Jiang Ting moves according to the direction of mana movement recorded on the jade slips. After about five breath, he stops and moves forward with his right hand.

The scorching heat rose in an instant, and a flame sword about one foot in size suddenly appeared, cutting straight ahead.


Jiang Ting clearly saw that where the flame sword passed, big trees and other things were cut off one after another, and the flame sword disappeared only after it had spread for nearly ten feet... Thanks to the swamp, if not, he would be suspected of setting fire to the mountain.

Compared with fireball, the power of flame sword is more introverted, and the penetrating power of wind blade is at least several times higher.

If he had practiced the fire cloud sword when he was entangled with the rat before... If the sword goes down, the rat will definitely be dismembered on the spot. Why entangle him!

But consumption... Consumption is also great.

According to the jade slips, the consumption of huoyun sword should be one third of the mana of the fourth level of refining gas, that is, 33% of the mana.

But Jiang Ting's sword just now consumed 40% of his mana!

It's actually very simple for Jiang ting to practice magic... Even if he seals his perception and everything, his memory still exists. I'm afraid no one in the world can match him for his familiarity with human body.

According to the plan, he will never fail to cast his magic... But this does not mean that Jiang Ting has mastered it completely.

The degree of thorough mastery is like fireball and wind blade. He can easily perform without watching the trajectory of his work. However, it took him more than five breath to gather the just huoyun sword.

When fighting, spend five breath time to gather magic... I'm afraid it's not long dead.

You know, once you start to cast a spell and the mana runs, the aura of the outside world will start to fluctuate... Which fool will sit and watch Jiang Ting cast?

According to the records on the jade slips, only when the mana is cut out by the fire cloud sword and the time is limited to one and a half breath, can it be regarded as a complete mastery, and the instant one needs cultivation.

The higher your accomplishments, the faster your mana will run.

Just like fireball and wind blade, although they have only improved one level of cultivation, Jiang Ting can clearly feel that compared with before, the time he used is almost 30% shorter!

After a moment's silence, Jiang Ting whispered: "it seems that we have to find a way to change the skill."

He felt that there was very little mana in his body... The pure amount of mana could not compare with other people, one was that he had just broken through, the other was that the skill was too common.

In his mind, Jiang Ting jumped on the branch and began to recover his mana... The fire cloud sword cost him about 40% of his mana. Next, he would continue to be familiar with the fire cloud sword and shorten the time to use it, so he would have to practice it constantly.


The sun rises and the moon falls.

In a flash, about ten days passed.

The edge of the swamp, near noon.

Jiang Ting, dressed in cloth, jumps between the branches of the marsh and reaches the edge of the marsh, breaking away from the environment of white fog everywhere in the marsh.

Beyond the swamp, it's not a dense forest or grassland, but a cliff, a deep cliff!

About 50 feet away from the cliff, there is a platform on the top of the mountain, which is connected by a fist sized iron rope.

After looking at it clearly, Jiang Ting focused his attention on the platform... The platform was obviously artificially opened, and now dozens of people gathered there.

One is one. They are all practitioners.

Because of the distance, I can't see the appearance clearly, and I can't hear what those people are saying. I can only see that because of the appearance of Jiangting, a small number of people look at Jiangting.

Most of the rest are sitting on the ground and closing their eyes. I don't know whether they are sleeping or practicing.

After observing clearly, Jiang Ting walks slowly to the edge of the cliff iron rope... What are the people on the opposite side doing?

Do you want to go?

At this point, I have to mention that although only ten days have passed, Jiang Ting has completely familiarized himself with the trajectories of huoyun sword. He does not need to memorize the trajectories of huoyun sword. He is also proficient in Sanxi.

There are many meridians involved in the magic. If something goes wrong, the meridians may go wrong. Even though Jiang Ting has four levels of refining Qi, he can't do it. After seeing it, he will never forget it... Compared with ordinary people, his memory is only improved a lot

Therefore, even if he thought that he would not make mistakes, he would be cautious in the early stage of practice, constantly referring to the track of the jade slips... Now, there is no need to watch the jade slips, so he would never make mistakes, which is a great progress.

If it wasn't for the huge consumption of huoyun sword, he would be confident to shorten the time to two breath, or to master it thoroughly.

Many thoughts flash away, Jiang Ting will mind down, concentrate on looking at the iron rope in front of him.

Soon, he did not hesitate... He came here to see what this so-called gathering place meant. Since he came, why did he retreat?

Therefore, light body skill, with a light body, will jump directly into the iron rope, and constantly rise and fall on the iron rope.

Just twenty minutes later, Jiang Ting crossed the fifty foot iron rope and reached the high platform.

That part of the people who were watching him looked slightly stunned.

"Doesn't this man know to be afraid?"

"No, when I come here, I come slowly step by step for fear of falling down."

"He should have practiced..."

There are groups of whispers, one after another.

A man and a woman who had met before were also on the stage.

Aware of Jiang Ting's sight, the man nodded slightly to show a little smile, while the woman nodded slightly to show that she had seen him.

After scanning around, Jiang Ting went to an open space on the high platform and sat down... What does this place do?

He's going to have a look first, and then try to find a formula.

About a quarter of an hour later, at noon.

An escape light suddenly in the depths of the mountain, with a very fast speed towards here.

The people sitting here all got up.

"At last."

"Zishuang gate is a holy land of immortals. From now on, I am also a disciple of zishuang gate..."

"Just you? Come on, you're 27 years old. It's easy to accept apprentices this time, but I've heard that those over 25 can't go in at all. "

In the disordered sound, the light is getting closer and closer.

Purple frost gate? Disciple?

Jiang Ting's eyebrows quietly pick, he accidentally also ran to participate in the meeting called purple frost door? I just don't know what's the difference between those sects in the immortal world and those in the endless God realm.

Of course, even if there is a difference, it's hard for him to know... He never entered the sect in the endless divine realm. Although he had a lot to do with the magic Moon Palace in the later period, it was only because of Chai Ying.

After about half a pillar of incense, the light came down quietly with the roaring wind. The light dispersed, revealing a middle-aged man dressed as a Taoist and stepping on a huge sword.

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