In the face of Hualing's chill, Jiang Ting has a headache. He is even more thinking about whether to join hands with Jiaolong to kill Hualing and others, so as not to seek revenge from Hualing and others in Qiushui Pavilion.

Of course, although he had the idea of joining hands with Jiaolong, Jiang Ting didn't reveal anything.

For one thing, Jiaolong's strength is overwhelming... Jiaolong, who has an overwhelming advantage, will not necessarily join hands with him.

Second, even if Jiaolong initially joined hands with him, when the people in Qiushui Pavilion were dead... What if Jiaolong attacked him again?, He can't talk about etiquette and integrity with a monster.

The premise of cooperation is that the strength of both sides is almost the same, so that we don't worry about the other pair's default.

The strength gap becomes bigger... If Jiaolong defaults afterwards, he can't even cry.

So Jiang Ting is more inclined to join hands with Hualing to deal with Jiaolong... Although Jiaolong is not a threat now, it's just because Jiaolong is trapped by Fu Zhuan.

At this point, Jiang Ting exhaled slightly, and his face showed some bitterness: "Hualing fairy, Jiang was just fooled, it's really just a misunderstanding."

After that, Jiang Ting became regretful again: "I found something wrong when I entered this cave..."

Words, face, full of regret.

Of course, in fact... Jiang Ting's mood didn't regret, and even didn't fluctuate too much.

For Jiang Ting, it's really hard for him to sympathize with some unrelated people, even if those people just died in his hands because of the possible "misunderstanding".

After all... Since we have set foot on the road of cultivation, life and death are not controlled by people at all. The law of the jungle is the eternal law.

The reason why he is full of regret... He can see it, others may not.

Just like the woman who drank at first, how could Jiaolong get out of trouble if it wasn't for that person's emotion that ruined the array?

"Tell me how you were fooled!" Hualing smiles angrily, and Bai Ling slowly stretches out in her hands... Different from Jiang Ting's worries, she seems to be ready to fight Jiang ting.

"Someone told me that Wisteria was born here, which attracted countless people to fight for. That's why I came to have a look."

At the end of the speech, Jiang Ting was full of bitterness, but he added: "when I entered the cave before, although I met several other fairies of Qiushui Pavilion, they just took the hand directly and didn't give Jiang an opportunity to explain. Otherwise, I wouldn't have to enter here."

Dead people don't speak. He said that the so-called Mo Wenwei and others didn't give him an opportunity to explain. That's the truth. Can Hualing ask the dead people.

"Make up a better reason for lying?"

As the words fell, the flower bell suddenly twitched Bai Ling: "someone told you that Wisteria was born here, which attracted countless people to fight for it? You are sending a message to me in this medicine collecting Valley

The white silk became straight and drew towards the river court like steel.

Jiang Ting's face suddenly sank, with three points of haze. He simply avoided the attack of Bai Ling... The haze of his face is also true.

All of a sudden, he found that there was nothing wrong with what Hualing said... The practitioners of Qi refining could only be summoned by paper cranes.

And paper crane... This is the medicine picking Valley, which has a vast area. It's very difficult to communicate with other people. They are not familiar with the geographical environment and can't lock the location... How to communicate?

As for using the inductive device to lock the general range, and then let the paper crane search for the breath... Don't forget, there are many monsters in the medicine picking valley. When the paper crane sends a message, it's afraid that the monsters will destroy it as it flies.

In a word, unless we meet in caiyao Valley, we can hardly communicate with others.

Even if there is, it is not something that ordinary people can cultivate.

The reason is not difficult, very simple... Jiang Ting suddenly found that he knew that Dixin had a problem, but he didn't think too much. Unconsciously, he was teased by Dixin!

As for the wisteria here, at this time, it seems more like nonsense.

Because he was unprepared, and because of the temptation of Wisteria... Unexpectedly, he was fooled by a little ant!

Hualing then said, "nothing to say?"

Jiang Ting immediately put down thousands of thoughts, feet light, quite simple to avoid white silk.

"Elder martial sister, let's help you." The other three disciples of Qiushui Pavilion got closer to each other.

Hualing did not respond, but suddenly took out a bow and arrow, bent the bow... Simply pull the bow, bowstring without arrow.

But with the bow string, a Magic Arrow appeared... With the arrow, Jiang Ting suddenly felt palpitation.

Intuition tells him that he can't avoid the arrow.

How can you avoid it at his speed? Unless... Arrows have a locking effect.

"Roar!" The roar of the Dragon rises again.

"Well?" Hualing, who is still bowing, turns his head in a hurry, just in time to see that Jiaolong stops working, lies down on the ground again, and starts his mana with four legs.

The gold ring that trapped it has begun to crack.

"How could it break free?" Three disciples of Qiushui Pavilion who are waiting to fight against Jiangting are shocked.

But suddenly, one of them became scared: "Damn it, it's breaking through. Kill it. Once it succeeds, we'll all die."

Hualing clenched her teeth slightly, then turned around with anger. Instead of aiming at Jiangting, she shot an arrow at Jiaolong.

Jiaolong didn't make a sound. Instead, he stared at Hualing fiercely. There were more and more gold rings and cracks that bound it.

"Hoo..." the Magic Arrow cuts through the sky.

"Kazam..." the golden circle was also broken by the Jiaolong with some force. It was even later and came first. It was pulled out with its tail toward the arrow.


With the spark of sputtering, the mana sword is directly smashed by the dragon.

"Ang..." Jiaolong roared with excitement, and then... Rushed toward Jiangting.

Through the eyes, you can see more excitement and enthusiasm.

Jiang Ting's instant anger: "if I don't hit you, you want to kill me?"

The Xuanlong spear was thrown out without hesitation and turned into a dragon.

Looking at the incoming dragon, the dragon in Xuanlong gun... The monster waiting to attack Jiangting, his eyes show some doubts. Obviously, he doesn't understand why there is another dragon, and even more, why the sudden dragon attacks it.

Xuanlong gun is not in a daze.

"Boom..." the point of the gun hit Jiaolong's nose.

Sparks are splashing, and the sound of gold and iron is everywhere.

Then Jiang Ting saw that the tip of the Xuanlong spear broke the dragon scale at the nose of the Dragon... Of course, it was just at the edge of the broken spear, just a little flesh and blood.

"Roar!" The Dragon instantly regained his consciousness and was furious. It gave out a roar like a wild animal.

Then... With madness and fury, he glanced at Jiangting, but instead of attacking, he rushed to the three ordinary disciples of Qiushui Pavilion.

Let Jiang Ting go?

But in a flash, Jiang Ting suddenly shook his head... No, Jiaolong's wisdom is not low. Xuanlong gun can transform Jiaolong, obviously it is mixed with a certain part of a Jiaolong's body.

Jiaolong won't be unable to see it, then, killing heart will only be more!

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