
The next day had finally arrived, Kayn and Sasha continued their same routine when they woke up. They would eat breakfast then go watch a movie in the living room area. Once the movie ended, Kayn would tell Sasha about the Time chamber. The movie had finally ended and Sasha looked at Kayn to see what he would do for her today.

"Haha, don't give me that look. I have something good that is guaranteed to help you reach the next level." Kayn patted Sasha's shoulder and signaled her to follow him. Sasha nodded and followed Kayn to a secluded area on the ship. Once they were in the secluded area, Kayn summoned a huge purple door, this was the Time chamber no doubt.

"Oh my...What is this?" Where did this door come from? Sasha was confused, was this apart of her training? "Kayn, where does this door lead to, it looks really pretty." Sasha stared at the door in awe, it looked quite beautiful with the Pheonix on it.

"I will explain to you in detail what this door is, so listen carefully." Kayn said and continued. "The door leads to a place called the Hyperbolic Time Chamber." Kayn continued to tell her about how it could improve her strength and that he also used this room to improve himself. He told her about how the time differs from being outside from inside. One year in the chamber is only a day out here.

"What!?" Sasha was shocked and speechless, what kind of majestic place was this!? "I can use it to train my strength? I want to go train inside the chamber, can I really?" Sasha thought it was too good to be true.

"I don't lie about these things, do you want to or not?" Kayn said playfully, he liked seeing her reaction to such an easy method to train.

"I want to, I want to go now." Sasha couldn't wait any longer and was ready to go now.

Kayn was just about to open the door and let her in until the system gave him a warning.

[Warning! It is advised for you to set up a sleeping area and food area within the chamber! In simple words spoken, you'll need to set up an area so she could live in or at!]

Kayn smacked his forehead, he didn't know he could do that. Kayn thought that stuff would be there by default, he would have to be an idiot anyway for taking such a risk. "Is there any way I can edit and create things within the Time Chamber?" Kayn questioned

[It is in the same interface area where your planet settings are!]

Kayn nodded slowly and looked at his planet interface. Kayn saw a new label that said Hyperbolic Time Chamber. He clicked it and several things popped up. The backgrounds color, what type of living structures, and more. Kayn changed the background or scenery to a grassy plain that looked endless, this was sort of like the regular time chamber with endless white in the background but instead, endless grassy plains. Kayn changed the sky to normal blue and cloud fill sky, these things were all free.

"Kayn, what are doing? Aren't you going to let me into the Time Chamber?" Sasha asked in confusion, Kayn had suddenly stopped talking and was staring into space with a serious look. Did something bad happen or was he pranking her, she thought. "Kayn, you aren't pranking me are you!?" Sasha looked at Kayn with a bit of anger, this was going too far.

Kayn, hearing Sasha's voice getting loud suddenly came back to himself. "I didn't trick you, I need you to pack some armor and other things you may need. Clothes and a toothbrush, stuff like this. Sasha, you'll be in this chamber for a Year, but only 1 day will have passed out here." Sasha was relieved and nodded, she then ran off to retrieve what she needed, Kayn couldn't help but think, how naive she was.

Kayn continued to edit the chamber. Kayn needed to pick a living structure she could live in after her training. There were Palaces, Castle, Regular houses, and other structure. "Hmm, let me give her something good, it a good thing the stuff here is cheap. I will give her a Palace to sleep in after her training." Kayn bought the Palace and bought tons of food to store in the Mess hall area. Kayn put everything she needed into the Palace, this went on for 20 minutes.

Kayn was done right on time as Sasha approached him with a face full of smiles. "I am done Packing, I put everything I needed into my storage ring. Is it alright to head into the chamber now?" Sasha looked at Kayn with a hopeful gaze.

"Yes, you can enter now. There will be tons of food to eat after your training. The living condition will be good for you. Oh, By the way, it gets lonely in there and once this door closes, it can't be open until a year has passed in the Chamber." Kayn warned Sasha, she was still a little kid after all, would she go crazy from the silence.

"So that's how it is." Sasha held her chin and nodded. "I will do it, you did it, so I can do it as well." Sasha made her mind up fast after thinking about Kayn's strength. Kayn smiled and opened the Gateway, Sasha looked at Kayn one last time before he closed the door. Kayn wasn't worried about saying see ya. Kayn would see her in 24 hours, she wouldn't see him in a year so what was the point in saying bye.

"Hmm, I wonder how strong she is going to be after 24 hours or should I say a year, hehe." Kayn went to the training room and started to fix the place up. It took him 20 minutes to completely repair the training room from its disastrous look, he had help from the system. Kayn went to the control room of the ship and sat in the main chair, he folded his arms and dozed off.


Meanwhile, In some unknown part of the Galaxy of universe 6

"Did you hear the news? A war is about to start between the 4 warlords. I heard that a huge Orange ball suddenly appeared and the warlords went into a frenzy." Some random alien whispered

"Yeah, I heard about it. The ball is next to the planet Taris, this is the territory of Kraven. Things are going to get bad soon." The warlords had a very high power level, they were at least in the billions, who dared to defy them?

Some aliens decided to risk it and stay to watch the show. Some aliens packed up and booked it to a faraway place in the galaxy somewhere. Everyone knew war was approaching and anyone could become a victim if they were not careful.


"Kill anyone who comes near my orange ball! I have to add it to my collection!" A man with human features stood up in his ship. The Man had green hair with green eyes, he wore a scouter on his face that was also green. This man was Kraven, one of the Warlords in this area. The man's power level was no joking matter, he looked out his window as disdain flashed across his eyes. Some intruder had been spotted trying to swipe "his" Dragonball.

"Yes, sir, we have already killed Zerters men who just tried to snag it. He will retaliate soon, I think he will come personally due to this bout." The Blue Alien said resolutely

"It doesn't matter, this is going to be an all-out war between the 4 of us! Tell Everyone to land on Taris and to prepare for war!" A Dark and malicious smile appeared on Kraven's face, he couldn't wait to test out his newly acquired transformation. The man bowed and ran off to pass off Kraven's orders to the alliance.

"Good, Good, I would like to see who has the balls to try and steal my Orange Orb!" Kraven stared at the planet-sized Dragonball as greed was written all over his face and in his eyes.


Meanwhile, Back on the DarkStar

Kayn had just woken up, he had slept for 22 hours according to the time. Kayn's Battle Power had also broken through the 1 billion mark by itself. "Hmm, 2 more hours left until she comes out of the chamber, Lets me go grab something to eat." Kayn ate for an hour before he was finished. Kayn had eaten his fill and was currently cleaning up the Kitchen.

"It seems the Dragonball is near a planet called Taris, this planet is far away from the Saiyans of this Universe. Well, whatever, I should work on my Ki Control." Just as he finished what he was saying, he heard a notification go off in his head.

[Ding! Mission Unlocked!]

Instigator Of War Part 1: Steal the Super DragonBall.

[Mission Rewards!]

★ 2,000,000 System Points

★ Super Crate

[Mission: Instigator Of War!]

Instigator Of War Part II: Kill at least 2 Warlords! [0/2]

[Mission Rewards!]

★ Upgrade Token (x1)

★ Reality Orb [0/2]

Kayn looked at the rewards list for the missions. Kayn was quite surprised to see what he was seeing. The Reality Orb Caught his attention since it was new. "System, What does that Reality Orb do? It looks like it can be used twice before it's used up." Kayn asked with confusion.

[The Reality Orb will allow you to go to an Alternate Dimension of Dragonball Z, only. You can go to the original Dragonball Z Dimension if you want to. You can even choose what timeline you want to go to!]

Kayn was now shocked. He could go to the true series of Dragonball Z. The dimension he was in was Dragonball Z as well but with his appearance, you say some things had changed. With Kayn's presence, a person who should not have been born, you could say he changed a lot of things. All the movies had become canon was already enough of a change.

"Good, I will have to check out the true DragonBall Z world when I get the chance." Kayn said excitedly. All he had to do was choose what timeline he wanted to visit, he was thinking of visiting the Cell timeline for the True World, he wasn't sure yet though. An unknown amount of time passed since Kayn had been constantly thinking of the orb.

Kayn was still fantasizing when the time chamber started to open. Kayn looked over and saw a figure emerging from the Chamber, it could be no one else other than Sasha. She had grown slightly, her hair was much longer than before since it was now at her waist. She was wearing a pink battle suit but it wasn't armor, it was meant for training. Kayn could not see 2 small bulges on her ċhėst, she was starting to grow now!

Sasha looked at the dumbfounded Kayn who had his mouth wide open. "It has been a year and only a day has passed out here. I will never understand that weird logic, I thought I was going to crazy begin in there by myself for so long. Kayn, what do you think, haven't I grown stronger?" Sasha put her hands on her hɨps and held her head high.

Kayn could sense that her power level jumped from 6 million to 12 million. This was slightly surprising, she didn't even awaken her talent and her power level jumped so high, what the heck? Kayn suċkėd in cold air, he could only imagine how strong she would be if Guru or the divine water awakened her potential.

"You have indeed grown stronger. I will have to awaken your potential later so you can get even stronger." Kayn said with a smile, he was truly happy for her.

"Yes, thank you. I will work harder to get stronger. I have also managed to learn 2 stages of super Saiyan. I am not sure if there is a 3rd but I am having trouble reaching it." Kayn listened and nodded, she had just become a Super Saiyan not long ago, so how could it be that easy? Kayn knew she was talking about the Mastered Super Saiyan, she must have learned the other 2 which were Ascended Super Saiyan And Ultra Super Saiyan.

Kayn started to remember that there were also stages to Super Saiyan Blue that were similar to Super Saiyan. "System, you said that I had to have some sort of Mastery over Super Saiyan 3 in order to access Super Saiyan God?" Kayn questioned, Vegeta wasn't a Super Saiyan 3 so why did he require it.

[It isn't really required but you"ll gain quicker control over it if you reach the said level! You can head to planet Sadala in universe 6 and start the ritual with kind-hearted Saiyans to reach your god form. But don't expect to reach Super Saiyan Blue until you've bought Divine Ki or have been trained by an angel!]

Kayn just heard a shocking revelation, he now wanted to head to Planet Sadala and find some Saiyan to perform the ritual. Kayn was jumping with joy hearing what the system said, Sasha thought he was happy for her. Just as he was rejoicing, the system crushed his world down instantly.

[You will not be able to perform the ritual until you are unsealed and have mastered Super Saiyan 2 which you haven't done yet! This is a guaranteed truth and can't be overcome with any means other than this method!]

Kayn smile disappeared instantly "Well, I guess I should have seen that coming. Whatever, Mastering Super Saiyan 2 should be hard for me. I will literally walk around all day as a Super Saiyan 2 if I have to." Kayn said with confidence

"Sasha, there is going to be a big fight when we reach planet Taris, so you better prepare." Kayn knew from his mission that a fight was inevitable, so he warned.

"I understand. We will beat anyone in our way." Sasha said with confidence

"Alright, Alright, you've been training for a whole year. Let's have a movie marathon, all horror movies, what do you think?" Sasha nodded and both of them went to the living room to watch their Horror movie marathon.

Author Note: Don't worry, he won't become crazy Overpowered yet, though he probably already is. He will still have to train his God Form before he can master it. I dont remember how long it took Goku to master his, but it took some years or so.

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