In the face of Cao Han's inquiry, although Han Youqing doesn't want to admit it, he still nods.

Cao Han looked slightly stunned.

After a while, he was surprised: "Qiushui Pavilion suffered a heavy loss. None of the people who survived survived survived survived and were successfully schemed by you in the inner layer... Didn't you get the scales in the hands of Qiushui pavilion?"

Han Youqing's face appeared with a wry smile: "it's not... Under the wrong circumstances, it was taken away by the people of zishuangmen."


Time flies like flies.

In the blink of an eye, January time, fleeting.

Heming mountain, purple frost gate.

A flying boat cut across the sky, from the sky, straight through the purple frost gate array, and landed in the plain surrounded by mountains.

This is Jiang ting and his party.

After they left the medicine picking Valley, they were led by Taoist Qingfeng. Naturally, no one dared to have any idea about them. Therefore, they went back to the sect of Heming mountain smoothly.

"Huhu..." in a little wind, Jiang ting and others jumped out of the boat.

Then the Taoist Qingfeng didn't waste his time. He put the boat into the storage bag, turned it into streamer, and directly fell into the mountains not far away.

Only Jiang ting and other gas refining cultivation disciples remained.

The trip to the medicine picking Valley is over, all the lingcao are handed in, and the rewards and contribution points of the ranking are also issued... In a word, the medicine picking Valley has come to a perfect end.

Sikou and others were not familiar with Jiang ting. They didn't chat and left directly.

Maybe it's because I came back to zongmen.

Fan Bowen was much more relaxed: "younger martial brother, go to the pill hall first? If master zongmen starts to make pills, he can get some news from the pill hall. "

Jiang Ting shook his head: "no, this time the clan got a lot of materials, my exchange qualification will not disappear, I think, first go back to the yard to have a rest."

"That's OK. I'll go back to Danfeng. Younger martial brother, if you have something to do, you can send me a letter with a paper crane." Slightly clasping his fist, fan Bowen left in the direction of Danfeng.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting did not delay and began to turn towards his own yard.

Courtyard 973.

Soon, Jiang Ting returned to the yard.

But did not return to the room, but quietly lying in the yard of a chair, facing the blue sky, quietly distracted.

He's thinking about the way forward.

The materials in the storage bag, the corpses of monsters, useless booty and so on, all need to be dealt with.

Although the materials such as xuexinlian are precious, they need to be refined into pills to give full play to the effect he needs most.

Although the valley of collecting herbs is over... For Jiang Ting, the new regulations have just begun.

Now, the most important thing is to find a market to sell the spoils and buy the pills of Zhuji pill.

The nearest Fangshi is 300 li away from zongmen.


Pondering for a while, Jiang Ting shakes his head slightly, that Fang City, can't go.

Three hundred miles away, there may be no high-level involvement of zishuangmen in Fangshi, but 90% of the people who go in and out of that Fangshi are zishuangmen disciples.

If you really go to that Fangshi, it's OK for him to deal with the corpses of monsters.

However, it's not good to deal with other spiritual grasses... Except for the five spiritual grasses such as xuexinlian, many of the spiritual grasses he intercepted are spiritual grasses that need to be handed in.

If he really goes to that market to deal with... If something goes wrong, I'm afraid it will leak information. In case zishuang gate knows that he has hidden spirit grass, who knows how zishuang gate will punish him?

Not to mention, he also wants to buy the Dan prescription of Zhuji pill... The medicine picking Valley has just ended, so he goes there to buy the Dan prescription.

This is not equivalent to him shouting at the purple frost door, he has a problem, come to check him!

In a word, it's not a good place to go.

He has to go to other places that are not related to zishuangmen and are far away from zishuangmen... Fortunately, he doesn't need to complete the task of outer door now, and he doesn't have to worry about being found by zishuangmen because he didn't do the task.

There is plenty of time to think and enough time to plan.

Thinking, before long, Jiang Ting's eyes quietly narrowed as he looked at the sky... Xiaoxiangwu.

Zishuang's disciples can't go to the Fangshi, so he can go to xiaoxiangwu, the Fangshi in the south of Heming mountain.

He hasn't been to that market. He just knows that there is a market. It's said that it was set up by a Xiuxian family of Zhang family. As for the strength of Zhang family

Well, it's no match for purple frost gate anyway.

After making a decision, Jiang Ting immediately got up: "I hope nothing happens..."

Wufang city in Xiaoxiang is far away from zishuangmen... After completely leaving the scope of Heming mountain, we have to travel seven thousand miles to get there.

Seven thousand miles away, far away, if there is any accident on the way... Having said that, after Jiang Ting got up, he didn't hesitate and directly raised his feet to leave.

Never thought of

Jiang Ting just walked out of the yard, a streamer suddenly approached from a distance, and soon fell in front of his yard.

That's a banana leaf?

About half a Zhang wide, a long arc-shaped linear banana leaf.

There was a man sitting on the leaf, a woman dressed up as a Taoist, looking young and full of heroism.

After seeing the appearance clearly, Jiang Ting clasped his fist slightly: "I've met the elder."

He didn't know the man, but... Since he could fly, he would definitely build a foundation.

Although with his present wealth, as long as he goes step by step, it can be said that he has already half stepped into the building of the foundation... But now, after all, he has not made a breakthrough. It is always right to do a good job in the etiquette of the younger generation.

On the other side.

"Green bamboo did not come back, do you know why?" The voice of the woman sitting on the banana leaf is slightly cold.

Green bamboo?

Jiang Ting raised his head and pretended to be slightly stunned: "master, master yin?"

Green bamboo's talent is better than him. In the purple frost gate, it doesn't matter as much as him... Green bamboo has a master, Yin Hanyu.

The reason why he went to the Lieyang desert before was that mother-in-law Jinhua was an old friend of Yin Hanyu, so he went to the Lieyang desert with green bamboo to celebrate her birthday.

Although he has a long relationship with green bamboo, he has never met Yin Hanyu.

"Not bad." Yin Hanyu nodded gently.

I don't know if it's because of anger in my heart or why... The banana leaf hasn't disappeared, but it's always floating half a foot above the ground, and she's also sitting on it.

"I've met master Yin."

Then Jiang Ting shook his head and wry smile: "I don't know. After entering the medicine picking Valley, I wanted to go into the inner layer to see if I could pick some purple fruits, but I didn't go with her..."

Although he knew the cause of green bamboo's death and even had something to do with him, it was too troublesome to explain.

There may even be other unexpected changes, delaying his time of foundation construction.

Therefore, he chose to pretend to be confused. In any case, almost all the witnesses died. None of those who survived were disciples of zishuang sect. They didn't disclose when they were outside the medicine collecting Valley, and no one came to expose the lies at the moment.

As for the future... When Yin Hanyu knows the truth, he has already built the foundation successfully, enough to deal with it!

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