Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1313 The Beluga Clan

The prince broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people. Wu Yi was punished on behalf of Xiaohuo, which not only maintained military discipline, but also greatly increased his prestige. From the commander of the army to the unknown, everyone admired him. The concept of strictly governing the army has also deepened people's hearts.

Xiao Huo's status is so noble, is it out of good intentions, or is it inevitable to suffer such severe punishment, who else would treat military orders like a child's play? Ji Wuyang was finally able to hold his chest high and continue to be the feared 'Ji Da Bang Chui', becoming the best enforcer and maintainer of military discipline, with a reputation only inferior to Wu Yi's, and he had accumulated a high level of prestige. The swearing-in meeting ended successfully amid thunderous applause. Wu Yi took Xiaohuo to a small pavilion in the back garden, released the imprisonment of his spiritual consciousness, and let Xiaohuo regain his freedom.

"Xiao Huo, I know that you have a lot of grievances and dissatisfaction in your heart. Now that there are no outsiders, you can vent it to your heart's content. Don't hold it in your heart. You are already a little impatient. If you leave a knot in your heart, it will become a serious problem in the future. "Wu Yi's tone was much calmer, and his eyes were full of caring. Reflecting on the whole thing, he was indeed a little rash. In order to cultivate the vigor of the army, he deliberately made Xiaohuo stand out, but ignored his flamboyant personality. Once he left Once he is under his own control, no one can control him. The fault is not on Xiao Huo, but on himself. It's just that the matter has come to this point, and it's meaningless to say more.

"Father, how is your wound recovering? Do you want to meditate and adjust your breath?" Xiao Huo's eyes fell on Wu Yi's shoulder. The knife had already dissolved all the resentment and grievance, and all that was left was heartache and guilt.

Wu Yi asked in surprise, "Don't you hate me?"

"I've never hated it before, and I can't hate it. I was a little bit resentful at first, but after understanding your difficulties, I stopped complaining." At this moment, Xiaohuo seemed to have grown up a lot, which made Wu Yi feel extremely warm in his heart. , Only true close relatives can achieve this kind of understanding. It doesn't need too many words, just a look is enough.

From the moment Xiao Huo was born, he saw Wu Yi. He and Wu Yi have already been connected in heart and soul, and they have become an inseparable whole. In Xiao Huo's heart, Wu Yi is his only relative in this world. No matter how irritable one's temper is, no matter how much wronged one suffers, it is impossible to have real resentment in one's heart.

"It's great that you can understand my difficulties." Wu Yi touched Xiao Huo's head, and let out a long sigh of relief. The boulder that had been pressing on his heart finally fell to the ground.

"Father, isn't it just ten days of confinement, how much grievance can I have? If I hadn't met you, I'm afraid I would still be trapped in the fireless situation, and I would never be able to cultivate the real heavenly fire power, let alone I can't repay this great kindness when I activate my spiritual wisdom, and I feel a little embarrassed that you took the knife for me, how can I hate you?" Although Xiao Huo had just opened his spiritual wisdom, Many things are still very clear. In his heart, Wu Yi has long been regarded as his father. Only with awe and love can he never turn against each other.

"Haha... You kid will be embarrassed too. After holding it in for so long, you still don't hurry to go out to exercise your muscles and bones. And your brothers are severely punished because of you. You should go to comfort them. Now it's the employer Now, as long as they practice diligently, they will definitely be useful." Wu Yi laughed loudly.

Xiao Huo was worried about his vanguard team, and with Wu Yi's permission, he disappeared in a flash. Such a sensational scene between the father and father had never happened before, and he was very uncomfortable.

Wu Yi looked at Xiao Huo's disappearing figure, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart. The scars on his body had already healed, but his heart was deeply imprinted. Precepts and deeds taught him a lesson this time. Before he grows up and is sensible, he must always remind himself to be considerate, and if an irreversible catastrophe really happens, he will blame himself and feel guilty, and he will never be relieved.

On the third day of the flag-raising uprising, the Dragon War Legion officially set off. The six major corps and the reserve team were all dispatched to attack 4,315 people. They walked out of the Valley of Elysium and started a new journey.

The southernmost tip of the East China Sea is the waters where the Beluga Clan lives. It is also very cold. The water temperature is kept below freezing point all year round, which is not suitable for survival. Before Tinaya met Wu Yi, she used it as a temporary shelter. Once they went there, but not to take refuge, but to hold high the banner of righteousness, in the name of the Dragon God Prince, to persuade the Beluga Clan to surrender.

This idea was proposed by the Great Elder Ao Yeshuo. He is very familiar with the distribution of the Aquarium forces in the East China Sea. The Beluga Clan is an ancient and mysterious Aquarium. At this time, if the white whale is the vanguard to launch an attack, there will be a miraculous effect of getting twice the result with half the effort, and it is an aquarium force worth wooing.

Tinaya was originally anxious to return to the base camp, but she also agreed with this proposal. The Moby Whales have not returned to Blackwater City for a long time, and they are obviously still loyal to the Dragon Temple. This time, if they go to appease, the chances of success are very high. If you leave now , and then turn back, it will take ten days, which is not cost-effective, and the more strength, the more possibility of success.

The frigid seawater did not put much pressure on these sergeants. They had already adapted to the treacherous environment, and they were very excited when they went to battle for the first time. It would have taken a day's journey, but the quick march took less than five hours. The destination has been reached.

Wu Yi originally planned to go to pay a visit with Ao Yeshuo and Tinaya first. He didn't want to make a big move. He didn't expect to smell a strong smell of blood and chaotic yuan power fluctuations just after he arrived at the sphere of influence of the Beluga Clan. Like a howling wind, it set off waves of huge waves, slapped on the surface of the water, and made a loud noise, which was vaguely mixed with roars and shouts, making it extremely chaotic.

"No, the Blackwater Legion has already taken the first step and launched an attack on the Beluga Clan." Tinaya said anxiously, she didn't expect them to move so fast, and they had already stretched their tentacles to the edge of the East China Sea. If they hadn't met Wu Yi, definitely doomed.

Wu Yilang said in a loud voice: "It's better to catch up sooner than later. The Blackwater Legion is going deep alone. It seems that there is no limit to madness. Today is just a lesson for them, let them know that the East China Sea aquarium is not the lamb they slaughtered."

"The First Corps and the Sixth Corps attack from the left, the Second Corps and the Fifth Corps attack from the right, and the Third and Fourth Corps attack from the front." Ji Wuyang quickly ordered.

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