Dragon Warrior

Chapter 801

Wu Yi was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle, but the sound of Niya's even breathing came from the next door. It seemed that she was already fast asleep, feeling a little lost in her heart, and the raging fire gradually calmed down. After getting rid of these distracting thoughts, I began to sort out today's results.

The most precious, and what Wu Yi values ​​most, is naturally the soul of the monk. There are eighteen souls in the savage's jade. In order to quickly restore the power of divine consciousness, nine souls are consumed, and nine are left. The gloomy scholar's soul There are 21 souls in Yujue, ten are distributed to Niya, and eleven are left, making up to twenty souls. As for the nine souls obtained from the mouse, they were originally intended to make up for the battle. However, after Wu Yi thought about it, he still gave all the nine souls to Niya.

After all, when the mouse appeared just now, he had no power to resist. If Niya hadn't chosen to side with him at the critical moment, he would have capsized in the gutter and been killed by the mouse, so this harvest should belong to her , and just stepped into the gates of hell, he also needs a truly trustworthy ally, and if he wants to gain absolute trust, he must know mutual benefit and win-win, so Wu Yi did not have any hesitation.

Now there are twenty souls in his Jade Jue. It is not easy to survive the hunting situation. It is a miracle to have such a harvest, but Wu Yi dare not be careless. It is a great luck to be the final winner for the first time. If it is someone else, at the last moment, they will definitely choose to join forces to deal with themselves, or stand by. This is why Wu Yi values ​​​​Niya so much. She is indeed very special. , has a mode of thinking that ordinary people cannot predict.

Spiritual attack is Wu Yi's secret weapon. In the Chinese martial arts world, almost no one can compete with it. But today, as soon as we fought, we met an evenly matched opponent. There may be even more powerful monks in the gate of hell. He will master more powerful attacks of spiritual consciousness. This last hole card has become a clear card here, and it may even be countered, so we must be extremely careful.

The twenty souls harvested today did not make Wu Yi's mood fluctuate greatly, but at a critical juncture, seeing through the secret of the mysterious rosary gave him a pleasant surprise. Ever since he got the rosary, he has been exploring it However, none of the high-ranking monks he knew could give an accurate answer. Although I don’t know what secrets are hidden in this bead, the devouring of the power of consciousness is real. It happened, although the price is a bit expensive, but at a critical moment, it can help him quickly replenish the loss of spiritual power. When encountering high-level monks, whether it is retreating or luring the enemy, this is a heaven-defying trick.

What also makes him happy is that Jue Huo and Xie Ren can be perfectly integrated, and the power of the "Blood Dragon Seal" has also made great progress. The monks in the middle stage of the realm don't have much pressure, and even against the monks in the late stage of the God Realm, they can barely protect themselves, but what he is worried about is, are there only monks in the God Realm at the gate of hell? Will there be any legendary spiritual crossing monks active here? Everything is still unknown, what he has to do is to quickly gather a hundred souls and enter the cultivation world smoothly before he gets into these perverts.

"Now we must restore the power of spiritual consciousness immediately." Wu Yi said to himself in his heart. At this moment, everything is silent, without any interference, and he soon entered the cultivation realm where things are forgotten, and the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness is chaotic. It was still empty, the two artifacts 'Breaking Heaven Halberd' and 'Black Rosary Bead' were all hidden in the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness, without any trace.

"If there is enough spiritual power to absorb, wouldn't my cultivation base be able to soar into the sky?" Wu Yi slowly fell asleep in his reverie, the original force flowed with the blood, and the power of spiritual consciousness was also deep Slowly recovering during sleep, he soon lost all perception of the outside world, his face was calm, his breathing was steady, and he became an ordinary boy.

The bonfire was left unattended, and the pale yellow flame danced for a long time before it gradually extinguished. Xiao Hong, who was guarding the entrance of the cave, pricked up her ears from time to time, and then drooped them down again. The cave was very quiet, but above nine days, an eruption broke out. There was a violent quarrel.

"Xue'er, you have the blood of the gods flowing through your body. It is impossible to have any chance with a mortal kid. If you can't forget him, I can erase this memory for you, and start a life that truly belongs to you from now on." Luo Jiya said earnestly, because she was facing her own daughter, her tone became a little softer, and there was a bit of love in her eyes. She has many children, but the one who really has the blood of inheritance is this lost mortal. Pearl of the room.

Su Qingxue said with a sneer: "I don't care about the blood of the gods. If you want it, just peel it off from my body. As for my memory, it is my most precious treasure and has been linked to my life." , if you insist on erasing my memory, then erase my life as well!"

"You... do you know who you are talking to? In this palace, no one dares to talk to me like that!" Luogia's voice suddenly became cold. Her long-standing power and strong desire to control made her already She has developed an arbitrary style of acting, no one dares to question her authority, and no one can control her will.

"Of course I know, I'm talking to my mother, a stranger who left me when I was born, a dictator who wanted to smash my happiness when I found it, someone else I'm afraid of your power, but I don't care." Before Su Qingxue finished speaking, two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks. For her mother, she had too many longings and fantasies, but she never expected that the reality would be like this. cruel.

Luo Jiya was trembling with anger, and all the people in Tianshen Palace fell to the ground because of her anger, trembling. I don't know how long it has been since no one dared to question her like this face to face. Maybe there were so few monks who didn't have long eyes. At this moment, it had already been turned into ashes, and the palm that was as white as jade had killed countless people. At this moment, it was raised high again, and finally fell down powerlessly.

This is the first time their mother and daughter have met in 21 years, but they are fighting fiercely like life and death enemies. In the cultivation world, except for Su Qingxue, I am afraid that no one dares to offend her authority like this, but it is also Su Qingxue who This only heir made her feel a little more scruples and helpless.

"I don't need to explain to you what happened in the previous generation, but you have to make it clear that this is the Heavenly God Palace. Since you have the bloodline inheritance, you can't help yourself. Starting tomorrow, you will practice "Tianjinjue". Kid, you'll never see it again." There was an undisguised murderous intent in Luo Jiya's eyes, she couldn't force Su Qingxue, but getting rid of Wu Yi was just a matter of moving her fingers, which cut off her thoughts, It also completely eliminates future troubles.

Su Qingxue was not agitated, but said in a cold voice: "Hmph... You are not afraid, are you? You are afraid that one day he will rush to this Tianshen Palace and take me away from you, so you can't wait to get rid of him so as not to jeopardize your own rule, is it?"

"It's ridiculous... It's extremely ridiculous. A mere little monk from the lower realm will endanger the rule of Tianshen Palace. You think too much of that kid! I can take his life with just one look. Is such an ant a threat?" Luo Jiya laughed and said, in her eyes, Wu Yi was like a speck of dust, and she didn't take it to heart at all.

"Since you don't like him, why rush to get rid of him? I believe that one day, he will stand in front of you with his head held high and pick me up in the eyes of the world, whether it is ten years or a hundred years , even if it takes a thousand years, he will definitely come." Su Qingxue's eyes became extremely firm, and that kind of look made her whole aura suddenly become stronger.

"Hehe...hehehehe...isn't it just a thousand years? Then we will wait and see how the ants will shake the ten thousand year foundation of my Tianshen Palace!" Luo Jiya's laughter pierced the sky and resounded through the sky. She knew Su Qingxue She was using the 'exciting method' to save Wu Yi's life, but she didn't take Wu Yi seriously at all. How could a mere speck of dust cause a sandstorm? On the contrary, she also took this opportunity to teach her daughter what it means to be truly strong.

The first time the mother and daughter met, they broke up. When Su Qingxue came out of the Temple of Heaven, the night sky had already turned pale, and the outline of the majestic snow-capped mountains had just appeared, and it would soon be bright.

"It's so comfortable!" Wu Yi woke up from a deep sleep. The contempt from the nine heavens did not affect his mood. After nearly six hours of deep sleep, he is now full of energy, radiant and completely recovered. In its heyday.

As soon as he jumped out of the bed, a blue figure rushed over, and Xiao Huo's wet tongue almost kissed his mouth. After being confined for so long, he finally had a chance to breathe. He seemed very excited, and kept walking around Wu Yi, wanting to ask for some more pills for breakfast, but Wu Yi ruthlessly rejected them. These resources are reserves, and they can't be wasted like this now.

"Mama... Mama..." Seeing Wu Yi's firm attitude, Xiao Huo suddenly called out. In the past, to make Su Qingxue happy, as long as he called 'Mom', he would definitely be rewarded, so he thought of this trick.

"Do you miss her too? She has gone to a far away place, and it may be a long time before I see her again." Wu Yi naturally thought of Su Qingxue, his expression dimmed, and he took out two pills Feed it to Xiaohuo, patted its head, and said softly.

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