Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1262 Headquarters

Kunshan was originally the great elder of the octopus clan. He has already opened up his spiritual wisdom and comprehended the way of heaven. His strength is comparable to that of a monk in the middle stage of Concentration. With Takumi's siege, it was difficult to escape in a short period of time, and a large jet of ink suddenly spewed out from his mouth, turning the surrounding waters into darkness, and he couldn't see his fingers, trying to escape in chaos.

"Tuo Hai, I'll leave these remnants of defeated soldiers to you. Don't leave them alive, so as not to reveal their whereabouts. I'll deal with this big guy." Wu Yi took back the golden tripod and rushed out covered in blood. The melee just now has been resolved. Nearly halfway through, the remaining few octopus monsters have also had their tentacles cut off, and they are not very aggressive anymore. It is more than enough for Takumi to deal with them. On the contrary, Kunshan is insidious and cunning. If he is allowed to escape, go back and report to Qingjiao After the king, he will be hunted down and besieged on a larger scale, so he must not be let go.

"Be careful, benefactor, this ink is highly poisonous, don't let it contaminate your body, don't worry about the remaining few, don't even try to escape!" Tuo Hai was still a little bit towards Wu Yi at first. Be on guard, but at this time he has already regarded him as an idol in his heart. After a few words of advice, he met those octopus monsters that were running away. After being frustrated for so long, he finally had the opportunity to show his talents.

Wu Yi directly sacrificed the golden cauldron to isolate the black sea water, and soon Kunshan's real body was revealed, and Tinaya's full head of hair was forming a big net, trapping him tightly. No matter how he struggles, it is impossible to get rid of Tinaya in a short time, but Kunshan is not a kind person, a sharp tentacle penetrates Tinaya's slender shoulders, and when he is about to strangle her throat , was bitten by one bite, and fell into a stalemate, with bright red blood dripping continuously, while Tinaya was pale, her lips were black, she had already been poisoned, and she was struggling to support it only by willpower.

This scene shocked Wu Yi a little. He didn't expect Tina Ya to have such a strong side under her weak appearance. At the same time, the anger in her heart burned even more vigorously. She was originally a mermaid who sang gently under the moonlight, but unexpectedly Forced to become a warrior who would rather die than surrender, in this sea area, I don't know how many "Tinaya" have to rise up and resist because of the brutal rule of Heishui City, living in blood and cruelty all the time, losing their lives. Authentic and pure.


The evil blade flashed coldly, and directly cut off the tentacle that attacked Tinaya. Without support, her body fell down limply. Wu Yi helped her to the side, treated the wound briefly, and then held the evil Blade, walked towards Quincy step by step. This guy was frightened by Wu Yi, and he attacked the golden light crazily, trying to rush out, but all this was in vain, unless his cultivation had surpassed the state of concentration, otherwise it was impossible Break through the defensive mask under the golden cauldron.

"You... who are you?" Quincy's voice was trembling. He had just started fighting with Wu Yi, but he didn't take him to heart. He didn't expect Wu Yi's strength to be so terrifying, and he was wiped out immediately. Half of his subordinates are simply irresistible.

Wu Yi's eyes burst into flames, and he said in a cold voice, "Punish the evil and promote the good, and help the righteous."

"Huh... the whale sneezed, with a big tone, boy, you don't have to be afraid of the wind to flash your tongue. This is the East China Sea, and you can't tolerate your presumptuousness. If you are sensible, just step aside and fight against Heishui City. You should know what it is." Consequences." Quincy has already realized that Wu Yi is not from the Shui tribe, but a human monk, so he can only use the name of King Qingjiao to threaten Wu Yi, hoping that he will have some scruples.

However, to Wu Yi, this has no meaning anymore. When the Divine King's Slash is unfolded, the shadow of the sword is like a violent storm, and only a few shrill screams are heard. When Wu Yi retracts the evil blade, Quincy's The lower body has been chopped into meat, and only the upper half of the body is left, like a short winter melon, rolling around non-stop, screaming like a slaughtered pig, and the stench in the light curtain is red.

"Grandpa, this guy didn't kill many people of the Merman Clan. What are you doing with his life? Wouldn't it be a pleasure to kill him?" Tuo Hai finished cleaning up the remnants of the soldiers, and came over to see that Wu Yi had put away Xie Ren, who was observing Tinaya's injury, asked in puzzlement.

"Don't worry, keep him for his own use, Tina Ya has been deeply poisoned, we must rush back immediately and find a secluded place to heal her injuries, if it is too late, it will be too late." Wu Yi put his hand on Tina On Ya's pulse, I feel that the pulse is very weak, intermittent, and very unstable. The injury on the shoulder has healed, but the toxins in the body have not been eliminated, and she has fallen into a coma. If the toxins are not removed, Difficult to regain sanity.

"Okay, people from Heishui City are also searching this way, we'd better return to the camp and make plans, but what should we do with this thing?" Takumi looked at the ball rolling around, struggling for death, and punched The urge to blow him up, but at this time, Wu Yi's opinion is still sought, as if Wu Yi is regarded as the backbone.

"Tie it up, take it back, wait for Tinaya to be healed, and then slowly deal with him." Wu Yi kicked Quincy to Takumi, picked up Tinaya, and galloped towards the heavy water curtain, keeping his legs together , Yuanli condensed into a fish tail, gently swayed and waved, the speed was much faster than before, and soon disappeared.

Just as Wu Yi and the others left, the rest of the patrol teams chased after them. Although the traces of the fight had been washed away by the turbulent sea, the faint smell of blood could still be smelled. The middle-aged man in armor observed carefully for a while, pointed to the direction they left, and ordered: "The Kunshan team must have encountered an attack. The place where the mermaids are hiding should be in this direction. You two go back and report to the commander to send troops for reinforcements." , the rest of the people will continue to chase with me, if we can find their lair where they are hiding, it will be a great achievement."

"Your subordinates take orders." The two men in black hurried back, and the rest of the sergeants followed the middle-aged men in a fan shape and continued to search and move forward. Under the calm sea, a drastic change was brewing.

Tuohai trapped Kunshan tightly with his long hair, even his eyes were blindfolded and hung at his waist. However, under Wu Yi's command, he turned left and right all the way, leaving many false and real traces, Then he swam towards the deep sea, dived more than 5,000 meters, and finally came to a bay, which was the base camp where the sharks and other aquatic tribes lived.

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