In the face of Jiaolong's abandonment attack, Jiang Ting immediately decided that Jiaolong couldn't really give up. After seeing the Xuanlong gun turned into the illusion of Jiaolong, Jiaolong's killing heart would only be greater.

So, why change the opponent? For Jiaolong, his shot was at most equivalent to being bitten by a mosquito.

The mind slightly turns, Jiang Ting then understands.

People kill monsters because all parts of their bodies can be used to refine Qi and alchemy. Flesh and blood can also be eaten to assist in cultivation, or to refine their physique.

In a word, monsters are precious to people.

Corresponding to... People to the monster, why not also like this?

Just now, a disciple of Qiushui Pavilion said that the dragon is about to break through in anger... As an auxiliary treasure of breakthrough materials, what is better for the Dragon than "human" as a tonic?

Instead of fighting against Jiang Ting, Jiaolong found that he would not be able to kill Jiang ting for a while and a half, so he suppressed his anger and decided to attack other "junk" food first.

Maybe it's because Hualing's treasures emerge in endlessly. Jiaolong needs to break through as soon as possible and crush it with absolute strength.

Want, not equal to... Can stop.


When Jiang Ting understood it, a disciple of Qiushui Pavilion let out a scream, and he was swallowed by the dragon.

The other two disciples of Qiushui Pavilion no longer care to attack Jiang Ting or glare at him. They quickly separate and run away.

"Beast, you want to die!" Hualing was so angry that the bow and arrow pulled back.

But I didn't expect... This time, Jiaolong directly ignored the arrow, staring at the price of the arrow, and devoured another person.

There are only three living people left in this small cave at this time... The damage of arrows does not hurt Jiaolong at all. They can't break the scales. The only effect is that the impact power carried by arrows makes Jiaolong's body tumble uncontrollably for a little distance.

Hualing was shocked and turned quickly: "you have Qi Hong's flowing wind boots. You go to save her. I won't kill you!"

Jiang tingmeiyu asked: "are you sure of me? Since I know that I have Liufeng boots... Naturally, I should know that Qi Hong died in my hands. Now I have to be assisted by Liufeng boots, just like a tiger has wings. I don't think you can kill me. "

Hualing was very angry: "you..."

"Ah..." Jiang Ting chuckled, but he didn't say much, but leaped out in an instant.

Save people, of course, or to save... At this moment, Jiaolong, even if he and Hualing join hands, the odds are very low. If Jiaolong really devours enough flesh and blood to break through, wouldn't he dig his own grave?

If not for Hualing's aggressive force, how could he let Jiaolong swallow only one of the three who survived?

Aware of Jiangting's speed, Jiaolong roared angrily: "ang..."

Like, a demonstration.

"Even if the wisdom is not low, insects are only insects after all." Jiang Ting gave a little relaxed laughter.

Although the odds are very low at the moment... Jiang Ting will not show worry or fear.

Because, in the face of a strong enemy... If you are afraid, you will lose.

Even if the chance of winning is only 10%, or even less than half or even 1%... As long as you don't give in and fight a bloody battle, you can't say that you are sure to win. At least, the chance of victory will increase, and you won't lose your last chance of life.

Jiang Ting, who has experienced countless battles, understands this truth. Therefore, he will not be afraid, nor will he dare to save people just because of a demonstration by Jiaolong.

After a breath.

Jiang Ting's eyes narrowed quietly... At last, the disciple of Qiushui Pavilion fled in the opposite direction of Jiang Ting when he was running too fast.

To put it simply... Jiaolong is closer to the man. With the help of flowing wind boots, Jiangting's speed is not inferior to Jiaolong's, but because of the difference between the two, he seems to have no time to save people.


The mood revolves, the River Court throws out the Xuan dragon gun again: "do not want to die to grasp the dragon tail!"

The Xuanlong gun turns into a dragon and pours at the man... Of course, what Jiangting aims at is not the man, but the man's side.

Maybe because of Xuanlong gun out of the gun wind injured, but, not to die.

The disciple of Qiushui Pavilion looked back at the distance between the Dragon monster and herself... It seemed that she could even smell the smell of blood from the Dragon monster.

That flavor, still quickly become rich, if there is no accident, she may not escape jiaolongkou.

In the face of the fierce dragon, she turned her head in a hurry. She just saw that the dragon from the Xuanlong gun had approached... The phantom of the Dragon passed by, and the wind pierced her skin.

Regardless of the others, she quickly reached out and grasped the dragon's tail... The most lethal move. The moment she touched the dragon, her palm was cut by the wind of the gun.

The strong impact also took her forward.

"Roar!" Jiaolong became angry, but... The disciples of Qiushui Pavilion seized the Xuanlong spear, and in an instant they were more than ten feet away.

Hualing suddenly said: "evil animal!"

Bai Ling flies. Hualing, which is far away from Jiaolong, doesn't know when it is close to Jiaolong. Bai Ling turns into dozens, and in the twinkling of an eye, she will be trapped by Jiaolong.

Jiang Ting took advantage of the opportunity and jumped quickly. He soon stood between the disciples of Qiushui Pavilion and Jiaolong, and the Xuanlong spear came back to him.

It is with a little shaken thanks: "many... Thank you."

Thank you?

Jiangting eyes slightly pick, but also did not show strange: "no harm."

Between the words, Jiang Ting didn't even turn his head back. He just looked at the Dragon quietly with a gun in his hand, his face full of warning.

The disciple of Qiushui Pavilion looked at Jiang ting with his back to her and felt that time seemed to slow down and every move seemed to slow down.

In a trance, she seemed to see the light shining on the top of Jiangting's head. What's more, she felt that Jiangting was bathed in the unknown light.

"Roar!" Jiaolong's angry roar wakes her up... Jiaolong will also shatter the white silk that binds her.

"I... my name is Wu Ying. What do you call me The rescued woman revived, and everything seemed to recover as usual.

"Jiang ting." Jiang Ting turns his wrist, raises his hand, and the Xuanlong gun rushes out again... While Jiaolong is opening his mouth, he wants to see if he can take the opportunity to pierce his mouth and throat.

I just didn't expect

Jiang Ting, who is still angry, suddenly looks at the incoming Xuanlong spear. His eyes are filled with anger and some hatred, and then he saves it.

Without waiting for the Xuanlong spear to show its power, Jiaolong's not so big limbs forcefully grasped the Xuanlong spear against the fierce wind of the spear... The power was quietly resolved.

After seizing the Xuanlong gun, Jiaolong looks at Jiangting and shows a touch of ridicule... Suddenly he rushes forward, and then with strong strength, throws the Xuanlong gun at Jiangting.

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