Dragon Warrior

Chapter 369

Regarding this question, Wu Yi also felt a little helpless. Without the news of those blood races, it seemed that all they could do now was wait.

"No! Can't wait!" Soon, Wu Yi frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Since those guys committed the crime, they would definitely choose a place closer to their lair, so we'd better do it in the previous few scenes." It’s better to be vigilant at the scene of the crime!”

Dai Wenming and Qin Lan frowned when they heard the words. Although what Wu Yi said made sense, it was very difficult to really do that, because there were several incidents that happened before, and judging from the incidents, , The time interval between them is not long, it should be a gang committing the crime.

According to Wu Yi, there is no way to be alert!

"Wu Yi, you also know that we are basically ordinary people here, and guns have no effect on those monsters. So..." Dai Wenming said with a embarrassed expression. Although he didn't finish his sentence, the words The meaning in is already obvious.

Wu Yi naturally knew about this problem, he sighed, and said: "The current plan is to let me go alone." After a pause, Wu Yi asked: "By the way, today's morning news will replace the previous events. Has it been reported?"

This matter is crucial to Wu Yi's subsequent actions. In order to reduce the recurrence of tragedies, ordinary people must not leave at night. Otherwise, those guys would run away without a trace after committing the crime, and it would be difficult for Wu Yi to find someone.

But after Wu Yi finished speaking, Dai Wenming and Qin Lan looked at each other and remained silent.

Seeing that neither of them spoke, Wu Yi frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "What? Could it be that you didn't do what I said?!" Wu Yi was a little angry.

"Wu Yi, don't be angry." Seeing Wu Yi angry, Dai Wenming quickly explained: "You also know that this matter has exceeded the acceptable range of normal human beings, and the above directly rejected the matter I reported. It's gone. I can't help it either!"

Seeing that Wu Yi seemed to be still angry, Qin Lan hurried to help and said, "Wu Yi, you really can't blame Uncle Dai for these things. You also know that the power of public opinion is great. If this matter is reported, it will cause serious damage. The panic of the common people will have unimaginable consequences at that time!"

After listening to Qin Lan's words, Wu Yi also gradually calmed down.

Thinking carefully about what Dai Wenming and Qin Lan said, Wu Yi felt bitter. He felt that he thought things too naively. With a sigh, Wu Yi also frowned and became silent.

Since the matter could no longer be completed according to the original plan, he could only think of another way.

"Wu Yi, see if this works. I'll be the bait to lure those guys out, and then you'll destroy them! How about it?" Seeing that Wu Yi was silent, Qin Lan put forward her own opinion .

"No!" Wu Yi shook his head and vetoed Qin Lan's suggestion, and said, "The blood race is very fast, and there are a lot of them. I may not have time to clone by myself, and I will not be able to take care of you at that time. Your situation will be very serious." very dangerous."

"I'm not afraid!"

"I said, no!" Seeing Qin Lan's stubbornness, Wu Yi's eyes changed, and he gave Qin Lan a stern look, jokingly, Qin Lan was almost injured when he dealt with biochemical soldiers last time. Too many thoughtful fools. If one is not careful, it is easy to die, or become a hostage for the other party to threaten him.

Therefore, no matter what Qin Lan thinks, Wu Yi ignores it!

Suddenly being glared at so hard by Wu Yi, Qin Lan couldn't help biting her red lips, but in the end she still didn't dare to talk back to Wu Yi. She had known Wu Yi for a long time, but it was the first time she had seen Wu Yi so angry, so she didn't dare to mess around.

"Old Dai, let all the policemen in the police station pay attention to you, let them patrol the previous main intersections tonight, and keep an eye on the intersections of the main roads, so that our blockade will be stronger .As long as you see foreigners, let them contact you immediately, so that I can rush over and get rid of those guys as soon as possible.”

Wu Yi said solemnly, this method is already the most reliable method that Wu Yi can think of at present. Those guys are all English, and they should be very easy to identify in a city like Nanhua City. As soon as the target appears, Wu Yi It is the best way for Yi Bian to rush over to catch the opponent in time.

When Dai Wenming heard this, he nodded slightly, as if he had thought of something, and suggested: "Wu Yi, what do you think, I asked the traffic department to cooperate with our work fully and monitor all intersections so that we can conduct unified command. "

Wu Yi's eyes lit up, and he finally revealed a hint of surprise. He patted Dai Wenming on the shoulder and said excitedly, "Okay, Lao Dai, you should have done this a long time ago. In this way, you should immediately contact the transportation department Over there, let them call up the previous video near the crime scene, I believe there will be clues. In this way, our defense circle can be greatly reduced."

The three of them had already found a good solution, and they looked at each other with rare smiles.

Dai Wenming immediately went back to his office to contact the people in the transportation department. Qin Lan didn't have much to do and stayed by Wu Yi's side.

Wu Yi didn't like the atmosphere of the police station very much, so he walked out of the police station with Qin Lan, and the two found a nearby coffee shop and sat down.

"Wu Yi, when are you coming back?" Qin Lan looked at Wu Yi who was sitting opposite her, and it took a long time before she spoke slowly.

Wu Yi curled his lips and glanced at Qin Lan. He didn't understand the meaning of Qin Lan's words, but he still said, "It should be after this matter is resolved. Why do you suddenly ask this?"

Qin Lan did not answer Wu Yi's words, but continued to ask: "Will you return to Nanhua City next year?"


In Nanhua City, Wu Yi has his fiancée and his own brothers and friends, so he has to come back here, and he may even settle in Nanhua City for the rest of his life.

After receiving Wu Yi's answer, Qin Lan seemed very disappointed. After saying "Oh", she turned her gaze to the window, staring at the scenery outside in a daze.

Wu Yi found that Qin Lan was very strange today, suddenly asked such a strange question, and then stopped saying anything, which made Wu Yi very curious.

"Why do you ask this?" Wu Yi felt that Qin Lan had something on his mind, so he decided to ask. If there was anything he could help, he still wanted to help Qin Lan.

"I may not come to Nanhua City next year." Qin Lan looked at Wu Yi, pursed her lips and smiled, her phoenix eyes flashed with disappointment.

Wu Yi was taken aback, looked at Qin Lan in puzzlement, and asked, "Didn't you do well here? How come you suddenly don't want to go back to Nanhua City? Could it be that you plan to transfer back?"

"En." Qin Lan nodded slightly, and said with some emotion: "Seeing Zhou Chenguang's treatment of Uncle Dai this time, I found that people still have to have strength. I have always wanted to be a righteous man. I am a good policeman to the people, but after meeting Zhou Chenguang, I realized that being a good policeman is useless at all!"

The more Qin Lan spoke, the more excited she became. Her hands tightly grasped the quilt in front of her, and her knuckles were already turning white, showing the anger in her heart. What happened to Zhou Chenguang touched her so much, so she wanted to go back to her family. She wanted to become a strong man, a public servant who could truly serve the people!

Looking at the excited Qin Lan, Wu Yi didn't know what to say for a while. She knew that Qin Lan must have been hit hard by Zhou Chenguang.

Frustrated, this is something that everyone must learn on the road of life. Only those who have suffered setbacks can really grow up and be able to truly be on their own. Perhaps Qin Lan's father was willing to let his daughter leave his side at the beginning, just because he wanted to see his daughter suffer setbacks?

Even Qin Lan's father didn't use too much energy on Wu Yi's matter that time, in order to let Qin Lan see many things clearly, let his daughter return, and let his daughter accept some cruel reality!

"That's good." Wu Yi withdrew his gaze, turned his face to the outside, picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, warming his body, looking at the pedestrians outside the window, his heart full of melancholy.

In the eyes of many warriors, these ordinary people who work from sunrise to sunset are nothing more than ants.

But those guys may still naively think that they are the protagonists in this world. What's more, they don't know that they may become food in the mouth of the vampire at any moment in the next moment...

Thinking of this, Wu Yi also felt a little emotional. He looked at these ordinary people here and felt so emotional. Maybe there are even more powerful and terrifying strong men in higher places looking down on him, treating himself like a worthless ant. Look at it?

The two sat quietly facing each other, neither of them spoke, and neither of them knew how to speak.

It wasn't until Dai Wenming called that Wu Yi and Qin Lan got up and left the coffee shop.

Dai Wenming has already contacted the supervisor of the transportation department, and has pulled out all the videos in the early morning. Old Dai wants to invite Wu Yi to take a look, and discuss how to arrange the layout by the way. After all, this matter Wu Yi is the protagonist!

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