Dragon Warrior

Chapter 802

After Xiaohuo got the elixir, he walked away contentedly. Wu Yi shook his head with a wry smile, and walked out of the cave, covered by the power of spiritual consciousness. He soon noticed that Niya's breathing was very short. wake up.

"Could it be that the toxin has spread?" Wu Yi was startled, and hurriedly jumped to another cave to check the situation, only to see Niya on the hospital bed with her eyes closed, her smooth forehead covered with fine beads of sweat, faintly There was a black air gathered between the eyebrows, and he completely fell into a deep coma.

Wu Yi is very confident in the repairing properties of the power of the heavens. Before, whether it was trauma to his own body or dealing with injuries for others, he was easy to grasp. But now, looking at Niya, it is obvious that the toxin has broken through the suppression of the power of the heavens. , spread to the whole body, before I had time to think, I quickly helped her up, and after uncovering the coat, I suddenly found that the wound on the chest had become more serious. The whole arm has turned black, and the beating of the heart is very weak, which can no longer meet the blood flow needs of the whole body. If Niya has not stepped into the supernatural state and her physique is far beyond ordinary people, she may have died long ago.

"The mouse in the stinking ditch really has some tricks. If I knew it, I shouldn't have killed him so easily." Wu Yi thought about it, and there was no antidote in the mouse's Qiankun bag. He thought it was an ordinary toxin , Now I know it's not that simple. Heavenly Dao Yuanli can restrain the injury, but it can't detoxify it. Last time Liu Yuliang's "Banhun San" almost killed him, this time he was a bit careless.

Niya's current situation is very dangerous. He put his hands on his back, and the power of the heavenly dao was continuously transported into her body. As soon as he entered, he encountered strong resistance from the toxin. After spreading overnight, the toxin had completely fused with the blood. It was not so easy to separate it. After a short while, the temperature of the stone chamber increased a lot, and the top of his head was also shrouded in misty white steam.

Xiao Huo came over curiously, and couldn't see why, so he consciously started to collect the remaining firewood and game, guessing that after Wu Yi finished his work, he could make breakfast, but he didn't expect Wu Yi to insist on it. After waiting for an hour, when he slowly withdrew his hands, the thick black aura was suppressed near the wound again, and Niya's face became more bloody again, and his breathing became much smoother.

"Woo..." Wu Yi let out a long breath, feeling like he was about to collapse. Just now he had used almost all of his heavenly energy to separate the diffused toxin from his blood. This was a very difficult process. , the energy consumption is huge, no less than a small battle.

"Ah... Where are my clothes?" Niya woke up from the coma, and found that she was elated, and cried out in surprise. At the same time, she swung her hands back in a panic, hitting Wu Yi's cheek, and the crisp sound hit Wu Yi. The busy little fire was startled.

This slap was not strong, but it made Wu Yi realize that the current situation was a bit embarrassing. In order to prove his innocence, he quickly covered her with his coat and explained: "Don't get me wrong, you just fell into a coma, and I just fell into a coma. Hurry up and heal your injuries, there is absolutely no danger of taking advantage of others."

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I was confused. I didn't hurt you just now!" Niya also recovered her senses and apologized repeatedly. Her body knew best. The toxin spread in the middle of the night last night, and soon she couldn't speak. , couldn't move his hands, and finally completely lost consciousness. If Wu Yi hadn't rescued him in time, he might have died long ago.

Wu Yi rubbed his hot cheeks, and said with a smile: "If you can hurt me now, that's fine. This toxin is more domineering than I imagined. With my current cultivation, I can only suppress it, but it can't be eradicated at all. , made you suffer."

After hearing this, Niya looked a little gloomy. The four of them had formed an alliance for a while, and they knew the specialties of mice very well. Apart from their keen sense of smell, they were best at using poison. This is his unique secret recipe. No one except him knew how to prepare the antidote. Wu Yi's words, to his ears, were like a death sentence.

"Thank you, this is for you, I don't need it anyway, I hope you can get out of here as soon as possible." Niya handed over Yu Jue who fell on the bed, with a calm expression on her face. She is a monk of the sect, she is ready to die at any time, and she is lucky to meet a good person before she dies, at least let her die with dignity.

Wu Yi thought that Niya was going to repay him again, so he stared and asked, "What does this mean? Didn't you come to the gate of hell to collect souls and enter the cultivation world? How could I take your jade?"

"Didn't you just say that? This poison can't be lifted. I'm like a useless person. Living is just your burden. Give it up! This is my own wish, and you haven't broken your promise." Niya kept her arm flat. It was a bit difficult to lift, this extraordinary action had exhausted all her strength, and there was no reason to persist.

"Oh...you look quite wild, why are you as impatient as a little girl when things happen? I'm just saying that it can't be eradicated temporarily, not that you are hopeless, there must be a way, I won't be so easy Just give up." Wu Yi stuffed Yujue into her hand, helped her lie down on the stone bed at the same time, and comforted her with a smile.

Niya's eyes lit up slightly, and she quickly shook her head and said, "I'm not worth it for you. It's really not worth it. With your strength, you can find better allies. I don't want to be your burden."

"Whether it's worth it or not is not something you consider. In short, my young master never gives up halfway when doing things. You just lie down. I have to cure this poison." Wu Yi's tone does not allow any doubts, and the value is in everyone's heart. There are different standards, but in his heart, the ruler is very simple, if you are willing to lay down your life for me, then I can lay down my life for you, other things can't be controlled so much.

These words were a bit domineering, but they gave Niya a very solid sense of security. The softest corner of her heart was touched, her nose was sour, and tears quickly pooled in her eyes. She quickly turned her head away and let the tears slide down her cheeks , this kind of bitter and sweet taste, she has not tasted it for some time.

If they were just allies yesterday, they trust each other very much and can rely on each other, then what Wu Yi has done for her today has gone far beyond this relationship, and he is willing to use his own power to recuperate others in the realm of comprehension Except for close relatives of flesh and blood, few people can do it, especially at the gate of hell, it is either you die or I live. extinct.

The toxins in the blood were like a raging fire, scorching her meridians, her whole body seemed to be placed on top of a raging fire, unable to move at all, but at this moment she seemed unaware of all this, with a warm smile rippling on her face The smile is as beautiful as peaches and plums.

Wu Yi didn't notice the change in her mood. After finishing speaking, he returned to his stone room. With a thought, a light blue soul flew out of the jade and quietly suspended in mid-air. It was the soul of the mouse. , the memory of the mouse remains in it, there must be a way to detoxify it, but for the devouring of the mind, he has only tried it once, and it was passive devouring, without any experience, and he is not 100% sure whether he can find useful clues , now there is no other way but to take a risk.

"Zhuzhu, Zhuzi, don't come out to make trouble at this time." Wu Yi said silently in his heart, this time he will use the exercises recorded in "Soul-hunting Jue" to devour the soul, so as to try to separate that memory, As a result, as soon as he moved his soul to the sea of ​​consciousness, the black rosary devoured it impatiently, and he couldn't control it at all.

"Your grandpa's is really so disobedient." Wu Yi cursed secretly, and quickly searched for useful things from the remaining memories. The current memory has been disrupted, and fragments of memories one after another are blowing towards his face like snowflakes. Wanting to get useful information from it was like looking for a needle in a haystack, and soon his memory completely collapsed, and he only caught very little information.

The black rosary ignored Wu Yi's anger. After devouring the mouse's soul, it disappeared soon. A pure power of spiritual consciousness replenished the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. Recalling in my mind, two pictures finally gradually became clear. They were three herbs, which often appeared in the memory of the mouse, and they must have unusual meanings.

"I seem to have seen this thing somewhere, why can't I remember it?" Wu Yi muttered to himself, finally slapped his head, took out an ancient yellow book from his Qiankun bag, and quickly flipped through one of them. On the page, the pattern recorded on it is exactly the same as the pattern in his mind, and there are several rows of boys next to it, which record the appearance and medicinal properties of this herbal medicine in detail.

Wu Yi was overjoyed. He didn't expect the old Chinese doctor in Shi'ao Mountain to have such a rich collection of "Materia Medica", which can be used even in the world of self-cultivation. At first, he just read it casually, but now he has finally attracted his attention. I began to study carefully, and soon found two other herbal medicines. Sure enough, they have similar medicinal properties to the previous one. They both have the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying, and the medicinal properties of each other accompany each other. When they are fused together, the medicinal properties will be doubled.

"Okay...okay...I already have a solution, so don't hide in the corner and cry quietly." Wu Yi hurriedly told Niya the good news, lest she be too gloomy and accelerate the spread of the poison.

"Really?" Niya turned around, with tears still on her face, and asked in disbelief.

Wu Yi raised the "Book of Materia Medica" in his hand, and said with certainty: "Of course, thanks to this treasure."

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