. As a result, min Yun was not interested at all... Fortunately, Jiang Ting's brilliant and extraordinary people can understand.

Several times in a row, he didn't get much response. After glancing at it, he found that... Well, what he said just now is almost like playing the piano to a cow.

What min Yun likes should be the flowers before and after the moon, and even the wind, flowers and snow, rather than pointing out the world!

Having reached a conclusion, Jiang Ting thought for a moment and said softly, "now the world is not settled, and I can't be at home. But please feel relieved to wait for my king to come to the world, and let you be home all over the world..."


Zhao state, the capital of God.

Somewhere, alley.

"Two hot steamed buns, one copper one..."

"Come and have a look. Don't miss it when you pass by..."

"Sugar gourd, sugar gourd... A bunch of sugar gourd for a penny..."

Innumerable Hawking sounds come and go in the alleys, just like a vegetable market... Although it is not a vegetable market, there are many people who act as hawkers here because of its remote location.

Perhaps the only thing they have in common is that these people are all in coarse linen, obviously not rich families.

Deep in the alley.

A young man dressed in brocade and silk looked at the alley... And the pedestrians and hawkers in the alley. It must be that the young man was much more noble.

It doesn't fit in here.

Men Lengleng Leng look for a while, and then on the convergence of mood, raising their feet.

Because of the difference of clothes, pedestrians dare not get too close to each other, for fear of provoking some people who should not.

When the man left, the people here began to whisper.

"That dress is so strange."

"Yes, I've seen a lot of noble lords before. Their clothes are all tied with belts. As a result, the man's clothes are loose and almost to the ground."

"Keep your voice down. Maybe it's the special dress of the noble men recently?"

Though there were many voices, no one came near the young man.

The entrance of the alley.

The young man's step slightly, turned his head and looked behind him... Although many voices were very small, he heard them.

Looking at the moment, the young man didn't care. He stepped out of the alley.

Vaguely, I can hear a little murmur: "it seems that I put on the wrong clothes... No matter, go and have a look first..."


Soon, about half an hour later.

Young people have walked through many streets and alleys in Shendu, and heard countless rumors in the market. At least, the world is in chaos, the heroes are united, and even the troubles faced by the state of Zhao are known to young people.

Then, the youth came to the capital of God.

At the gate of the Imperial City, about thirty guards guard the gate with cold faces. They wear silver armor... Well, the armor here is only leather armor.

"Stop!" As soon as the youth approached, the guards looked up and drank coldly, and their voices were extremely cold.

No, they're not guards!

They were forbidden guards of Shendu and a special army of Zhao state. They were only used to guard the imperial city. The whole God was forbidden to guard 50000 people and hid in all directions of the Imperial City in non wartime.

If someone assassinates or revolts to force the palace or something, at most a quarter of an hour, fifty thousand gods can appear at any time. This is also the royal family of Zhao, which directly controls the army in the hands of the king, all wearing skin armor.

The armor and steel deck armor with extraordinary defensive power can not be equipped by any force, and not everyone can match the weight of armor and steel for a long time.

When they stopped, some of them took out their swords... The imperial city is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Even if the courtiers are not summoned, they will be arrested if they dare to break in without permission.

Not to mention, this young man is not a courtier at all... He doesn't even wear official clothes. It doesn't matter whether he is a courtier or not.

"The guard is very strict."

Whispered, the youth chuckled: "please tell me, down in the forest mountain, outsiders, surprised to hear that extraterritorial demons have come to the world, especially to visit the king of Zhao."

"Three breath does not roll, die!" All Shendu guards drew out their swords, and their faces were extremely cold.

No one will doubt that after three breath, they will definitely take action.

The man who claimed to be Lin Shan, looking at many gods, sighed: "it's really good to forbid... I don't want to do anything to you, so I'd better go and tell the king of Zhao personally."


Wuxi County, outside the county city.

At this time, Wuxi County was already in a state of panic, and the common people were still out of business. All the aristocratic families were thinking about moving.

However, five thousand soldiers and horses besieged the city in Jiangting... There are not many soldiers and horses. For Wuxi County, on the contrary, there are few five thousand soldiers and horses.

It's a pity that five thousand soldiers and horses can't be resisted by Wuxi County!

Because there is one county city and twelve counties in Wuxi County, and the county city is in the center of the twelve counties. Now, all the twelve counties are taken by Jiangting, leaving only one county city.

The road leading to the four directions of the county city has long been controlled by Jiang ting. The rest of the county city is just a lonely city, a lonely city that can never have any support.

Because Jiangting's soldiers have been besieging the city for nearly half a month... The whole county streets are extremely cold.

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