Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1261 Slaughtering the Monster Octopus

"Damn it, what the hell is going on?" The man in black that Wu Yi's spiritual sense locked on to should be the captain of this patrol team, and his cultivation base is only around the early stage of Concentration Realm, so he is not his opponent at all. He used the Heaven Breaker Halberd to kill this person, to act as a deterrent, and to open the gap as soon as possible, but he didn't expect this guy to be a hidden master, so he almost stumbled. The current dissipated quickly, and the radiance of the halberd flowed, shaking the two long tentacles away.

In just a moment, the group of men in black had already surrounded them. The weapons of Tinaya and Takumi were their long hair like waterfalls, interlaced in the water, forming a big net, which could deal with one or two black men. There were more than enough people in clothes, but there were too many people to handle, so they had to stand with Wu Yi and fell into a confrontation.

"Princess Tinaya, you are so courageous, you actually want to fight against Heishui City, obediently go back with me, admit your mistakes and repent in front of the prince, maybe you can save your life, if you continue to resist, don't blame me for waiting to be destroyed It's gone." The man in black who fought with Wu Yi stepped forward, threatening in a cold voice, under the golden light from the Skybreaker, his face was as pale as a ghost, and his blood-red eyes gleamed with a strange gleam. Light, the lower body is a ball of meat, dozens of tentacles floating under the ball, each more than 30 meters long, stacked on top of each other, flickering with electric arcs, appearing and disappearing from time to time, Horrible.

"It turned out to be an octopus monster. The young master was careless for a while and almost caught him. The resistance in the water is too great, and the combat power will be reduced by at least half. It's a bit of a headache!" Wu Yi secretly said in his heart, just now eager to break through , didn't see this guy's appearance clearly, and only realized when he made a move that the ubiquitous sea water had become an invisible barrier, making it difficult for him to display his full strength, and he felt very uncomfortable.

Tinaya showed no fear, but pointed to the nose of the man in black and asked: "Quincy, as the great elder of the octopus clan, not only do you not fight for your own clan, but you are willing to become a minion of Heishui City, slaughtering aquatic clans everywhere , You don’t even feel ashamed and blame yourself if you don’t even let go of your own race?”

"The prince is a man of great talent, and he is a well-deserved king of the East China Sea. I voluntarily surrendered to him. What is wrong with me? On the contrary, you, the remnants of the Dragon Temple, are stubborn, obsessed with obsession, and always oppose the prince. Killing you is for the millennium prosperity of the East China Sea, those old stubborn, obsolete, what's the use of keeping it, it's better to die clean." Quincy became very emotional, with a blush on his pale face, and shouted sharply.

"The way is different, we don't conspire with each other, you want to capture me alive and go back to claim credit, don't dream, do it!" Tina Ya flicked her hair, like thousands of sharp arrows standing in the water, she had already entered the fighting state, Takumi also showed his sharp teeth. For them, their flexible bodies are their weapons, and they are more handy to use.

"Tinaya wants to be captured alive, and I will deal with it. The rest will be killed without mercy, and the battle will be settled quickly. Don't let them take away the fat in your mouth." Quincy didn't want to delay the time, once the other teams noticed When he heard the movement, he followed up, and it was not his turn to take the first prize.

"Kill!" The team of men in black charged up again. They were all octopus species. They followed Quincy to seek refuge with King Qingjiao, and the cooperation between them was also very tacit. The airtight net enveloped Wu Yi and Tuo Hai, and the slightest electric arc flickered, and there were extremely sharp barbs on each tentacle. Once hit, the toxin invaded the blood, and it would There is a fear of life.

"Tuo Hai, get out of the way, let me deal with this group of stinky squids!" Wu Yi already had the experience of fighting for the first time, so naturally he would not fight them head-on, and directly sacrificed the golden tripod, sprinkled a misty golden The light curtain cut off the ubiquitous sea water, forming a vacuum area, which allowed him to let go of his hands and feet, and at the same time swung the evil blade, and charged directly, the cold light flickered, and his vigor was overwhelming.

Compared with the land, the space isolated by the golden cauldron is still very narrow. The sky-breaking halberd can't be used in the light curtain when it opens and closes. Therefore, Wu Yi decided to use the evil blade. He also brought a pair of silk gloves, which can isolate electricity without affecting his actions. These ice silk gloves were collected in the fairy garden. They were originally intended to be given to Han Xue. Injured by the scorching air waves, unexpectedly it will be useful here.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

Wu Yi's figure is like a ghost, shuttling through the impenetrable tentacles, the cold light of the evil blade flickers, drawing a series of graceful and sharp trajectories, every time he makes a move, several tentacles are cut off at the same root After the breakthrough of Yuanli, the Divine King's Slash was performed more easily and freely. After a while, the golden mask was filled with bright red blood, and there were screams one after another, like a purgatory on earth.

"Oh my god, this is the real master!" Takumi was dumbfounded watching from the sidelines, his blood boiled, he was excited, and he was envious at the same time. The mermaids have fought against this group of octopus monsters more than once. Once they get entangled, It was very difficult to escape. I don’t know how many mermen were captured alive by them, and brought back to Heishui City, where they were bullied and tortured. Unexpectedly, when they met Wu Yi, they cut those nightmare-like tentacles into pieces like chopping melons and vegetables. Suimo, looking at the incomparable relief, kept clapping and applauding from the sidelines.

The vacuum environment isolated by the Golden Cauldron restricts the movement of this group of octopus monsters, and they cannot move forward and retreat as freely as in the water. Moreover, they are always uncomfortable when they leave the familiar environment, and Wu Yi will not give them a chance to adapt , and in the vacuum environment, the arc shock emitted by the tentacles has completely failed. Without these innate advantages, with their strength, they are at most comparable to monks in the spiritual realm. In front of Wu Yi, they are naturally powerless to resist.

Kunshan originally wanted to monopolize the great work, and did not send a signal to the other search teams. Seeing this scene, he was shocked. He didn't expect the guy who appeared so suddenly to be so powerful. In a hurry, he wanted to force Tinaya back and get rid of the battle situation as soon as possible, but Takumi, who was in the gang, would not be so stupid. When he sensed the change, he immediately rushed over, trapping him tightly, without any chance to breathe.

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