Jiang Ting looked around for a while, leaped between the wall and the roof when there was no one, and jumped directly into the second floor of the attic.

"Master..." a sweet voice suddenly stopped.

Jiang Ting just saw that a fat man with fat head and big ears wearing Linluo silk looked at him. In his arms, there were some very naked Rouge powder?

Half a breath later, the fat man roared: "come on..."

Jiang Ting, with his feet a little bit, turned his mana and approached the fat man directly: "don't make a noise..."

The iron sword reached the fat man's neck silently. The fat man was in a cold sweat.

"Ah..." the rouge fan began to scream.

Jiang Ting's eyes showed three evil spirits: "looking for death."

But he didn't kill anyone. Instead, he beat the woman with his scabbard and knocked her unconscious.

The fat man swallowed his saliva, suppressed his fear and laughed: "good... Hero, everything is easy to discuss."

Jiang Ting is not anxious not slow mouth: "rob."

"As much as you want, I'll ask someone to get it." The fat man bowed his head from his heart.

"I don't want to kill people, so don't play tricks."

After that, Jiang Ting took back his sword and said, "just give me three hundred and five hundred taels of silver."

"Good... Good to say." The fat man looked at the sword in Jiang Ting's hand, and his cold sweat was even worse.

Looking back on Jiang Ting's terrible lightness skill, he had never heard of it.

Jiang Ting didn't think so much. His eyes narrowed slightly and his face was not good: "don't you let people withdraw money?"

"Go now, go now..."

The fat man quickly responded, and then roared: "steward Niu, take five hundred taels of silver for the master. Hurry up, don't dawdle!"

"Yes, sir." A response came from under the attic. The voice was quite old. It should be an old man.

The fat man didn't pay attention to it. Instead, he said, "wait a minute. He'll come with the silver."

Jiang Ting praised: "you are very smart."

The fat man was really smart. Even if Jiang Ting took back the sword, he didn't make a big noise, let alone disturb others.

Looking at the fat man again, he wiped the cold sweat on his forehead: "hero, I don't know who you are, and I don't want to know who you are

Jiang Ting said with a smile: "I just said that I don't want to kill people. If you are honest and have no reason, why should I kill you?"

"Thank you for sparing my life..." the fat man was still wiping the cold sweat on his forehead.

Jiang Ting is not making a sound either.

About a quarter of an hour later.

"Step, step..." with the rapid footsteps, a weak old man about 50 years old carrying a small box into the attic.

He saw the faint woman, Jiang ting with a bamboo hat, and the fat man with a cold sweat on his forehead. His face changed slightly.

However, the old man soon gathered his face, lowered his head and approached Jiang ting. He handed the small box to Jiang ting. At the same time, he opened the box. There were some gold and silver, and some pieces of silver. There was no sound on the way.

Looking at him, Jiang Ting was surprised: "do you know he had an accident?"

The old man whispered with a little bitterness: "just... Just now, the lady suddenly screamed, and the master urged the villain to bring the silver, so he guessed some."

"It's interesting that you didn't inform others." With a smile, Jiang Ting shook his head, then took the box and left directly.

Under the cover of the night, several ups and downs disappeared... He knew that the fat man who robbed would not be so simple. Otherwise, the housekeeper would not be so smart or even so calm.

But what does it have to do with him? Mortal enmity or some dark dirty just, as long as do not provoke him, he is not interested in meddling.

The old man suddenly raised his head, his eyes showed some light: "master, are you ok?"

"Nothing..." after a pause, the fat man's eyes narrowed slightly: "he robbed my master. I don't know where he came from."

The old man's eyes showed a chill: "do you want to send someone to follow? Although his lightness skill is good, it's not too brilliant. "

Fat man thought of Jiang Ting's approaching action just like lightning, and his mood suddenly became cold.

Then he quickly shook his head: "it's just a few hundred taels of silver. Don't make a fuss, as if nothing happened......"


At the same time.

Jiang Ting had left the mansion, mixed into the crowd with a small box, and walked towards the nearest medicine shop.

At the same time, his mood is somewhat helpless... His body is still too weak.

Light body skill, although it only needs one wisp of mana to cast, it doesn't mean that it can only use one wisp of mana. If Jiang Ting wants to, he can exert all four wisps of mana.

However, his body can't bear it... Although his body strength has increased a little, it's a pity that the improvement is very low. Even if he only uses two wisps of mana to cast light body, his body can't bear it... If he uses two wisps of mana to cast light body, it will be half an hour later.

He will definitely suffer from backache and need rest, and a wisp of mana exertion will hardly load him. Even if it does, it will recover under the operation of mana.

He wants to harden his body... However, can Xiuxian harden his body?

He didn't have the method of body hardening.

In his helpless, soon, close to the first medicine shop.

Jiang Ting also put all his thoughts down: "shopkeeper, buy some snake powder."

"How much do you want, my guest?" A middle-aged man dressed as a doctor responded gently.

Jiang Ting pondered for a while and said, "give me 20 jin."

"Two... Twenty Jin?"

That doctor Leng Leng, for a long time just open mouth: "you want so many drive snake powder to do?"

"Do you want to ask where to go when the store sells Jiang Ting's voice became unhappy.

"It's not..."

After a pause, the doctor shook his head: "to tell you the truth, although the snake repellent powder is not expensive, it's just not very useful. The store only has three Jin in total."

Jiang Ting did not blink: "all of them."

The doctor was silent for a while, nodded gently, got up and took out a wooden box. Then he found a larger paper and began to scoop a kind of yellow powder with a small spoon.

The smell is very pungent. Obviously, it should be snake repellent powder.


About half an hour later.

Jiangting appears at the gate of the county... The gate has been closed.

At the same time, his image has also changed greatly, with an obvious burden behind him... Inside, it's all snake repellent powder.

It took him about half an hour to visit most of the pharmacies in Changning County, where he swept more than 20 jin of snake powder. At the same time, he replaced an iron sword in a blacksmith's shop.

Compared with the iron sword he took from the village head's house before, although the iron sword was made of ordinary iron and copper, it was much stronger and sharper because it was forged many times.

He even bought dozens of sharp steel arrow feathers, which are much more lethal than his own.

It's a shot in the arm.

Looking at the closed gate, Jiang Ting didn't delay. The mana moved under his feet, jumped out of the gate, and then quickly approached the mountain.

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