Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1312 First Blood

Rao Jing showed embarrassment. If he faced ordinary sergeants, he would naturally have no scruples. He could just be punished according to the regulations formulated in the military law. But this time it was Xiaohuo who disobeyed the military order. Everyone knows how close he is to Wu Yi. , if it is not handled properly, but there is a fear of life, after brewing for a long time, he still said very tactfully: "Reporting to the Lord, the young master did not actually disobey the military order, but just had a small dispute with the army commander. The young master is still young, and he is eager to protect the master, so he will be a little impulsive, and now the master has punished him for ten days of confinement, and the subordinates feel that it is enough, and it is not appropriate to pursue it."

Imprisonment of consciousness, unable to even move a finger, the taste is indeed very tormenting, especially for Xiaohuo's impetuous personality, and there is still a lot of resentment in his heart, almost every minute and every second is suffering, ten days of confinement, It can be regarded as a small lesson for him. As soon as Rao Jing finished speaking, some people below began to nod in agreement. From an emotional point of view, Xiao Huo had good intentions after all, and it was not for any other sinister purpose.

"Then tell me, what will happen if I fail to come back in time after half an hour?" Wu Yi raised his eyebrows slightly and asked.

Rao Jing originally thought that Wu Yi was trying to find a way for himself, but he didn't expect Wu Yi to be so persistent, so he could only answer honestly: "This... If the Lord doesn't come back, I'm afraid it will lead to a catastrophe , suffered heavy casualties."

Wu Yi said sharply: "The military order is like a mountain, and those who violate it will be punished. The prince breaks the law and commits the same crime as the common people. No matter who Xiaohuo is or what his purpose is, disobeying the military order is an indisputable fact. My lord is asking you now, How should those who disobey the military order be punished?"

"Those who disobey the military order shall...be sentenced to capital punishment!" Rao Jing felt terrified at the sight of Wu Yi, so he could only bite the bullet and answer.

"Very good, go and execute it!" Wu Yi nodded, and with a thought, he sent Xiao Huo to the center of the hall, and he was about to behead Xiao Huo in public.

As soon as this remark came out, it was like throwing a huge boulder on a calm lake, which immediately stirred up a stormy sea. No one expected that Wu Yi would be so strict with Xiaohuo, without showing any affection. Xiaohuo also began to struggle hard. His heart was full of anger, unwillingness and disappointment. He was concerned about Wu Yi's safety, but he got such an ending.

Rao Jing shivered in fright, he couldn't handle such a hot potato, he knelt down on the ground with a thud, and persuaded him: "My lord, the young master just got into a dispute on the spur of the moment when he was young. It should be punished as a death penalty, please think twice, Lord!"

"My lord, my subordinates also have an unshirkable responsibility for this matter. The vanguard belongs to the establishment of the Dragon War Legion. The subordinates did not fulfill their duties of persuasion and mediation. Instead, they ignored the reasons and provoked disputes. They asked for punishment. The young master disobeyed the military order. , not to run away in battle, not to obey the command and dispatch, but to care about the Lord, and the situation is excusable, and I ask the Lord to show mercy outside the law and punish him lightly." Ji Wuyang also knelt on the ground, pleading for Xiaohuo, and carefully reflected, if at that time I can persuade you with good words, maybe things will not develop to this point, and I feel a little guilty.

"Please the Lord give me extra mercy and give him a lighter sentence."

"The young master is only in a moment of arrogance, and should not be sentenced to death. Please think twice, my lord!"

"Please forgive the young master, Lord, and give him a chance to correct himself."


All the officers in the hall knelt down to intercede for Xiaohuo, and even Tinaya also knelt down. After getting along with Xiaohuo for so long, the relationship between each other is very deep, so naturally it is impossible to stand on the sidelines.

Wu Yi waved his hand to signal them to be quiet, then slowly drew out the evil blade, walked towards Xiaohuo step by step, and stood opposite him, his eyes were full of love and affection, his relationship with Xiaohuo had already been connected by blood, and became a Seeing Xiaohuo's anger and grievance, the real close relatives feel even more uncomfortable in his heart.

"Master, don't be impulsive!"

"Brother Wu Yi, what are you going to do? Hurry up and stop!"

"My lord, keep people under the knife, think twice!"


Everyone got up one after another, wanting to stop Wu Yi, but they were blocked by a golden light. Even Ao Yeshuo was slightly moved. He didn't expect Wu Yi to be so determined to do it himself.

"Pfft..." The evil blade flashed cold light, pierced into the flesh, and made a dull sound. This knife did not stab Xiaohuo, but pierced into Wu Yi's body, and bright red blood spurted out , mixed with a touch of gold, condensed in mid-air, the pungent bloody smell diffused, and the deathlike silence was restored in the hall again.

Wu Yi frowned slightly, took a deep breath, and then said, "It's my father's fault if you don't teach me. You have just opened up your mind and your mind is not yet mature, but I rashly entrusted you with a heavy responsibility and didn't consider it carefully. The fault is all on me, and the punishment should be borne by me, but the dragon war legion has just been established, and the revival of the dragon clan has just begun, and the responsibility on my shoulders is heavier than Mount Tai. The fate of more than four thousand brothers is all in my hands In your hands, you are not only responsible for you, but also responsible for them, so this knife is an explanation to the brothers. The military order is like a mountain, and the order is prohibited. This is an iron law, and no one can disobey it. For any affairs of the legion, the vanguard squad will be expelled from the army and will no longer enjoy any special treatment."

The cold sharp blade tore flesh and blood, bringing sharp pain, but it melted Xiaohuo's angry and wronged heart. It turned out that from the beginning to the end, Wu Yi never thought of really punishing him, just because the responsibility on Wu Yi's shoulders was too great. Heavy, carrying too many promises and expectations, I had to do this, many reasons Xiaohuo may not understand, until this moment, I really realized Wu Yi's embarrassment, the anger in his eyes gradually subsided, and the whole person slowly Slow down and quiet down.

"Long Zhan Legion, mighty and victorious!" Ji Wuyang was the first to stand up, shouting with all his strength, his heart was boiling with enthusiasm, to follow such a master, even if his body was smashed to pieces, he would die a worthy death without leaving any regrets, yes Wu Yi is as respectful as a god, and he no longer has the slightest unwillingness or complaints, and just wants to follow him to do some great things with great vigor.

"Long Zhan Legion, mighty and victorious!"

"Long Zhan Legion, mighty and victorious!"

"Long Zhan Legion, mighty and victorious!"

The mighty voice reverberated in the hall and quickly spread to the square. The shouts from the throats of more than 4,000 warriors were so shocking and magnificent.

Wu Yi pulled out the evil blade abruptly, and let the blood fall on the flying military flag. This first drop of blood was like a brand mark, deeply engraved in the hearts of every soldier. The military law is like a mountain, unshakable.

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