Half an hour later, both of them are fresh. Song Xinlian looks at her clothes and likes them very much. She can't help looking at Jiang Ting strangely and asks, "what's in your heaven and earth bag? Why do you even have girls' clothes? "

Especially the water tank on the ground, whose heaven and earth bag will hold these things?!

In fact, Jiang Ting's heaven and earth bag is filled with these things that have nothing to do with Wu Xiu, just to avoid embarrassment at any time,

JIANG Ting said with a smile: "it seems that this dress is really beautiful. This is what I prepared for Liu Mu Nan. It's in the heaven and earth bag for the time being. "

Song Xinlian's smile froze for a while, and all of them came to this place. Jiang Ting never forgot that it was Liu munan. She even envied Liu munan.

"What's in your heaven and earth bag?" Song Xinlian curiously looks at the heaven and earth bag around Jiang Ting's waist.

"Food, drink, clothing, use, to the wild, it will not be difficult for me, I have everything." Jiang Ting was very proud to take a picture of his own heaven and earth bag.

Liu Mu Nan's lips are torn. Is there any space more wasteful than Jiang Ting's?

"You don't even have pots and pans in your heaven and earth bag, do you?"

"Yes, and rice noodles and vegetables."

"Why don't you need a spirit stone or a weapon?"

"If only there were spirit stones, they would be refined directly."

“……” Song Xinlian felt that she could not understand Jiang Ting's words.

Jiang Ting took out the map again, looked at it, and said, "we went through this passage, and we should be not far away from the sword."

"Then let's go on." Song Xinlian is now more confident.

Two people continue to go forward, but, even song Xinlian feel a bit strange, after a short distance, can't help but strange asked: "Jiangting, in front of but there is so terrible monster corpse block, now, here is such a simple mechanism?"

"But I didn't find anything else." Although Jiang Ting was also strange, he really didn't find any other organs.

Two people continue to move forward, until far away, have seen the light in front, but still the most common mechanism, even if there is no condensation of gas sea, the ordinary people with high martial arts can pass here!

"Miss Song, if we don't destroy the mechanism in front of us, it's hard for us to get past it!" Jiang Ting stopped and said slowly.

Song Xinlian also saw the organ clearly, nodded and said, "I also saw it clearly, I'll come!"

Jiang Ting checked carefully, and there was no other organ, so he nodded and said, "OK, Miss Song, come on!"

Song Xinlian is very willing to do something for her elder martial sister, even if it is a small matter, he is also very happy.

So, with an inspiration, song Xinlian pushed out and landed in a place, which made the mechanism immediately touched by song Xinlian. Jiang Ting had already been ready. With an inspiration, he let these arrows turn a corner. Don't fall on two people, they all fall behind.

At the beginning, the two people also thought, why should such children's things be put in such a channel? However, when these arrows fly past, they touch many organs one after another. In the whole channel, the loss of continuous flying, one after another deeply inserted into the stone gap of the channel, so that the channel changed shape. Only when the two people knew, it was not so good ordinary!

"Jiangting, don't you see it?"

"Didn't you see it too?"

Jiang Ting really convinced the owner of the tomb now. It's very thorough to analyze people's psychology. When you see a mechanism, the divine consciousness naturally stays there. Next, you are busy looking elsewhere, but you don't know that the really powerful mechanism is hidden behind this simple mechanism!

Besides, since it's designed in this way, it won't let you really observe. There are also some confusing forbidden arrays


Suddenly, it was as if something had squeezed out of the stone gap of the passage!

The change also interrupted Jiang Ting's thought, this thing all directed Jiang ting and song Xinlian to press over, a big black area!

"My God, what the hell are these things!" It's a bunch of black, creeping things!

"No, this is ghost bee!" Song Xinlian's face changed, her voice trembled, and she said, "Jiang Ting, this is the ghost bee. It's specially in the tomb. If you meet them, it's over, because they are the most united. If their fighting power is not enough, absolutely no one can escape the big net they weave!"

When Jiang Ting looked around, he and song Xinlian had been surrounded by the ghost bees!

Jiang Ting doesn't hesitate to draw out his seven unique magic swords. While waving his sword, he urges Lian Yang palm to burn these ghost bees. However, after Jiang Ting takes action, he knows that what he thinks is a little simple. These ghost bees are not afraid of their own flames. What makes him even more depressed is that these ghost bees are not afraid of their own flames But all the flames swallowed up!Not only did his attack not kill a ghost bee, but also made these little things grow a little stronger!

"I'll go Jiang Ting doesn't know what kind of means to use now!

"Jiang Ting, I heard that this ghost bee can't use aura, otherwise, it will be absorbed by it!" Song Xinlian told Jiang Ting everything she knew about ghost bee.

"Will the power of divine consciousness also be absorbed by these ghost bees?" Jiang Ting kept waving his sword in his hand to stop the strange things coming. He asked.

"The power of divine knowledge is even worse. If you feed these guys with the power of divine knowledge, we will die. It is said that he will find your memory from your power of divine knowledge and attack you with your fighting skills!" Hearing Jiang Ting's words, song Xinlian immediately waved her hand.

"So weird?" After listening to song Xinlian's introduction, Jiang Ting really didn't dare to use anything. He could only dance his long sword and keep it tight. For the time being, he resisted the black and strange ghost bees attacking two people and gave them space to breathe.

"I know. I can't complain that all the organs here are so simple. In fact, these are not for us at all. They are just waiting for us to destroy or touch one, and then release these ghost bees!" Song Xinlian said later.

Jiang Ting shook his head speechless, now I know, there is a fart to use!

"Well, the most important thing for us now is to figure out how to get rid of this ghost bee!" Knowing the habits of ghost bees, Jiang Ting can cut down several ghost bees every time he wields his sword.

Song Xinlian sees that at this moment, Jiang Ting still doesn't give up. She also takes out her sword and attacks the ghost bee with physical strength.

However, it doesn't matter if the time is short. After a long time, neither of them can bear it. In front of them, there are still so many ghost bees. They are black and hundreds of them fall on the ground. However, their physical strength is limited. Soon, when the sword can't be waved, what will the consequence be?!

Just when Jiang Ting was a little distracted and his men were a little slow, suddenly, a large group of ghost bees lined up and attacked him directly, just like a sharp sword.

Jiang Ting's sword kept flying in his hand and cut off these ghost bees, which made him sweat. But soon, another wave of ghost bees came in the formation that he had just cut off other ghost bees!

Jiang Ting is really surprised, these ghost bees, learning ability is so strong, so soon?!

When these ghost bees were cut down by Jiang Ting's sword technique, he saw that a ghost bee bigger than other ghost bees flew to other places quickly. Jiang Ting's eyes were very sharp. When the ghost bee left, the ghost bees in front of him didn't have the fierce attack just now. But then, song Xinlian was attacked again and again!

"It's just queen bee!" According to the habit of this kind of thing, Jiang Ting quickly made a judgment.

Then, regardless of the sharp spines of the ghost bees, the sword in his hand stabbed the queen bee.

Obviously, the queen bee didn't expect that in the face of so many ghost bees, this man's sword could run directly through so many ghost bees!

Although these ghost bees seem to be very smart, they don't have the intelligence. Therefore, the queen bee subconsciously avoids Jiang Ting's sword!

Jiang Ting naturally won't let the queen bee go. Regardless of the stabbing pain on her body, she turns her sword and continues to attack the queen bee!

However, Jiang Ting's behavior made song Xinlian worried. She rushed over and hugged Jiang Ting's back. Song Xinlian only felt a piece of pain on her back. She didn't know how many spines of ghost bees fell on her skin!


Song Xinlian screams and falls to the ground. Jiang Ting's own blood flows. There are nine transformations, the Dragon decides to protect the body, and a little bit of the venom of ghost bees. Jiang Ting can survive then. However, song Xinlian is different. After this pain, he falls to the ground and faints!

"Miss Song!" Although Jiang Ting didn't see it, he also knew that song Xinlian was hurt a lot. Song Xinlian was so hurt to protect himself. Now he can't even check it, because he can only dance his seven Jue magic sword to resist the ghost bee and try to keep this space.

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