Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1260 Got Electrocuted

Wu Yi also received diving training during his service in the Huaxia Special Forces, but it was all to deal with terrorists and drug lords. The depth of the dive was limited, and he was carrying thick diving equipment, which made it very inconvenient to move. The feeling is completely different. After running the method of fish breath taught by Tinaya, he can breathe freely through countless sweat pores all over his body. The cool air flows between the heart and lungs, without any feeling of depression or oppression. Feeling very free and flexible.

The vast waters are a completely different world from the land. Wu Yi has no direction at all, so he can only follow behind them, observing and moving forward. The speed is not very fast, and the movements of paddling are also a bit clumsy. Compared with the mermaids, There is a world of difference, but Wu Yi's adaptability is very strong. Putting his legs together, he condenses the shape of a fish tail with his strength, imitating their posture in the water, and reducing the resistance of the body in the water, whether it is diving or diving. Gliding became smoother and smoother, like a fish, feeling the vastness and freedom of the sea.

"Engong, come with me. It seems that the patrol team of the Blackwater Legion is chasing us. If they find out, it will not be so easy to escape." Wu Yi was getting to know and adapt to the underwater world, when Tinaya suddenly Turning around, said eagerly.

Wu Yi's spiritual consciousness has been extended to the extreme, covering a range of nearly 8,000 meters, but he has not noticed any abnormalities. It seems that the mermaid clan has a unique secret technique in the ability to perceive danger, and it is not in a hurry yet. Responding, Tina has already hugged her waist, and her speed has suddenly increased by more than ten times, like a sharp arrow, passing through the deep sea, the scenery on both sides changes rapidly, and she can't even see clearly.

"This...isn't that good!" Wu Yi felt his breathing was a little short. Tinaya's lower body turned into a fishtail, but her upper body was still a charming girl. The most important thing was that she didn't wear anything. There are a few strands of hair covering the vital parts, making it look more gorgeous and charming, the breath is full of a faint girlish fragrance, the smooth and smooth skin that can be broken by blows is almost close to his cheek, feeling the elastic softness, as if There is a fire burning in his chest, which may erupt at any time.

Tinaya was concentrating all her energy on finding the direction of the pursuers. She didn't notice Wu Yi's little embarrassment at all. The fish's tail swung rapidly and went deep into the endless deep sea. The blueness in front of her eyes gradually changed to pitch black. Occasionally, a swimming fish whizzed by. , the surroundings became more and more dead silent, except for the sound of 'squeaking' water, hardly any other sounds could be heard.

"Princess, we have been surrounded. It is very likely that there are traitors in the clan who leaked their whereabouts. These villains set up an ambush on the only way we must go back to the deep sea. We can only find a way to break through." He came out with a dignified expression. The moment he sensed that there were pursuers, he had already rushed out to investigate the enemy's situation. When he turned back at this time, it was obvious that he also encountered a siege on the way ahead.

The vast East China Sea is vast and boundless. If the whereabouts were not revealed in advance, it would be impossible to achieve such a precise roundup in this sea area. It seems that Ao Zhe had hit by mistake before, and this group of pursuers is the real one. come prepared.

Tinaya let go of Wu Yi, and said angrily: "Now we are in dire straits at home and abroad, and there are still people who want to collude with Heishui City. Has the death of their relatives and compatriots not allowed them to see the true face of Heishui City? ?”

"It's meaningless to say these things now, I still have to find a way to escape, how many people are chasing soldiers, and how strong are they?" Wu Yi let out a long sigh of relief, and if he hugged him like this, he was afraid that he would make a fool of himself in public, but he quickly stopped. Thinking of these charming distracting thoughts, he asked calmly.

Takumi looked at Tina Ya, and after receiving her signal, he opened his mouth and said, "According to the practice of patrolling in Heishui City, each patrol team consists of ten people. This time they set up ambushes from all directions, and there are at least fifteen teams. , that is, one hundred and fifty people, as for their strength, we are not sure yet, but they must be able to work so hard, they must know the identity of the princess and have made complete preparations, and they should be more than enough to deal with the three of us."

"Don't panic yourself. Since it's a siege, the bigger the circle, the easier it is to be broken. Let's not wait here, Takumi, choose the point where you think the defense is weakest, and let's rush over together." Wu Yi made a decisive decision. He chose to break through, but this time, he took the initiative to hold Tinaya's hand. His speed in the water was too slow and would become a drag on them. Since he wanted to break through, he couldn't do without Tinaya's help, but a big The man felt a little uncomfortable being held in his arms, so it was easier to accept.

"Yes, let's go!" Tuo Hai is the number one warrior of the mermaid tribe. He is brave and good at fighting. Rushing over, Tinaya followed closely behind with Wu Yi, her speed has been increased to the extreme, almost comparable to the speed of a monk in the state of concentration flying through the air.

After advancing for about five kilometers, Wu Yi finally sensed the aura of Yuanli fluctuations. It really was a team of ten people, distributed in a fan shape, and the speed was also very fast. He had obviously noticed their intention to break through, and rushed over to intercept them. It took only a few breaths to meet them face to face. They were also dressed in black, and they couldn't see their appearance clearly. However, they could still clearly feel the bitter evil spirit in the deep sea. Only after experiencing Cruel killings, hands soaked in blood, will have such power.

The Blackwater Legion is definitely not a group of mobs, but an army with strong combat power. After seeing this group of people, Wu Yi can draw a conclusion, not to mention the guards of Lie Yanshi, even the capital of the capital. Ao Guang's Celestial Guards did not have such a strong evil spirit, and it was difficult to form such a strong impact.

"Rush over, don't hesitate, don't be trapped here by them, we only have this chance." Wu Yi shouted loudly, and at the same time let go of Tina Ya, waved the broken halberd, and rushed over immediately, not giving this patrol At any time for the team to react, the golden light shone, and in this dark deep-sea battle, it became more and more dazzling, piercing through the heavy water curtain, and stabbing at the man in black who rushed to the front, the sharp edge shook the sea water away, Form a vacuum, isolate everything, and strive to kill with one blow to achieve a deterrent effect.

However, what he didn't expect was that the man in black didn't dodge or dodge, and two long tentacles suddenly appeared behind him, entangled on the Heaven Breaker, and a current was transmitted suddenly, which made Wu Yi's arms go numb , the artifact almost slipped away.

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