That is, he clearly remembered that his arm seemed to have passed through the forbidden array at that time. At that time, the forbidden array was really nothing. He almost didn't feel it. He thought it was the mark of trapping the giant centipede, but now, he thinks it's not so simple!

All of a sudden, Jiang Ting opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on his arm. His clothes had been torn away when he was fighting with the giant centipede. At the moment, he was a little dirty. The most important thing was that on his left arm, he had a lot of body fluid from the corpse of the monster. It was yellow and green, which made people feel uncomfortable. Moreover, the giant centipede monster at his feet A leg of corpse, also remind Jiang Ting, at that time, he is how state.

However, Jiang Ting, looking at the body fluid of these monster corpses, automatically got rid of the bad feeling. Instead, he thought about the vague feeling just now

after thinking for a while, he knew how to pass the forbidden array. In other words, the key to pass the forbidden array was the body fluid of these monster corpses!

Jiang Ting thought of this method, suddenly stood up, turned around and went to the mess just behind him. Song Xinlian didn't understand what Jiang Ting was going to do, so she quickly followed him.

However, when song Xinlian saw Jiang Ting's action, she almost vomited, because at this moment, Jiang Ting picked up the monster corpses that she had cut into pieces before, and wiped all the yellow and green body fluids on her body.

"What are you going to do, Jiangting?" Song Xinlian asked

Jiang Ting was busy and told song Xinlian what he had just thought of. By the time he finished, Jiang Ting was covered with body fluids.

Song Xinlian frowned and asked, "Jiang Ting, how much confidence do you have in this way?"

"Ninety percent. I just came into contact with this prohibition. I can't be wrong." Jiang Ting said confidently.

Song Xinlian was silent. She just watched Jiang Ting make herself covered with those things

This is not the end, but Jiang Ting still remembers that his arm was able to go in because he was holding a part of the big centipede. Jiang Ting's 90% assurance was uncertain because of this. He didn't know whether part of the monster corpse also played a role.

If it doesn't work, it will be lost.

So, song Xinlian watched Jiang Ting tear his clothes one by one, and then tied a part of those small pieces of monster corpses to his body!

"Jiang Ting, you Can you stand it? " Song Xinlian tried to resist the urge to vomit and asked.

Jiang Ting, while busy, said: "it's unbearable. They don't have any taste. Besides, they are life-saving things. You just think of them as armor to protect you."

By the time she said this, Jiang Ting was already busy. She was covered with hundreds of monster corpses and so much body fluid. Song Xinlian didn't even want to get close to her. It was too destructive.

Seeing song Xinlian's appearance, Jiang Ting said with a smile: "in fact, maybe the owner of the tomb didn't expect that someone would pass the ban in this way, but I don't care." Next, Jiang Ting said the way he went through here for the purpose that song Xinlian was not so worried.

However, this method for song Xinlian, the difficulty is no less than killing the monster king!

Jiang Ting looks at Song Xinlian, and doesn't mean to force him.

Song Xinlian is just a little weak woman, and she is still so beautiful and clean. Although her life experience is somewhat bumpy, she is superior in her material life from childhood to adulthood. Therefore, song Xinlian should be difficult to accept this method. Therefore, Jiang Ting comforted her and said, "Miss Song, I'm really a little ashamed, I really have nothing to do with this monster corpse king. I can only be so embarrassed that I can't go there any more. But I promise you that if I can get this sword, I will give it to you. How about it? "

Song Xinlian was a little moved. He didn't know what was going on in the mainland of Zhongzhou. Who could say such a thing in such a large area of Qinjiang under the control of the Qin Dynasty? The seven level spirit weapon may only be available in the hands of the elder of the main sect. Those small sects may only have one in the hands of the Lord, or even smaller sects. There is no one in the whole sects. However, Jiang Ting gave such a seven level spirit weapon to himself so easily!

"Thank you, really, thank you, Jiang Ting!" Song Xinlian's mood is very excited, do not know how to express their feelings, can only continue to repeat the two simplest words.

"That's it. You can wait for me here." With that, Jiang Ting went in the direction of the big centipede.

When he was about to enter the mark of the giant centipede, Jiang Ting took a deep breath and closed his mouth. He didn't show any breath.So step by step forward, the huge centipede curled up in countless continuous "s" shape here, as if it was not aware of the existence of Jiangting. The huge head, without driving, was really like a dead centipede.

Looking at the giant centipede, Jiang Ting couldn't help thinking that if he could find the way to the centipede here, he could definitely break the ban on the monster's body. But the thought flashed by, because now, if he released the power of consciousness, he would definitely die.

Just when Jiang Ting hesitated, he was suddenly patted on the shoulder.

Scared Jiang Ting immediately broke out in a cold sweat, quickly stepped back, looked back, shocked he did not want.

I don't know when, song Xinlian has arrived behind him. The girl just wanted to vomit. Now, she is as dirty as herself?!

This is beyond Jiang Ting's expectation.

Unexpectedly, song Xinlian made a silent gesture to Jiang Ting, which made Jiang Ting even want to laugh. Both of them closed their breath, so they couldn't stay here too long. Jiang Ting made a gesture to song Xinlian to follow me, and then went to the depth of the passage.

Standing in front of the forbidden array, Jiang Ting grabs song Xinlian. He reaches out his hand and slowly delivers it. Sure enough, this forbidden array has no reaction at all. He slowly leans over half of his body, but still has no reaction. Suddenly, Jiang Ting is relieved. Sure enough, he has not guessed wrong. This forbidden array is just for fear that other people will break into it, but he is now In this way, maybe the tomb owner didn't think of it at the beginning!

Jiang Ting laughs, and then pulls song Xinlian over and easily goes through the prohibition. Jiang Ting finally takes a breath. With this prohibition, Jiang Ting can feel his terror. The giant centipede means nothing will come. They are now in a place that is not the mark of the centipede just now!

"Jiang Ting, ah..."

With song Xinlian's scream, Jiang Ting only felt a big lump of sticky things fall on his body, from head to foot, Hu a tight!

Although song Xinlian found out a little earlier than Jiang Ting, she did not escape this misfortune.

Jiang Ting wiped his face and almost vomited. On the top of his head, there was a huge lotus seed. In the hole of each lotus seed, it was not lotus seed, but the body fluid of the demon corpse!

They are bathing this thing here!

"Wow..." Song Xinlian said that she couldn't stand anything and vomited directly.

Jiang Ting quickly picked up song Xinlian and left here. He took two steps to get to another quiet place.

"Jiang Ting, is this what you call a good way?" Song Xinlian finally slowed down, only reluctantly asked such a question.

Looking back on the whole process, Jiang Ting was a little speechless. It turned out that he used this method to pass through this place by mistake. It was obvious that when the body fluid of the monster corpse was not enough, he came here to supplement. It was obvious that they were treated as monster corpses by these prohibitions!

"Miss Song, who makes me not good enough, but you don't have to come here!" Jiang Ting looks at Song Xinlian and his appearance, can't help but say.

"I said it all for my elder martial sister. If you do it to others, you will lose your sincerity. Besides, I can't bear to let you suffer such a crime, even if I am with you! " Song Xinlian side is wiping the thing on the body, side don't care of say.

For song Xinlian, Jiang Ting can't help but admire a little. Such sisterhood is really enviable.

"Miss Song, don't worry. What do you have here?"

With that, Jiang Ting took out a set of women's clothes from the bag of heaven and earth around his waist. Then, there was something like a vat, in which there was still water!

Make song Xinlian all silly, whose heaven and earth bag will contain these useless things?

But Jiang Ting didn't want to explain, so he said, "don't you wash up soon? Is it so good? "

As soon as song Xinlian saw the clear water, she could take a bath and change her clothes. Naturally, she was happy to forget all those questions. However, standing in front of the big water tank, she hesitated. Men and women are different. Is it right to take a bath in front of this river court?!

Jiang Ting said to her, "I have another suit. I also want to wash and change a dress. You can decorate it yourself. I won't watch you!"

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