In the face of Yin Hanyu's inquiry, Jiang Ting did not say the truth, but pretended not to know, so as not to be angry by Yin Hanyu or have other accidents.

Yin Hanyu's eyes suddenly sank: "don't know?"

When he speaks, he stares at Jiang Ting as if he wants to see through him and distinguish whether he is lying.

Jiang Ting is not afraid... Of course, he did not look at Yin Hanyu, but stood quietly, not arrogant, not half guilty.

After a while, Yin Hanyu withdrew her eyes: "I don't know, it's just..."

The banana leaves take off, and Yin Hanyu leaves directly. It's fast to come and go.

Until the streamer completely disappears.

Jiang tingcai touched his nose, with no change in mind, toward the purple frost door.

Those useless things and materials on your body always need to be replaced with spirit stones to make you feel at ease.


Time is fleeting.

Three months passed quietly.

To the south of Heming mountain, seven thousand miles away, there is a mountain surrounded by clouds.

In the center of the mountain range, there is a place covered with extremely dense fog. Ordinary people can't see the scenery one foot away, not to mention reaching for their hands.

Natural fog can't do this... The fog here is the formation of array.

Because xiaoxiangwu is here.

The array is not killing or trapping, but bewildering... As long as a slightly stronger cultivator enters the array, he can see the path marked by the person who arranged the array.

And if it's a mortal, it's just going to turn around in the same place... What's in the maze is not an immortal, but a mortal.

Inside the array.

There is a fair about the size of an ordinary town. There are many people coming and going in the market, about thousands of people.

Somewhere near the outskirts of the town, a grocery store.

A man in black came out of the grocery store, wearing a rather loose black robe and a monkey mask.

As soon as the man in black robe came out of the shop, the shopkeeper followed him: "Daoyou, if you have something good next time, just come to me."

His face was full of philistine smiles.

"Easy to say." The man in black nodded slightly and left quickly.

Later, the black robed people did not walk towards the crowded places, but deliberately went to find some paths and some uninhabited alleys.

A full quarter of an hour.

The black robed talent stops in a deserted alley. A magic wave passes by. The black robe and mask disappear. Instead, a young man in white clothes.

Jiang Ting!

No one noticed to change his dress, and then Jiang Ting was very calm and began to walk through the alley.

After seven turns and eight turns, he soon went around to the other side of the market and entered the crowd from a street corner. Like other people, he scanned the street stalls or shops on both sides of the road from time to time.

Walking, Jiang Ting's step is a meal.

On his right, there is a shop for pills.

Zhang's drugstore.

A common name.

Looking at the shop in front of him, Jiang Ting's eyes flashed slightly, then walked towards the shop... Countless pictures flashed in his mind.

It's not that someone is using magic on him... Those pictures are his experiences since March.

Before he returned to zongmen to make a decision, he left zishuangmen directly and came to xiaoxiangwu.

It's not a long time to go... It's just that he has too many booty.

In order to avoid suspicion and accidents, he did not foolishly dispose of everything at one time after arriving at xiaoxiangwu.

There is no stupid day to deal with.

On the contrary, he is very cautious. Every shop sells some, and the quantity of each sale is not much.

One after another, it took him more than two months to replace all the useless magic weapons, Fu Zhuan, and some useless spirit grass with spirit stone.

One of the reasons for such a long delay is the fear of disturbing the purple frost gate.

Two... He didn't want to attract some people's attention because of his carelessness, and then be killed and robbed.

He's careful and right.

Because after selling almost all the things he didn't need, he suddenly found out that his wealth was more than 100000 spirit stones.

Such a huge sum of money, even the old strong builders may not be able to take it out, right?

Thanks to his care, if not... Let people know his wealth at the moment, even if this is Fang City, Fang City will be very dangerous.

There are more than 100000 spirit stones, but he is just a small gas refining environment... I don't know how many strong builders will deal with him easily.

Words have come back, in thinking, Jiang ting into the shop.

A gas refining two-tier boy quickly came up: "this Taoist friend, what do you want to buy?"

"You can't run my business. Let the shopkeeper come." Jiangting path goes straight to the second floor of the shop.

Although he was ignored, he didn't get angry. Instead, he hurried to a small door in the deep of the hall... He was just in the second level of refining. He couldn't even use his magic. How could he get angry?


The shop is on the second floor.

On the second floor of the shop, there are no private rooms one after another. It's an alternative lobby. However, it's not a bad business or something. There's no one else here.

After seeing clearly, Jiang Ting went to the position close to the window and sat down. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

About thirty minutes later.

"Step, step, step..." with the sound of a few steps, a fat man who looked fat and his eyes flashed from time to time entered the second floor to cultivate and refine eight floors of Qi.

After seeing Jiang Ting, the fat man immediately showed a kind smile: "I've met Dao you, and I'm the shopkeeper here. I don't know what you need..."

I don't know if it's because shopkeepers don't like to move, so they are fatter. Or maybe chubby people are more intimate and unprepared when they laugh?

Many shopkeepers are fat!

"Shopkeeper." The voice fell, Jiang Ting nodded slightly, and then whispered: "Dan furnace... Well, the quality is the advanced magic weapon."

Fat shopkeeper smell speech, look suddenly a Leng: "the Dan stove of advanced magic quality?"

"No?" Without waiting for an answer, Jiang Ting frowned again: "although there are pills here... I heard that Zhang's shops in xiaoxiangwu are all opened by Zhang's family, so they don't have them."

The fat shopkeeper smiles again: "Daoyou is worried too much. We have it, but... Do Daoyou know the value of high-quality alchemy furnace?"

Jiang Ting also showed a smile: "I bought it for my tutor. Don't worry that I don't have a soul stone."

"The use of high-level magic quality Dan furnace, not only to make the teacher's strength is extraordinary, alchemy attainments is also profound."

After a praise, the fat shopkeeper pretended to speak unintentionally: "I don't know who the master is. Can I have a reputation?"

Jiang Ting's smile disappeared in an instant and his face sank: "Daoyou opens the door to do business, and the buyer goes into the store to spend Lingshi. Daoyou needs you to ask the buyer's background? I don't know which family's rules are

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