Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1311 On the side of the Qing emperor, get rid of treacherous sycophants


As soon as Wu Yi finished speaking, a ten-meter-long and three-meter-wide brocade roared out from Ao Yeshuo's cuffs. It was embroidered with a huge dragon with horny head and cold scales. It was majestic and unique. What's more, on the dragon's back, there are nine pairs of wings. The wings are flat and cover the sky and the sun. It is based on the real beast body and nine-winged dragon in the language of the dragon god Aoyu. According to Ao Yeshuo's memory description, after Ti Naya's slender and delicate hands are vividly portrayed, and the arrogance of fighting the sky and looking down on the world is perfectly displayed, which makes people's hearts surge and blood boil.

"Brothers, from the moment I established the Dragon War Legion, I, Wu Yi, have expressed my original intention to overthrow Heishui City, revive the Dragon Temple, and restore the East China Sea to the Qing Dynasty. You may be a little confused. What do I do? What do I do with all the brothers? To be honest, I, Wu Yi, am the son of the Dragon God, the inheritor of the golden blood, a natural born king, and I have a duty. The supreme prince of the dragon god, worshiped his uncle Ao Yeshuo as the great elder, and ordered the tribes of the Shui tribe to seize control of the 90,000-mile East China Sea. Make a solemn oath, on the day of success, you will be treated generously, and if there is any negative relationship, heaven and earth will perish!" Wu Yi stood under the military flag, his spirit sank to his dantian, and his righteousness was clearly conveyed to everyone's ears, even the people in the square. The sergeant standing above could also hear it clearly, like a stream of magma, rushing through the body, the eyes of each other met, they were both shocked and excited, and their hearts were surging, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

The Dragon War Legion has been established, but its strength is still very weak compared to the Blackwater Legion. According to Wu Yi's original idea, he can only accumulate strength in secret, and then confront the Qing Jiao King head-on when the wings are full, but this The idea was directly denied by Ao Yeshuo.

Ao Yeshuo believes that if you don't do it, if you do it, you must create momentum and expand your influence. As the prince of the Dragon God, raising the flag to rebel can gather people's hearts, quickly grow strength, and attract those aquariums who are oppressed and tortured. To come and join, as long as they set foot in the East China Sea, it is impossible to hide the truth from the Qingjiao King. In this case, it is better to burn the fire more vigorously, so that the Blackwater Legion will not know where to start if they want to destroy it.

The name is upright and the words are right. After all, it was King Qingjiao who betrayed the Dragon God Temple first. As the son of the Dragon God, he has the responsibility to set things right and restore orthodoxy. As long as the teacher is famous, he is a teacher of justice. It will definitely be very huge. Wu Yi agreed with Ao Yeshuo's suggestion, and this is how such a big action is made today.

It's like dropping a drop of cold water into hot oil, causing splashes all over the sky. Regarding Wu Yi's origin and identity, they have already speculated secretly, but they never dreamed that he would be the son of the Dragon God. Completely blasted the pot.

"The son of the Dragon God, he is a nobleman of the royal family, with an incomparably noble status. He never expected to appear in the Abyss of Sin. Is this God's will?"

"It's no wonder that the Lord was able to control the Abyss of Sin in such a short period of time. It was unbelievable before, but now it seems that a small Abyss of Sin is completely a piece of cake for the Lord! "

"On the side of the Qing emperor, except for treacherous sycophants, being able to accomplish such a great cause with the lord is not in vain!"

"Yeah, instead of living like this, it's better to do a vigorous career. Even if you are smashed to pieces, it's worth it."


Just as Ao Yeshuo judged, none of the officers in the hall was afraid to shrink back or panic, but all became extremely excited, gearing up and eager to try. They were originally blood licking, living in danger all the time, with adventure and anxiety in their bones It is a huge adventure, high-risk, high-yield, once successful, it is the merit of the dragon, and the resources that can be obtained are inexhaustible and inexhaustible, which will naturally arouse their keen interest.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost brewing, Wu Yi circulated his blood and divine power, and a golden dragon phantom appeared behind him, and the mighty coercion dissipated. He raised his arms and shouted loudly: "Brothers, are you willing to get rid of the prince with me?" The treacherous, help the orthodox, restore the Dragon Temple, and regain control of the East China Sea."




Everyone waved their arms to respond, and the sound shook the roof tiles. Following in the footsteps of the son of the Dragon God, they fought for ninety thousand miles in the East China Sea. Thinking about it, they felt extremely excited. Now that there is a black dragon Ao Yeshuo joining them, there is no way out anyway, so it is better to give it a go .

"Tinaya welcomes the prince back to the throne on behalf of the shark, shrimp, crab, shellfish, and tortoise clans!" Tinaya lifted her skirt lightly, knelt down, and made a very respectful gift.

"Welcome the crown prince back to the throne!" The rest of the people followed suit. Inside and outside the main hall, everyone knelt down, incomparably humble and submissive. The dragon clan has ruled the East China Sea for thousands of years, and has irreplaceable deterrence and influence. To them, the death of the crown prince was a supreme honor and an unchanging faith in their hearts.

"Everyone, please, Wu Yi will do what he says. On the day of success, he will give preferential treatment and never let down the trust of all the brothers." Wu Yi clasped his fists in both hands and said solemnly. This is his promise, it will not be An empty talk, let alone to confuse people, to brothers and subordinates, you respect me one foot, I respect you one foot, it has always been like this.

In the hall, only Ji Wuyang smiled reluctantly. He originally admired Wu Yi very much, because of Wu Yi's trust and reuse, he never dared to be careless for a moment, and always followed Wu Yi's orders in everything, but the last time Xiao Huo The matter of disobedience to the military order was suppressed by Wu Yi, and there were also many gossips in the army. The nickname of "Ji Da Bang Chui" became louder and louder, but there was less awe and more banter. He found it difficult to get along with himself, and he wanted to quit.

But unexpectedly, Wu Yi went on to say: "To call everyone today, apart from officially declaring to raise the flag to raise troops, there is another thing, that is, the vanguard captain Xiaohuo defied the military order in public, and we need to give everyone an explanation. Rao Jing, as you Captain of the law enforcement team, how should I deal with it?"

While speaking, Xiaohuo had already flown out of the Qiankun bag, but he still couldn't break free from the imprisonment of his spiritual consciousness. During these ten days, he couldn't even move his fingers. There were two blazes in his eyes, and he glared at Wu Yi, obviously In the midst of extreme anger, he didn't think he was at fault from the beginning to the end, but it was really incomprehensible that he was treated like this.

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