Jiang Ting noticed the appearance of the hill and began to fight back without hesitation... A series of actions ended, less than a tenth of a breath.

Then Jiang Ting ignored the hill and rushed to the distance

With the blessing of the fast running rune, the speed of Jiang Ting soared, and in just one breath, he crossed over five feet.

"Boom..." Jiaolong and Xiaoshan collide with each other, and countless ripples spread rapidly... Xuanlong gun and Xiaoshan are fighting.

Qi Hong cold drink: "stop him!"

The black Python leaned forward and bit at Jiang ting.

Jiang Ting looks unchanged, leaping up, just to avoid the Python's attack, not to mention, but also jumped to the Python's head.

"Huhu..." the boa constrictor's reaction was also very fast, and his tail rolled backward toward the river court.

However, after Jiang Ting fell on the Python's head, he didn't want to fight back at all. He jumped on the spot again... Even if the python fought back, it was too late to hit him.

After counting the interest.

Jiangting several ups and downs, forced to open more than 20 Zhang distance, ran out of the range of the hill... Xuanlong gun, still fighting with the hill.

However, the trembling body of Xuanlong gun is obviously telling that... Its strength is about to run out.

It's not that the Xuanlong spear is not as powerful as Xiaoshan, but the emphasis of the two is different... Xiaoshan carries a powerful force to suppress from the sky, while the Xuanlong spear focuses on penetration.

Therefore, under the battle, Xuanlong gun appears to be invincible.

"Sisi..." two boa constrictors are chasing Jiangting.

Jiang Ting glanced coldly and waved his hand. The Xuanlong spear turned into a shadow and flew back quickly. The unrestricted Hill fell down in an instant.

"Boom..." the muddy ground began to shake wildly.

"Sisi..." the two monsters began to roar.

Fortunately, the black Python broke away from the range of the hill... Unfortunately, the blue Python was not able to run out of the range of the hill because it was chasing from another direction, and was directly hit by the hill.

Although he was not dead, he was beaten to pieces by Xiaoshan. He was bloodstained... Not far from death.

Black Python's eyes became angry: "Sisi..."

Qi Hong's eyes narrowed: "some of them really look down on you."

Fingers gently, dying blue Python into streamer back to a bag between Qi Hong's waist... It's not a storage bag, it should be a spirit beast bag.

Spirit beast bag, can't put dead things, can only put monster, live monster.

Jiang Ting's eyes were cold: "there is only one worm left. Why do you fight with me?"

Eight blades flying towards the black python.

Qi Hong is more difficult to kill... Then, he will kill Qi Hong's spirit beast first. No matter how many means Qi Hong has, as a disciple of demon refining Pavilion, losing spirit beast is tantamount to breaking his arms and greatly reducing the threat.

"Sisi..." maybe seeing the difficulty of Jiangting, the black boa suddenly retreated and gave up the confrontation with Jiangting.

"Huhu..." the speed of the blade soared, while the remaining two blades aimed at Qi Hong to prevent accidents.

Seeing this, Qi Hong stood in the same place and bent his fingers.

A ball of light separated... But suddenly, the ball of light into eight, with faster speed toward the blade.

"Bang, bang, Bang..." the dull sound continued, and the light ball and the sub blade collided together.

Although the light ball was all broken by the sub blade, the sub blade was also hit by the light ball and lost the power to attack the black python.

"Sisi..." the black boa swims back to Qi Hong and puts Qi Hong on his head. The snake starts to be on guard.

When Jiang Ting saw this, his face suddenly sank... Qi Hong was totally different from the two disciples of the waste demon refining Pavilion he met before. Even when he was driving the monster, he could cast his magic at will.

Not to mention, Qi Hong may have other Assassin's mace, Fu and Zhuan.

The longer the battle goes on, the more trouble it will be.

We have to make a quick decision.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting's face became cold.

It's just because of Xiaoshan that the distance between the two is more than twenty-five feet... Such a long distance, he has no means to kill Qi Hong by surprise.

Not to mention, Qi Hong is also very fast!

It seems that we have to use our cards... In our mood, Jiang Ting is close to Qi Hong, so that we can use the magic and weapons more easily.

On the other side.

Qi Hong took a look at Jiang ting and squatted down on the Python's head. At the same time, he bit his index finger.

"Tick... Tick..." the blood dripped into the Python's mouth.

Three drops of blood.

Qi Hong got up, and a big flag close to one person's height was put on the ground by him.

Black Python close to the python, the body will be the flag winding... Black fog began to spread, boiling.

By this time, the distance between the two has become only ten feet.

Qi Hong suddenly began to laugh like a nervous man: "are you in such a hurry to die?"

The big flag trembles... The black fog is a snake half a foot in size.

Only half a minute later, at least ten boa constrictors appeared and rushed towards Jiangting.

At a glance, Jiang Ting was sure that there were too many snakes to hide.

"I really look down on you. I can't kill you without paying for it." Jiang Ting's step is a meal.

With a bang, he took out the shield and hit it on the ground.

The mana is boiling... Through the projection of mana, the big shield draws a huge unreal shield of three feet in size.

"BAM, BAM, BAM..." the smoke snake hit the illusory shield and turned into black smoke.

However, more black fog snakes are still coming.

A series of counter shocks entered Jiang Ting's body through the big shield, which only caused his five internal organs to begin to move... Even if there was a big shield defense, wouldn't he have been beaten to death now without the big shield?

Magic... Advanced magic.

Jiang Ting suddenly gave birth to innumerable urgency to the advanced magic... Although the magic weapon is convenient, there is no slow time to attack, but compared with the advanced magic, it is still a little worse after all.

Heart read so, Jiang Ting's action is not slow, bite bite, stretch out the right hand.

The magic power of the left hand is diffuse, and the fingertip cuts through the index finger of the right hand, and the blood flies.

Then, Jiang Ting waved with a touch of coldness.

Suddenly... The blade beside him began to tremble.

A total of 18 blades, stopped flying, just trembling in the air.

At the same time, Jiang Ting's right hand holds a throwing knife... It's one of the serial letter blades, twice as big, female blade!

Blood along the index finger, the mother blade dyed red, arc, also become a little dazzling.

Qi Hong's face suddenly changed: "such a large number of serial magic weapons are forcibly stimulated by blood..."

"Hiss..." the smoky snakes that were still attacking suddenly stopped their attack. One of them was counted as one. They all stayed around the flag, as if they were preparing to form a snake wall for defense.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting suddenly waved back the shield and said with a little pale face: "as the saying goes, once the power is triggered, the best intermediate weapon in the set can catch up with the advanced weapon... Jiang really wants to know what the power of the advanced weapon is."

When the words fell, Jiang Ting waved his hand and the blade flew into the air.

The remaining blades tremble slightly, and then fly again... Around the female blade!

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