Among the many discussions, about half the time of incense, dun Guang approached the high platform, and a middle-aged man who stepped on the huge sword and dressed as a Taoist appeared.

"I've met the elder..." everyone here saluted one after another.

Jiang Ting naturally goes with the tide.

"No need to be polite."

Voice falls, the middle-aged man then opens his mouth: "five properties of the waste and the bone age of over 25, leave on their own."

The voice is cold and emotionless.

Everyone here looks at each other... But no one leaves.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man's eyes flashed: "if you don't take the chance, you don't have to go."

"Ah..." with a exclamation, a streamer flashed, and seven people in the high platform were hit by the streamer.

And then the seven people, directly out of the high platform... Fell off the cliff!

The middle-aged Taoist then hummed coldly: "you are lucky to survive."

The sun family bowed their heads and was silent.

The middle-aged Taoist glanced at him, and his voice remained indifferent: "today, I will teach you the first lesson of cultivating immortals. In the face of those who are more accomplished than you, you should understand how to be awed."

Shivering countless, still silent.

Jiang Ting didn't make a sound, but his mood sank quietly... Although in the cultivation world, people's lives are like weeds, but it's so cruel before he entered the sect. Didn't he enter the sect of some evil way?

Although he doesn't care about the difference between the orthodox and the evil, even the so-called orthodox sect may be more filthy... It's just that the orthodox and the orthodox always pay attention to a decent one, and it's much safer to enter the orthodox sect.

The purple frost door... But now, the middle-aged Taoist has arrived, I'm afraid it's too late to leave.

He didn't know the realm of the middle-aged Taoist, but it was definitely not the realm of refining Qi, and the coercion was proof.

While Jiang Ting was thinking, the middle-aged Taoist waved his hand gently, and a boat about the size of a palm appeared and rose in the wind.

But in a short time, the boat turned into a big boat, half a foot away from the cliff sky.

"Get on the boat." The sword under the middle-aged Taoist disappeared, and he also jumped to the deck of the spaceship... No, it should be a flying boat.

The middle-aged Taoist who stands with a negative hand has no change in his eyes, and no change in his voice.

All the people here glanced at each other and began to jump towards the boat one by one.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting pondered for a while and said, "master."

The middle-aged Taoist looked at Jiang Ting... The others all stopped, their faces showing schadenfreude.

It seems that he is mocking Jiang ting for not respecting the middle-aged Taoist who is obviously not easy to provoke.

Jiang Ting looked the same, and his face showed three points of respect: "master, although the younger generation has begun to practice, they don't know their own intelligence."

I'm kidding... It's inevitable that he's poor in cultivation. If he happens to belong to what the middle-aged Taoist said, he's a waste of five talents. If he really gets on the boat, he'll die!

"Don't know your qualifications?" The middle-aged Taoist's eyes showed three points of surprise.

"The elder and the younger will start to practice, but they just got a skill by accident and have not tested their qualifications." Jiang Ting's face became more and more respectful... He was serious about acting.

The middle-aged Taoist didn't say anything. He threw a transparent ball of unknown material the size of his fist.

The middle-aged Taoist's strength is obviously not low, if not, he can't control the ball.

Jiang Ting took the ball and showed three points of confusion at the right time: "master, what is this?"

The middle-aged Taoist's face became indifferent again: "input the mana in your body, you can test your qualification."

"All right, master." Jiang Ting nodded, touched the ball with his palm, and the mana worked.

After half a breath.

There are red, green and yellow, a total of three lights.

The middle-aged Taoist nodded at the right time: "fire, wood, gold three attributes of qualifications, you can get started... Others, who don't know their own qualifications, immediately explore by themselves, don't waste time."

"Thank you, master." Jiang Ting thanks again, and then jumps into the boat with both feet.

The three kinds of qualifications are not superior or inferior. They should be very common.

The others began to jump towards the boat again, and six of them approached the ball.

After that, a lot of brilliance appeared.

Then... Then Jiang Ting found that his talent of three talents was not the bottom!

Five of the six test qualifications are four attribute qualification spirits, one is the same as him, but also three attribute qualification spirits... As for the single attribute and dual attribute qualification spirits, none of them.

At the end of the test, all entered the boat.

The middle-aged Taoist shakes his head without any trace and takes back the ball... The boat shakes slightly, then cuts through the sky and flies towards the deep mountain. There are translucent covers covering the boat.

Obviously, without the cover, the people on the boat would not be able to stand in the boat. Five out of ten would be blown down by the strong wind.

The speed is faster than that of Jiang ting.

And because those people who had been thrown off the cliff before, all of them did not dare to speak when they looked at the middle-aged Taoist.


This flight lasted three days.

Three days later.

The speed of the boat suddenly began to slow down, and it fell rapidly towards the ground.

With the approach to the ground, Jiangting and the people on the boat could clearly see that the place where the boat landed was surrounded by mountains and formed a small plain inside.

The mountains are shrouded in clouds. Through the clouds, you can see many magnificent buildings with extraordinary style.

Before Jiang Ting could see it clearly, the boat suddenly plummeted. Instead of going deep, it fell on a plain outside... There were a lot of fences and yards, scattered over a large area.

The place where the boat fell was an open space, where two people in blue Taoist robes were waiting, and there was a wooden table in front of them.

On the wooden table, there are many sachets?

Most of those sachets are gray, and a few are green and red.

When the boat came down, the two men quickly saluted: "I've seen elder Yu."

"It's up to you." With a wave of his hand, the middle-aged Taoist turned the boat into a palm sized boat and returned to his hands. Then he walked with his sword and flew away.

With a respectful look, they watched the middle-aged Taoist leave.

When the figure of the Taoist disappeared, they glanced at each other.

Then one of them said with no expression: "you younger martial brothers, one by one, take it by yourself."

The others glanced at each other, scrambling to get closer to the wooden table.

Jiang Ting's eyebrows and Yu's tiny pick... The apprentice of this clan has a real personality. He has almost nothing in common with the clan he knows, and even has no assessment.

Normally speaking, when a teacher comes to the sect, isn't it a test first?

Is the style of zishuangmen unique in the world?

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