Because he had seen the jade slips in the hands of the man in black robe, he knew what the black fruit was in the valley.

Snake scale fruit likes Yin. It grows only in places where the sun is not shining all the year round, where the yin or humidity is heavy, and where a large number of snakes gather.

It will take 300 years to fully mature... The mature snake scale fruit is red in color and has huge efficacy. It is ineffective to take it above the eighth level of refining Qi.

The whole body is black, not even red at all. Obviously, it is still in its infancy. If you pick and take the snake scale fruit at this stage, it can also increase mana and help break through. However, the limit can only be effective for Level 3 of refining gas, and once you reach level 4 of refining gas, it will no longer have any effect.

Of course, the most important thing about this thing is alchemy. Only by Alchemy can it give full play to its efficacy, but now Jiangting is still far away from him.

Watching for a while, Jiang Ting clenched his fist slowly: "snake scale fruit, I'm going to make a decision."

If you can get the snake scale fruit, after swallowing it, he can't directly break through to the third level of refining!

But very soon, Jiang Ting's brow is tight again... He wants to get thousands of snakes. Ten lives are not enough. How can he get them?

If he has three levels of cultivation of refining Qi at the moment, it's not difficult for him to scare away the snakes by casting some magic, and it's easier to kill those boa constrictors who only have climate.

However, if he had the strength, how could he have such a desire for snake scale fruit?

Thinking for a while, Jiang Ting's eyes suddenly brightened... Although there are many snakes in snake Valley, most of them are ordinary snakes.

In the hands of ordinary people, there is snake powder... As long as he takes more snake powder, those ordinary snakes will surely flee!

Now the only thing to worry about is... If he wants to get a lot of snake powder, he must leave the mountain and even enter the county.

With the cultivation at this moment, it will take a long time to come back. In case someone else finds snake Valley

"I'm lucky to lose what I get." After a long silence, Jiang Ting silently wrote down here, and then turned and left.

Since entering the mountain, unless it's time to sleep, if not, his lightness skill has never stopped. He always ensures that he is as light as a swallow.


It took him half a month to enter the mountain and find snake Valley, but he left the mountain in only four days because he didn't need to search aimlessly.

Although the clothes are not worn out, the whole person is dusty.

A distant look at the direction of the mountain village, Jiangting did not close, but toward, memory Jiangning once said, the direction of the county quickly close.

It may be easier for him to get more snake repellent powder when he goes home. He doesn't even need to go into the county in person... But now he is only a 16-year-old boy. When he goes home, he just adds sadness.

If you really want to go back, you have to wait until you arrive at the construction site to think. Before that, there is no need to consider.

Although he has not been to the county, but in the light of the road, only two days, he saw a city, although his experience, the city is not insignificant.

However, compared with the mountain village, the city is magnificent. As for whether it is the county where Jiangning is located, he is not sure... Because he does not know the name of the county.

Of course, the big probability is the county where Jiangning lives... He comes from the direction of the mountain village. There should be and only one county nearby.

The city in front of him is called Changning County.

After a glance, Jiang Ting inserts the iron sword into the scabbard, then goes to the gate and directly enters the city... There is no one queuing up in the county, or even guarding at the gate.

"Come and have a look, just hit fox skin..."

"Bai Bo, Bai Bo, Bai Bo of three Wen Qian..."

"Steamed buns, hot steamed buns, one for one Wen..."

One after another, there was a lot of shouting.

Maybe it's because it's near the gate of the city. There are many peddlers in animal skins or coarse linen. Should they all come from nearby villages?

Jiang Ting also saw several captors, who should be attached to the official uniform, standing not far away to maintain order?

After looking at him for a while, Jiang Ting walked out towards the county town, looking at the wine shop, inn, rouge shop, blacksmith shop and other shops without any trace in his eyes.

After a while, he saw the drugstore.

Just ready to close, Jiang Ting's body suddenly a meal... He found a more serious problem.


He has no money!

There may be a lot of snake repellent powder in the drugstore, but it costs money, and he has no money!

In the mountains before, he didn't need to spend money. If he was hungry, he would just eat some prey.

Fur or something, he just threw it away. After all, he didn't have any treasure and useless things, so he would not carry them. As a result, now... If he brought fur, such as tiger skin or something, he might be able to sell it for money.

Does he need to waste time to make money?

However, he doesn't like to waste time. Snake Valley is in the mountains. Who knows if some immortal practitioner will see snake Valley by accident. The strong one may not like it. However, if there is a gas refining layer passing by, the rate of snake scale fruit will be gone.

Thinking for a while, the corner of Jiang Ting's mouth rose slightly: "it seems that we can only rob."

There's no time to make money, and he needs to drive snake powder... After thinking about it, he can only rob.

As for the target of robbery... He is going to rob a rich family or a member of the staff. Although he can also rob a drugstore, who knows if a drugstore has enough snake repellent powder?

Not to mention, in the future, maybe he still needs to buy some ordinary things and leave some money with him, which is always right.

After the decision, Jiang Ting began to wander around the county.


At night, the distribution of Changning County is recorded by Jiang ting. Where there are shops, and where they are, are all recorded in my mind.

Maybe it's because there are people who cultivate immortals in this world. Therefore, there is no curfew in the city. Even at night, the county is still very busy with people coming and going.

Jiang Ting is close to a relatively large mansion, and slowly walks to the back of the mansion, a deserted alley.

Sure no one was there, he jumped in.

Before long, he approached the deepest part of the mansion without disturbing anyone, and at the same time, he found a hat to wear somewhere.

With the cover of a hat, no one can see what he looks like.

Once again forward for a while, Jiangting close to an attic, eyes slightly squint: "the master of this family, it's in there."

Just now he knocked out several servants, and they told him happily that the owner of the mansion was enjoying himself in the attic.

Look around for a while, no one.

Jiang Ting took advantage of the night, leaped directly between the roof and the wall, and then jumped into the second floor of the attic.

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