After Jiang Ting threw the bloody blade into the air, eighteen blades began to fly around the blade, and the arc was very bright... If mortals were watching here, the light of the solitary light could pierce the eyes of mortals!

Qi Hong slightly clenched his teeth: "I really underestimate you."

Between the words, the black Python at Qi Hong's feet turned into black light and returned to his storage bag. The black flag disappeared... The smoke snakes that had not disappeared rushed towards the female blade.

Jiang Ting's mind turned, and three of the blades turned into streamers.

"Puff, puff, puff", the smoke snakes were defeated by the blade before they could get close to the blade.

And the speed of the sub blade is at least twice as fast as that when the mother blade is not used... And its power is at least doubled, which is terrible.

Qi Hong didn't care... Or in other words, he didn't think that smoke snake could be the serial son mother blade that had been fully urged!

In his hands, there was a golden bell about the size of a palm, and three silver seal characters.

Even if the Fu Zhuan has not been stimulated yet... Through the lines, Jiang Ting also recognized that it is defensive Fu Zhuan. Once it is activated, it can form a layer of magic gauze. Even if it is nine layers of refining Qi, it can be broken by at least two blows.

A layer of gauze clothes is still like this, but in Qi Hong's hand, there are three.

Not to mention, it is the golden bell of defense weapon.

Jiang Ting, who has not been attacked, has a slight puff from the corner of his mouth... Is this the tortoise shell?

If he could, he would prefer to coagulate instead of hair... But this is not possible.

Although he can force the eighteen blade and the most important female blade, he can't keep it for a long time. If he delays, his mana will be exhausted first.

Therefore, without hesitation, Jiang Ting's mind moved. The female blade rushed to Qi Hong first, and the 18 sub blades followed him. However, the sub blades did not fly in a straight line, but in a curved arc.

When Qi Hong saw this, his face suddenly became extremely ugly... The 18 blades flying in an arc, with such a fast speed... He could not escape no matter how hard he tried.

Moreover, if he evades, his mind will inevitably be distracted, unable to exert all the power of his defense weapon... It's better to stand in the same place and resist.

Not everyone, like Jiang Ting, can evade many non lock in attacks by relying solely on his eyesight and reaction.

"If you can't kill me, you'll die." With a low roar, Qi Hong's mana burst out.

"Dong..." accompanied by a bell, the palm size of the golden bell instantly enlarged into a translucent golden bell, which enveloped Qi Hong.

At the same time, three runes and seal characters burn at the same time... Three layers of mana Shayi emerge.

Jiang Ting could not help doubting that all the golden bells that he had seen in the past were based on Qi Hong's golden bells?

Ding, the mother blade hits the golden bell.

"Ding Ding..." the sound of the combination of gold and iron bloomed, and eighteen blades also hit the golden bell.

Even if it can't break the Golden Bell... However, the translucent golden bell has become potholes.

Qi Hong, who was defended in the golden bell, suddenly burst a layer of magic gauze on his body.

It's not that the duration of Shayi is up, but... Although Jiangting's attacks are all blocked by Jinzhong, some of its powers and anti shock are shocked into Qihong's body through Jinzhong.

Qi Hong's mana gauze on his body also burst because it resisted the anti shock.

Look at Qi Hong again.

Qi Hong was not afraid, but sneered: "I still have two layers of gauze, which are made of the Fu and Zhuan characters. How many times can you attack?"

"If you didn't have Fu Zhuan, you would be dead now."

Voice falls, Jiang Ting hands suddenly close: "and this move, enough to cut you!"

A trace of blood spread along the corner of Jiangting's mouth.

"Buzz..." the serial blade began to tremble in the air.

In a moment, the eighteen blades moved closer to the female blade and closed together.

join tightly!

It's a huge sword!

Around the sword, the arc was even more intense, and a faint threat began to spread.

Jiang Ting closed his hands toward the bottom of a ruthless split: "cut!"

The giant sword made of the serial blades split instantly.

"If I don't die, it's you who will die. Let's see which of us has a greater life!" Qi Hong stood in the golden bell, looking at the huge sword, his face was ferocious.

He's right... At the moment, the power of the giant sword is unparalleled. Qi Hong doesn't know if his magic weapon can defend it. After all, the power of the serial son and mother blade has been directly pursued. Only building the foundation can activate the advanced magic weapon.

However, Qi Hong was sure to be the one who split the sword. Even if he still had magic power in his body, his injury was certainly not low. In a short time, he could hardly fight back.

In a word, if this sword goes on, Qi Hong will either die or live... If he can live, his counterattack, Jiang Ting will die.

At least, Qi Hong thinks so.

However, no matter what the two sides thought, the sword was cut down after all.

"Boom..." mud is flying all over the sky.

After three breaths, the sword disintegrated, turned into 18 sub blades and one female blade, and fell to the ground powerlessly.

Let's look at the center of the fierce battle.

Qi Hong's skin cracked, and his whole body turned into a bloody man. The golden bell of defense had already become two halves, the size of a palm, and scattered on the ground.


With a severe cough, Qi Hong forced himself to stand up: "I... I'm not dead, your life... After all... Is not as big as me."

"Is it?" Jiang Ting waved and threw out something and stood on the surface of the swamp.

"Instant... Complete explosion... The blade, you... Now... Can you still lift mana?"

With a low roar, Qi Hong clenched his teeth and raised his head: "no... no mana stimulation, no matter what kind of treasure, it's just scrap iron!"

Jiang Ting stood in the same place quietly: "what about huolei Zi?"

Qi Hong was stunned when he heard the speech, and then changed his face: "don't..."

What Jiang Ting threw out hit Qi Hong, who was not even able to stand steadily.

"Boom..." the terrible explosion rose, and the flame was full.

Jiang Ting didn't go there. Instead, he took out a pill and swallowed it... Fortunately, before he went fishing, he killed some idiots and got some pills. If not, now he didn't take it.

After taking the pill, it turns into a warm current, constantly moistening the meridians in his body.

Just now he condensed the serial blades into a huge sword, and he drew too much mana in a moment... So much that his meridians could hardly bear it. Although the mana in his body is not exhausted, there are still more than 30% left.

However, the channels that are constantly painful are telling him that it is not convenient to use mana for the time being. Otherwise, the channels may crack.

A complete set of intermediate magic weapons, which are powerful and comparable to advanced magic weapons, are not as simple as eating and drinking water, and they are not so easy to bear.

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