Dragon Warrior

Chapter 368 Let go and do it

Seeing that Su Qingxue was so curious, Wu Yi didn't want to tell her, but thinking that if he didn't tell Su Qingxue everything, this girl might not be vigilant. She told Su Qingxue everything in detail.

"Ah? Then... all the blood in the bodies of the dead has been sucked dry?" Su Qingxue immediately showed a look of panic after hearing Wu Yi's words. The reason why human beings can survive is because of the support of blood. How can humans survive without blood?

Wu Yi nodded solemnly, stroked Su Qingxue's hair, and said, "That's why I want you to go to your father-in-law's side. With Elder Lu's protection, your safety should not be threatened."

"What the hell are those things? They are so hateful!" Su Qingxue clenched her fists angrily, her heart was full of resentment, and she also felt sorry for the family members of the deceased, especially when she heard Wu Yi say that there were two deceased persons who had orphans , and even more sympathy, "Wu Yi, how about it, tomorrow you can ask about the family members of those people, and then let those who are willing to come to Tianhong Group to work in Tianhong Group."

Wu Yi smiled, but didn't speak. He knew very well in his heart that those orphans probably did not have a very high level of education. It was not easy for them to come to the city to work. What can they do with Tianhong Group? Unless it is similar to work in some factories, but in that case the salary is definitely not very high.

There are many poor people in this world. Wu Yi knows that his ability is limited, and he cannot help all of them. Even if he secretly established the Judgment Charity Fund, there is no way to completely help too many people, let alone a What about the small Tianhong Group?

"Okay, it's getting late, let's sleep for a while. When you get up in the morning, pack up your things and I'll take you to Purple Bamboo Garden." There was deep helplessness in Wu Yi's voice.

"What about you?" Su Qingxue turned her face and looked at Wu Yi.

Wu Yi thought for a while and said: "If I have time, I will go to Zizhuyuan to accompany you. But you also know that the main target of those guys is the Tianhong Group, and they want us to hand over the anti-cancer drugs. Therefore, those innocent people The deaths of the common people are all because of us, I must drive those monsters away as soon as possible!"

Although Su Qingxue was dissatisfied with Wu Yi's answer, she was also a reasonable woman, so she could only bear it silently.

"Wu Yi, what are those things? Why do they suck human blood?" Su Qingxue asked.

"You should have watched those Western TVs, right?" Wu Yi smiled and said, "You should know the most famous Vampire Diaries, right?"

Su Qingxue has the habit of watching American dramas, so Wu Yi used this as an example.

"The Vampire Diaries?" Su Qingxue immediately became interested in her favorite American TV series, but soon she thought of something, and a look of horror appeared in her eyes, "Wu Yi, what you said shouldn't be ..."

Although Su Qingxue didn't finish her sentence, Wu Yi knew that this smart woman already knew what was going on.

"That's right, it's a vampire!" When mentioning these three words, Wu Yi frowned tightly. He had been to the West and had contact with those evil creatures, especially in England, where vampires were even more common. It is to become a special existence that can coexist with human beings, and some people will even become blood slaves for those blood races to suck their own blood.

For Wu Yi, there is a reason for the existence of any creature, and Wu Yi also knows that there are more terrifying and terrifying existences in China than vampires.

But Wu Yi didn't expect that those vampires would wantonly suck human blood as soon as they came to Nanhua City, and it was the most vicious kind that directly sucked all the blood in the human body without killing anyone. Wu Yi could accept it, but the other party actually Such trampling on the lives of common people in China has touched Wu Yi's bottom line!

Therefore, he will never compromise!

"Ah? But, those vampires on TV are not like this. They..." Thinking of how entangled the love of those vampires on TV is, it makes people feel chills. But in reality those guys are like this...

These completely overturned the beautiful imagination in Su Qingxue's heart, and she even felt a little disgusted. She decided never to watch those disgusting American dramas ever again.

Seeing Su Qingxue's appearance, Wu Yi smiled, and gently patted Su Qingxue's smooth face, "Fool, those are just TVs, they are not as beautiful as you imagined!"

The winter night passed quickly, and while Wu Yi and Su Qingxue were chatting, the eastern sky had already turned white.

Today is a good weather, there is a trace of red in the east, which indicates that there will be sunshine, which makes Wu Yi feel a lot more comfortable. In this kind of weather, those blood clans probably won't go out wantonly, right?

Many things on TV are deceptive, but there is some truth to it.

Real vampires don't die when they see sunlight, but they are nocturnal animals. During the day, especially when there is sunlight, their strength will be greatly weakened, and they like to rest during the day!

It's not like in the movie that vampires will be sunburned to death when they see sunlight.

Helping Su Qingxue pack some happy clothes and necessary daily necessities, the two drove directly to Zizhuyuan. When they arrived at Zizhuyuan, Su Tianhong and Lu Lao had already woken up and were drinking tea there.

It seemed a bit unexpected to see Wu Yi and Su Qingxue's arrival. After Wu Yi's explanation, he was relieved. Elder Lu also promised that Su Qingxue's safety would be absolutely guaranteed.

The matter here is over, Wu Yi had some breakfast in Zizhuyuan, and then left.

He decided to go to Qin Lan, hoping that Qin Lan could have some clues. On the way to the police station, Wu Yi called Guo Dong, sent Guo Dong and Huang Yulai to secretly protect Zhou Miaoling, and told them not to be discovered by Zhou Miaoling.

He was already so heartless before, so Wu Yi didn't want Zhou Miaoling to find out that he still cared about her, so he asked Guo Dong and Huang Yu to secretly protect her.

After making sure that he has no worries, Wu Yi has the opportunity to let go and solve the matter of the Blood Rose Consortium.

What happened in the early hours of yesterday made the entire Nanhua City executives unable to calm down. This is even more terrifying than a terrorist attack. Therefore, the higher-ups issued a death order and asked Dai Wenming to solve the matter as soon as possible. Otherwise, Let Dai Wenming go back to his hometown and stay.

Originally, Dai Wenming was a little decadent because of Zhou Chenguang's affairs, but when he learned that Zhou Chenguang had been solved by Wu Yi, Dai Wenming immediately came alive.

Although he didn't get rid of Zhou Chenguang personally, being able to bring Zhou Chenguang's father and his cousin to justice is enough to cheer him up.

But what he didn't expect was that such a death order was issued just after his heart knot was untied, which really made Dai Wenming feel a little bit dumb and suffering.

This serial killing incident, an old fritter like Dai Wenming, naturally knows that this is not an ordinary matter, and there is no way to solve it with ordinary people under his command!

Dai Wenming, who was in distress, suddenly saw Wu Yi's figure, and immediately saw a car in front of him, put down his body, and went straight to meet him.

"Wu Yi, I knew that you would not leave me at the most critical time." Dai Wenming held Wu Yi's hand tightly, tears were about to flow from his tears.

If you want to solve the case at this time, I'm afraid you can only count on Wu Yi.

Seeing Dai Wenming's appearance like this, Wu Yi couldn't help but smile. He knew that this matter was indeed too difficult for Dai Wenming. He watched Dai Wenming grab his hand, coughed lightly, and said, "Old Dai, if you grab me again, I'm not sure if I'll help you."

"Wu Yi, you are amazing, because I have been busy with the case, I forgot to wash my hands when I went to the bathroom just now." Dai Wenming smiled awkwardly, but Wu Yi's face turned green when he heard this, and Wu Yi even suspected Dai Wenming Is it possible to pee on your hands at such an old age?

Qin Lan stood aside and looked at Wu Yi and Dai Wenming's appearance, and couldn't help chuckling.

"Stop talking nonsense, it's not impossible to ask me to help you solve the case, but your police must fully cooperate with me!" Wu Yi didn't bother to continue talking nonsense with Dai Wenming, and said straight to the point.

Now it can be said that every second is racing against time, and no one knows when those vampires will come out in the next moment, so if they are dealt with one second earlier, the life safety of the people in Nanhua City will be more guaranteed!

"This is natural, this is natural!" Dai Wenming chuckled, glanced at Qin Lan beside him, and said with a smile: "Wu Yi, it's the same as last time, let Lan Lan accompany you to do things, you have cooperated before, you should think about it." There will be a tacit understanding." As he spoke, Dai Wenming kept winking at Wu Yi, who was ignored by Wu Yibai.

"How is it? Have your police found the whereabouts of those guys?" Wu Yi looked at Qin Lan.

Hearing this, Qin Lan frowned slightly, shook her head with embarrassment, and said, "Not yet, those guys didn't enter Nanhua City through normal channels, and Nanhua City is an inland city without any customs. We belong to the In second-tier cities, it takes some complicated procedures to contact the customs. And even if you know the origins of those people, I’m afraid there’s no way to find them.”

Hearing such a result, Wu Yi's heart suddenly turned cold. He didn't expect that the police hadn't even found any clues about the other party, which was so disappointing.

"Wu Yi, what should we do now? Are we going to wait for those guys to come out and commit crimes?" Qin Lan bit her lip and asked helplessly.

Now, this has fallen into a very embarrassing situation.

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