Just as the so-called people are iron and rice are steel, Jiangting doesn't know that the high-level gang in the killing city has begun to agitate, and has begun to stare at him.

I only saw Jiang Ting enter a restaurant which looks very good.

After ordering some delicious dishes, I left the killing city. It was a desert outside.

While you can have a good meal, have a good one first. Who knows if there is another meal with this meal.

"Have you heard that just now the Gold Union has posted a message that it is going to track down this river court that spans hundreds of levels."

At the table next door, a man said to him.

"Tracing this Jiangting? Why do good people pursue each other? "

Hearing this, another man sitting opposite obviously had some doubts.

"Yes, is the killing city under the control of the Gold Union now? No one else is allowed to rise to the top?"

Another man asked.

"I don't know. I just heard the news from my friend. It's said that this man named Jiangting stole some treasure from the golden alliance."

While drinking tea, the man seemed to be remembering something.

"Steal the Gold Union treasure? Who on earth dares to have such courage? "

The golden alliance is a pyramid like existence in the whole killing city.

I didn't expect that anyone would dare to steal from them. It's really a bit unwise.

At least they haven't seen anyone like that.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

What's more, as a party, he is more intentional!!

Although he had thought that the Gold Union would start, he didn't expect that the other party would be so quick.

What's more, he was surprised to find out his name at once.

Fortunately, there is no portrait of the other party, otherwise, I am afraid that I will become the target of everyone in the killing city.

After all, the Gold Union offered such a high price as a bronze medal.

The bronze medal is a highland that many people will never reach in their lifetime.

And if you can have the bronze badge of the city of killing, you can get a free house in the whole city as long as you join the golden alliance.

And you can be more than ten thousand people.

Not only in the killing City, but also outside, many people recognize the bronze medal of the killing city.

All in all, this is a great honor.

It's time to leave the killing city.

Jiang Ting murmured to himself.

If you stay here for a little longer, maybe you will be dug out, and your identity is not certain.

"But I don't think this warrant is useful. After all, I don't know who it is. It's hard to find a man named Jiang ting."

Just then, on the other side, another man said to him.

After all, it's too difficult to know only one name. Unless the other party admits it, who can find it.

It's impossible to take a person on the street and ask if you are Jiang Ting, right?

Even if you hit a blind cat and a dead mouse, what can you do if others don't admit it?

Although it's a big move, it's just a chicken's leg.

"Do you think the golden alliance is a fool? They have a crystal ball. Anyone who has an identity card in the city of killing will light up if he touches that ball. "

Another man said.

"But what's the use of that?"

Hearing this, the man retorted.

Who has no identity card in the city of killing?

It would be naive to rely on this one.

"Listen to me first, don't worry!"

See the man next to grab words, suddenly another man said with a smile.

All of a sudden, both of them were listening.

Of course, Jiangting is also nearby.

After all, he is the protagonist of what the other party said.

Moreover, he is not very familiar with this place and has not been here for long.

Therefore, he is eager to know what means the other party has to find his own trace.

It's very important for him to avoid.

"In fact, that crystal ball can be set. In short, you can set your name in it. As long as you appear, this crystal ball will light up."

The man explained to him.

"How can you still play like this?"

Hearing this, the man sitting opposite looked surprised.

It's incredible that it can be done like this.

According to this, it is really easy to find people.

"So now you know, as long as the one named Jiang Ting appears near the gold league team, then the gold league people can find him."The man has a very confident attitude.

It's really easy to catch a person with this kind of means.

As long as the other party is in the killing City, it will be found one day.

"The boss packed all the things I just ordered for me."

Jiang Ting heard this sentence, where can he eat it.

If you really take out the crystal ball and guard several gates, you will be afraid that you can't escape.

The killing city is surrounded by extremely high walls, and there is an inexplicable array on it.

It's almost impossible to get out of the way.

Then the only way out is through the gate.

But it's not easy.

If you really want to be controlled by the other party, I'm afraid you have to think of a way out.

"My guest, are you in such a hurry?"

The shopkeeper asked after seeing Jiang ting.

"You see how long I've been waiting here. Your efficiency is too slow. I can't keep up with the team for a while."

Jiang Ting talks to him.

"It turns out that this young master is with their motorcade, so I'll pack it for you."

On weekdays, there are a lot of people from the transport fleet in the restaurant to eat here.

Sometimes they pack in order to be in a hurry.

For the shopkeeper of a hotel, it's no surprise that these people pack.


When the other party finished this sentence, Jiang Ting murmured to himself.

If you go out by yourself, it's really a bit of trouble.

It would be much easier to go out with the team.

Just give some money to the team, or just blend in.

Soon the shopkeeper packed it for him.

Jiang Ting went out.

Just out of the gate, not long ago, I didn't know whether I was lucky or not. I just saw a transport team recruiting people.

"This is just like God's help. Life shouldn't be lost. Life shouldn't be lost!"

Seeing the recruitment of this team, Jiang Ting went to the team with his packed things.

If it is to give money to the team, let the other side take their own way, it is likely to be sold in the middle.

Mixed in them can only be regarded as an outsider, if really run into the inspection, it is estimated that they will give themselves out.

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