
Time flew by, Kayn and Sasha soon arrived at Planet Taris. The Planet was surrounded by ships, there was a war going on right above the planet. Kayn easily spotted the Dragonball in the distance, Kayn shot out his sense and used the warp gate stone. The space around the ship distorted and they disappeared, Kayn had actually shot his sense towards the planet and warped them there. The ship warped on the ground and into a nearby forest. Kayn and Sasha got off the ship and scanned the area to see if the coast was clear.

"Kayn, can't you just Teleport to the Dragonball and Steal it from underneath their noses?" Sasha questioned, she could see the war taking place above the planet. The ships were shooting laser and exploding upon being shot, in fact, they were about to become targets until Kayn warped them away. Sasha didn't know Kayn had used a warp Stone and thought he was finally unsealed.

"Nah, I just used a warp stone to teleport us here. I can only use it one more time before it runs out, I plan to use the last time to get us back to our universe." Kayn knew what she was thinking and corrected her right away. Sasha nodded and jolted toward the sky.

"Kayn, I can sense some powerful people on this planet, there seems to be one who is really strong. No, there are two entities that are really powerful here!" Sasha was shocked feeling the strength of the enemies on this planet.

Kayn wasn't surprised, he had sensed them when he was on the ship in space earlier. "Yeah, I can feel that their strength is at least in the billions, how could someone so strong be here?" Kayn didn't know that these forces would later in the future be destroyed by the god of destruction of this universe.

"Okay, let go investigate. Let's kill anyone who dares get in our way!" Kayn grinned and both of them rushed towards the area they felt the power levels coming from.


Meanwhile, In space, above the planet Taris.

"Sir, a ship was spotted closing in on the orange orb but suddenly disappeared." The human-looking man was slightly panicked as he spoke.

"Calm down you fool, the ship disappeared right? If that is the case then it all good, he probably saw the war going on and ran." The man that spoke was called Zerter, he was also a warlord of this area. He had been waging war against Kraven for the past 3 days, he was getting annoyed at this point so everyone was nervous around him.

Sir, the thing is...." The man stopped for a second and continued "We've picked up spacial turbulence when the ship warped, the thing is...the space turbulence gate opened somewhere on the planet Taris." The man said fearfully

"What!? There is another idiot who wants to start more trouble, he must want to die!" Zerter was getting more irritated, he was afraid of getting sneak attacked by the last two warlords who've been silent all this time.

"Kraven is on the planet and has set up a base there as well. His right-hand man is also no joke when it comes to strength, he or she is already dead. Send some spies to check out the situation down below, I want to know what is going on down there." Zerter gave his command and closed his eyes in silence, the minion ran out to send spies to check things out on the planet if they could make it there.


Meanwhile, on Taris

"Kayn, there is a base ahead of us, what do we do?" Sasha just wanted to storm the base and wreck anyone who got in her way. She knew that these people were up to no good or weren't good at all.

"We'll make a grand entrance into the base. Both of us will kill the people with high energy signatures we felt earlier, what do you do?" The System had already let him know where his target was. The system would lead Kayn to his missions to complete them so this made things easier. This system would lead him to people to be eliminated that is, this feature had been added during the last update.

Sasha nodded excitedly and began to charge up the new Technique she made. Sasha Yelled out the name of her New Move as she launched it. The Technique was called Final Hour, a beam shot from both her Palms fusing together, it was a huge Green blast almost the size of a semi-Spirit bomb. The light was blinding, it was similar to Broly's green attacks. The base was engulfed in a green light, a loud explosion could be heard as it formed a large mushroom cloud.

The wind turned craze, it blew dusk and other things away. "Wow, when did you learn such a Powerful attack!?" Kayn was shocked, he never would have expected her to come up with her own moves so soon.

"When I was in the time chamber, I created two moves." Sasha spoke with pride as she stared into the direction the explosion took place, Kayn could feel that a lot of people were killed by the attack just now. However, at that moment a loud voice could be heard in the distance, it was clearly angry.

"How dare you sneak attack my base! You idiots must work for Zerter, Ill kill you like the rest he has sent!" Rage could only be described in this persons' voice, he had killed all of Zerter's People but some managed to sneak here undetected!

"Sasha, be careful, this guy is quite strong but he isn't the strongest here. The strongest guy is watching from afar, I think that is my target." Kayn could feel that this guy's Power level was in the billions, it was at least 2.5 billion at most.

"Okay, I will take care of him, you can go fight the guy you were looking for." Sasha stared at the approaching figure, he looked like a human. He had blue hair with a scouter, he had a really handsome face that would make women drool over him. Kayn nodded and left the fight to Sasha who clearly wanted to fight the guy alone.

Kayn rushed off, just as he was rushing off, the man had attempted to intercept him but was walled off by Sasha. "You little brat! Do you think you have a chance against me!?" The man was furious, he had tried to sneak attack Kayn while he was flying away, but was easily countered by Sasha.

Sasha didn't waste any time and went Super Saiyan and used infinite might right after. This boosted her power level to 3 billion just like that. "What!? How can some damn kid be this strong!? Your strength has surpassed mine, how!?" The man couldn't believe what he was seeing on the scouter readings, what this thing broke? Both Sasha and the Blue haired man clashed as shockwave could be seen every now an then.

Meanwhile, Kayn was rushing towards the power signature that was much stronger than the guy Sasha was fighting. He was a little worried and wanted to double team the guy Sasha wanted to 1v1 because he couldn't tap into his other forms. Just as he was thinking of this a voice of disdain could be heard.

"Haha, stupid kid! I have to say that you're indeed strong for a kid, but it isn't enough! You will die like the rest of them he has sent to ȧssassinate me!" Kayn stopped in his tracks as he saw a man appear out of nowhere. The man stood around 7,0 foot in height with long green hair, he had a long green Lizard-like tail. Kayn could tell that "it" was not a human at all, Zerters looked at Kayn like he was already dead.

Kayn could feel his power level, he was a little surprised but confident, the man base form power level was 6 billion. Kayn knew this was going to be one of the greatest challenges he would have to face yet, who the fuċk sealed me he thought.

"Hehe, we won't know that until we've fought, greeny!" Kayn spoke with carelessness

"Greeny? Who the hell are you calling greeny!? Die you little bastard!" The man glinted towards Kayn to punch him. Kayn crossed his arms to block the incoming attack but was still send flying backward. "I have to say, you are the strongest he has sent but it won't be enough!" Kraven commended Kayn for being able to block his attack.

Kayn caught himself in air. "Alright, greeny, let's see what you really capable of! Solar Flare!" After Kayn used Solar flare he used Galatic Donut on Kraven. Kraven was completely caught off guard by Kayn's tricky moves. "Kamehameha!" Kayn shot his move towards the impaired and snared Kraven.

Kraven was hit with the attack, the explosion wasn't as large and wasn't as crazy as Sasha's back then. Kayn had only used a regular Kamehameha Wave, he didn't wanna risk using the Super Kamehameha since it may take longer to charge in his base form. Kayn's power Level at this moment was only 1.2 billion so he was a little cautious.

Kraven slammed into the ground, created a huge crater. Kayn didn't stop there and began to shoot a barrage of Ki blast into the crater where Kraven landed. "HAAAAAA!" A series of Ki blast came down like hail, the area was shrouded in tons of dust clouds.

Kayn finally stopped his ȧssault after 2 minutes of rapid-fire. 'I know you're down there, I can sense you, you idiot!' Kayn thought to himself, he could tell that Kraven was truly enraged now. Kraven roared and soared to the sky, he had Green Aura around his body that seemed to be raging, his power level had jumped to 8.5 billion.

"Boy, you've done it now! At first, I thought you were just some idiot who was seeking death, but it turns out you have some tricks up your sleeve. They won't work a second time, so prepare to die Brat!" Kraven opened his mouth wide as a huge green energy beam came out of his mouth.

"Oh, shit!" Kayn cursed but still dodged the attack with ease by flying upward. However, at that moment Kraven moved, he moved swiftly and appeared over Kayn. Kraven sent a kick toward Kayn's face, Kayn tried to dodge but Kraven was to fast. Kayn was kicked in the face hurling towards the nearest mountain. Kraven didn't stop there and rushed toward Kayn, he was usually able to kill people with a single blow but found that he couldn't do this with Kayn.

Kayn coughed as he was sent flying, Kraven appeared right before him as he was flying away from being kicked not too long ago. "Boy, you have some serious durability! let see how you hold up from so many punches being thrown at you!" Kraven laughed menacingly and sent a barrage punches toward Kayn's stomach, he then kicked Kayn toward the ground out of payback

Kayn slammed into the ground. Kayn's eyes flare as red energy began to circulate over his body. Kayn could hear a system notification go off but couldn't be minded checking it. Kayn started holding his hand over his eyes like he was handing a headache.

"Kid, it looks like you were finally driven mad, goodbye!" Kraven shot a Huge beam at Kayn who was yelling like a mad man, this caused a big explosion in the area. The smoke dyed down as Kraven looked over the area he shot his Ki blast. "Haha, what a waste!" Just when he was done saying that the ground began to shake. "What? What is this? He was hit directly with that attack, there is no way he could survive!

Kayn ascended the sky, he had Red Aura around his body while his eyes were yellow in color. His Power level had jumped from 1.2 billion to 18 billion just like that. "H..How is this possible!?" Kraven's face changed, he had to get serious now! This kid's power level had shot up so high, he would have to transform sooner than he thought he would.

Kayn rushed to Kraven in a heartbeat, Kraven tried to block but his arm was broken upon trying to block him! "AH!" Kraven yelled in pain while he was sent flying through various mountains in the area, this was a place Kraven liked a lot on this planet so he visited this place often, this was why he wasn't at his base.

Kraven finally caught himself in air. "Damnit, it looks like ill have to get serious!" Kraven started to power up and transform, he couldn't look down on this kid anymore. Kayn rushed to him without saying anything, he didn't care about giving Kraven time to transform or not.

To be Continued...

[Host's Status]

Name: Kayn (Luke)

Bloodline: 100% Legendary Ancient Saiyan

Talent: Spacial Ki Laws, Lightning Ki Laws,

Age: 12-Year-Old

Lifespan: 800 years

Body State: Healthy

Battle Power: 18,000,000,000 <Ikari (1,200,000,000)


[Ki Control: (B++)],[Ki Shaping: (B++)],[Kamehamaha: (B++)],[(Instant Transmission: (A)]

[Ki Senses: (A)] [Destructo Disc: (C+)] [Creation:(B+)] [Warp: (A)]

[Close Combat-]

[Muay Tai: (E)] [Boxing: (C++)] [Taekwondo: (C)] [Taijutsu: 1000 (C)] [Tiger Style Kungfu: (D+)] [Dambe: (D+)]


[Oozaru: (x15)] [KiaoKen:(x3)(x4)(x20)] [SuperSaiyan: (x60)] [LSSJ: [Full Power:100% ( x160)] [Super Saiyan 2: (x120)] [Infinite Might:(Initial Stage(x5)/(Stage One G-1(x20)] [Ikari:(x15)] < New

[Passive Abilities-]

(Eye Of Judgement),(Zenkai Boost),(Power Ball),(High-Speed Regeneration)

(Aura Of Terror),(Aura Of Oppressive Might)(Divine Language) (Eternal Youth)(Enhanced Breathing) (Enhanced Survivability(No Oxygen), (Enhanced Durability) (Enhanced Strength)(Moon Essense)(Combat Adaptability)(Anti-Destruction)

[Ki Practices]

(Super Ki), (Legendary Ki),

[(Omni Cure Pill x3)] [(Power Pill x5 (Low-Grade)] [(Disguise Card x6)] [(Senzu bean (x98)] [(Super Dragonball Radar)][(Warp Gate Stone [(2/3) Uses)] [Extra Wish Card (x1)]

[(Power Pills x1 (Mid-Grade)] [Tree Of Life Seed (x1)] [Super Dragonball (x4)]

[(1,513,000 System Points]

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