After all, when the time comes, the money will be paid and people will not have to take it. For some black hearted teams, this is absolutely a wonderful thing.

If you become a member of the team, there won't be such a thing. After all, everyone is a member of the team.

Unless it's time to make a decision when life is in danger, few people will pit themselves.

"Little brother, are you here to apply for the team mate?"

A middle-aged man with a moustache was looking at Jiang Ting at this time, and then he asked suspiciously.

Seeing that this man was so polite, Jiang Ting felt good for him.

"I have nothing to do. I want to find a job."

Jiang Ting said to the man.

"Oh, I don't know what you are now? Have you reached the realm of opening up the mystery? "

The man asked with a smile.

"My current realm is just Kaixuan jiuzhong."

Jiang Ting looked at each other seriously.

"Kaixuan jiuzhong? Such a high level, you actually come to apply for our team? You know, our team has been working very hard for a long time

The man looked at Jiang ting in surprise.

Normally, this realm will not come to do this kind of coolie work.

"It's OK. I'm tired of staying here. I want to go out for a walk."

Originally, Jiang Ting wanted to say that he was Hualing Yizhong, but he thought that if the realm was too high, what if the other party didn't want him?

So he said he was Kaixuan jiuzhong.

There are too many people who have reached the realm of enlightenment in this place. I believe that this realm should be extremely common.

However, I didn't expect that when I said Kaixuan jiuzhong, the middle-aged man was still so surprised.

And look at each other's appearance, it seems that they can not give a reasonable reason, the other side is not going to want him.

"Oh, it turns out that you want to go out for a walk, which is also good. But I told you in advance that our team is very hard, life inside is rather tired, and now we are going to start, can you do it?"

The man looked at Jiang Ting very seriously.

Jiang Ting almost missed his thigh.

The team he wants now is one that can start right away.

The team in front of them said that they could go out immediately. How could they not?

He's going to laugh.

I'm so lucky.

Is it because I met a silly boy before, and after a period of bad luck, my luck suddenly improved.

Fortunately, Bai Qi is not here. If he hears Jiang Ting's words, he will feel aggrieved again.

"Yes, I can go with the team now."

Jiang Ting talks to him.

"Well, welcome to our hyenas transportation team. I'm the leader of the team. Just call me Zhang Qiang."

The middle-aged man smiles.

"The hyenas transportation team is a good name. My name is boss Jiang, and I'm very happy to join the hyenas transportation team."

Jiang Ting was too lazy to think about his name for a moment, so he directly used the old man Jiang as his pseudonym.

"Your name is boss Jiang? It's a good name. You won't lose anything I call you. "

Zhang Qiang said with a smile.

"Brother Zhang, we are ready to start now, aren't we?"

Coming to the back rest area, Jiang Ting saw a dozen men and women behind.

Among them, the most powerful is a monk with double spirit.

It's no wonder that the other side will be surprised. The strongest one in the team, besides Zhang Qiang, is the monk in front of him.

In contrast, his Kaixuan jiuzhong is actually the fifth strong man in the team.

"OK, we're almost there. Let's go."

Zhang Qiang's voice fell, and everyone stood up one after another.

"What's your name, new guy?"

A tall and thin man asked Jiang ting.

"Hello, my name is boss Jiang."

Jiang Ting said with a smile.

"What? Your name is boss Jiang. Don't you want to call you boss? You just entered our hyena transportation team, and you are going to seize power?"

Only the man said.

Of course, the other side looks like they are joking.

The hyenas transport team looks pretty good and feels very active.

"Well, let's be serious. We're going out now."

Only see Zhang Qiang in front of the road, followed by a group of people toward the direction of the gate.

"Why did so many people come to the gate today?"

Just to the gate of that place, they saw two rows of strong.All of these people have reached the realm of spiritual transformation.

Jiang Ting muttered in his heart that these people would not take the crystal ball they said before. If they took the crystal ball, they would be in trouble.

But we have to do it before we can.

"Wait, every team in the past has to accept the crystal ball inspection. Only after the inspection can we rest assured."

It was a strange man speaking.

The other side's realm has reached four levels of spirit.

"This officer, we are members of the hyenas transportation team. We are in a hurry to transport things on weekdays, so can you open the back door?"

Zhang Qiang went up with a smile.

And Jiang Ting heart is tightly pulled up.

"It's no good. It's explained from the top that anyone who wants to go out of the city has to go through the crystal ball test before going out. If you're not allowed to go out without the test, we can't afford to blame the top at that time."

Strange faces are more difficult to deal with.

Zhang Qiang looks at a city guard who usually gives money to him.

"Why don't you give it to them first? It will take at least half an hour for them to wait for the crystal ball to come. The hyenas transport team can guarantee the people and things they usually transport."

The gate guard came out at the critical moment.

Hearing this, the new guard hesitated.

At this time, only to see Zhang Qiang from his storage ring out of a treasure.

He knew that it would be almost impossible for him to go out without treasure today.

We should give more gifts to these elders, otherwise we can't leave here so easily.

Sure enough, after seeing the treasure Zhang Qiang took out, the guard's face relaxed a little.

"Well, in that case, let your last batch go out, and don't allow the next batch."

Jiang Ting breathed out a long breath.

It's a safe ride.

What a thrill.

Almost stopped.

After they went out, a voice came from behind.

Maybe the crystal ball has arrived, but everyone who comes out must go through the inspection before they can leave. Otherwise, they are the people with problems.

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