
Before Kayn could make his move, he decided to listen in on the conversation to understand what's going on. "You dare to ȧssassinate the princess of the Heavenly Pheonix Royal Clan!? You dont have a chance of surviving no matter what! You won't get away with this!" The Female bodyguard was injured but still talked big, she couldn't believe someone had the guts to send ȧssassins to kill the Crown Princess.

"Haha, I think we will get away with it. All we have to do is get rid of all the clues centered around us, someone paid good money for her death, so we can't fail!" The man laughed sinisterly, there was no way they would get caught by anyone once they cleaned the crime scene up. Better yet, they would just vaporize all the bodies to get rid of everything for further safety purposes.

"Bastards!" All the bodyguard's faces showed grief, they were surely going to die today. They were all severely wounded by these ȧssassins, their power levels were greater than theirs, so they couldn't hope to fight back.

"My clan won't let you go for what you're doing here, they'll find you and the people who sent you! This will be the greatest regret in your life, you peasants!" The Princess was shaking with anger, she wished she knew who send these people but would die and never find out.

"Haha, go regret in hell, you little bitch!" One of the men in black couldn't hold it back any longer and his facial expression turned sinister under his cloak. The man Shot a Ki beam towards the female bodyguard who was injured, meaning to kill her off. However at that moment a dark silhouette appeared in front of the woman and deflected the Beam back toward the man, he was shocked seeing the sudden change but still dodged it. The man that appeared was obviously Kayn, he was sporting his normal Goku black outfit.

The bodyguards and the Princess were stunned to see the figure before them. They knew who it was the minute he appeared but was too shocked to say anything. "Who the hell are you? Trash like you should mind his own business but since you've seen everything, we can't let you go!" The other black cloak people laughed seeing Kayn's misfortune, the guy had basically committed suicide!

The Princess came out of her stupor and spoke up. "It's you, you should run while you can, these people power levels are simply too high." She was glad to see that he helped her bodyguard but he had put himself in a terrible spot.

"Haha! Just me alone is enough to kill a bunch of stray dogs and wild chickens!" Kayn looked at the men in cloaks with contempt, they were nothing but ants in his eyes that could only be crushed by him.

"What!? What did you say, boy!?" The cloaked men were outrage, this trash dared to act arrogant because he deflected a weak beam.

"Kill Him! Kill this son of a bitch right now!" The leader of the black men yelled out his orders, he wanted to get this over with and received his payment, time was money in this sort of work. If reinforcements were to show up then things would get bad, they had to end this quickly.

"Die!" One of the black-cloaked men rushed to Kayn and swung his fist towards Kayn's head, he wanted to knock his block off with one fell swoop.

"So fast!" The man moved fast, the Princess and the bodyguards couldn't catch his movements, it was too quick for them. However, this didn't apply to Kayn, he could see all the man's movements.

"Watch Out!" The Princess yelled in horror, she felt like Kayn was dead for sure. Kayn swung his fist towards the man's fist to, it was fist against fist. They both collided with each other, at that moment the sound of bones and muscle cracking and being destroyed could be heard.

"AH!" The cloaked man's whole arm was completely decimated, there was nothing left. Kayn wasn't finished, he then gave the man an uppercut to the chin while he was yelling in pain. The man's head was detached from his shoulders, it displayed a gory scene straight out of a horror flick. The man was no longer yelling, he died just like that as his head landed somewhere in the mountain range.

"Goodness!" The bodyguards couldn't believe what they were seeing, that guys power level was at least in the mid billions, right!? How could he just kill him with two hits, what the fuċk!

"Brother five is dead!" The cloak men yelled out in shock!

"Kill this bastard with all your might, he can't be allowed to live!" one man almost vomited blood from rage, that was his blood brother.

"Avenge brother Five, kill this evil scum bag!"

The number of ȧssassins was originally Ten but they now had nine left. Multiple figure exuding killing intent rushed to Kayn, wanting to rip him to shreds, one figure was carrying a sword in his hand. "We are absolutely Irreconcilable and can't live under the same sky! Die you bastard!" 6 men rushed to Kayn and 5 of them began to charge up Ki waves to attack Kayn while the one with the sword hovered in place.

The bodyguards immediately cleared the area seeing the horrible danger coming. Five rays shot out in the area, landing on Kayn. A mini explosion had occurred, blowing the bodyguards away like leaves on a windy day. The princess's carriage shook a bit but the shield was still hard and impenetrable under the shockwaves.

"Oh yeah, he is definitely dead now! There is no way he could have survived that!" One man was ȧssured, but as soon as he said that, he felt something cold on his side. He looked to his side and was horrified to see a beam in his side that looked like a sword. The sword moved deeper until he was cut in half, he died just like that, his eyes wide open from horror and shock.

"No! Brother six is dead!

"How could he survive that?" The leader's face turned dark, this wasn't looking good for them, would they have to run? Kayn then shot a laser at one of the men, he wanted to dodge but it was just to fast, it penetrated his ċhėst and he was turned into a corpse.

"The guy is insane. If we don't team up on this guy, we are finished!" One man began to panic and shout to his companions. However, Kayn had disappeared from where he stood, in the next moment the man who spoke head exploded like a watermelon, there no question that he was dead.

"This man is the Devil, he killed brother three in just seconds!" They were scared now. They couldn't measure his power level at all.

The Leader started to speculate for seconds and was nearly scared out of wits once he realized something. "Fuck, We have to escape! This man's power level may be in the trillions, I can't see through him at all!" The leader was finally spooked and exclaimed

"What!?" The two men next to him stunned and frightened. A power level in the trillions!?

"Who is this guy? Only those elder from those clan can have a power level that high!" The 3 of their faces turned relatively ugly after understanding the situation, was he a secret bodyguard who watched from the shadows?

"We have to run! This isn't good, we can't win. We'll have to report this back to our customers and the base for them to insert this into the database. The customer has given us false information, who would have thought she had secret bodyguard hiding the shadows!" This was the order of ȧssassins, they have ȧssassinated many royals and nobles over the years. They had set up special formations in their bases to stop people from finding them through many means.

The 3 men nodded and began to fly swiftly through the sky. At this point, Kayn had just got done killing the man with the sword which was the last of the six. All six people had died terrible deaths, but Kayn didn't care, it was no telling how many people they've killed during their time. "Haha, you guys want to run, in your dreams! I'll capture the leader and force him to talk, even if I have to torture him!" He had already figured out who the leader was, so he would capture him instead and kill the other two.

"What? He is following us!" The men were stunned seeing Kayn behind them. Kayn wanted to end this fast so he powered up 2 Destructo disc and flung them towards the 2 men. One man managed to dodge the Destructo disc but the other guy wasn't so lucky.

"Nooo, AH!" He was sliced in half and died on the spot. The two were scared out of their wits and sped up. Strangely for them, the Destructo disc from early was still following the other man and was gaining on him.

"No! Why is the blade spinner still following me!?" The man pissed his pants in horror, he was surely going to die with this thing gaining on him, there was no escape! Kayn shot another Destructo Disc and then he used Instant transmission to elbow the leader in the head. The leader slammed viciously onto the ground as he fainted from the impact of Kayn's elbow, he may have gotten a concussion!

"Leader!" The man was shocked to see his leader go down so fast, it was truly over now! The Destructo discs' were being controlled by Kayn, he navigated them to circle the man. "Ah!" The man yelled his final scream before he was sliced apart like pizza, he died a horrible death!

"Well, that was a fun little workout. I better get this leader guy and squeeze some information out of him." Kayn flew towards the human-shaped ditch in the ground which reminded him of the cartoons he used to watch as a kid in those days. The man was knocked out so Kayn carried him back to the Princess and guards.

Kayn landed near the carriage the princess was in, he could see the fear on the bodyguard's faces. Their eyes were swirling back and forth while sweating profusely. "I found this man in a nearby ditch, he might know who is trying to kill you." Kayn looked at the princess and exclaimed.

What bull shit are you saying!

You clearly pummeled that guy into a ditch!

The bodyguard curse in their hearts hearing this shameless man's claims. The princess's mouth twitched a bit hearing what Kayn said but her eyes soon lit up, she was eager to know who the culprit was. She was shocked to see Kayn's strength, she even heard from the black-cloaked men that his power level might be in the trillions! She had to have this man as her bodyguard, she wanted him to swear an oath of becoming her personal bodyguard forever. A cunning light flashed through her eyes just thinking about it.

After about 3 minutes the man finally woke up. The man found that he couldn't summon his Ki at all and his power level seemed to drop to 50, what was this? What he didn't know was that Kayn had purchased a pill from the system to temporality seal his strength, it would only last for 25 minutes.

"What have you done to me? Why can't I summon any Ki, you damn bastard!" The man was angry but helpless.

"Hmph! You're going to tell me who hired you to ȧssassinate me! You better talk then I can promise you life in prison with your life intact!" The Princess glared murderously at the ȧssassin.

"Haha, Little princess, your death is ȧssured, you can't escape! I'll see you in hell, HAHAHA!" The man laughed menacingly, he knew he was done for and bit something in his mouth, it was poison in his mouth. He started to foam at the mouth as his eyes rolled in the back of his head, he died just like that.

"Poison!" The bodyguards were stunned, he had committed suicide on the spot.

"This..." The princess was speechless, she had seen this tactic before and didn't like this way of doing things.

"Well, it looks like we won't be getting anything from him, haha!" Kayn laughed seeing the Princess Dark expression. At that moment, he could also hear a notification go off in his head.

[Ding! Mission: Saving Royalty!] Completed

[Ding! Handing Out Rewards!]

★ Congratulations, you've received-3,000,000 System Points

★ Congratulations, you've received-Ice Ki Affinity

"Oh yeah, good stuff!" He was glad to receive this affinity along the line because he was honestly saving up for the cosmic affinity. "Good, all I need to do now is get a few extra million to get a new Affinity, hehe!" However, at that moment, another notification rang out in his head.

[Ding! Mission Unlocked]

[Mission: The Defender!]

[Mission Rewards!]

★ Ultimate Crate

★ Super Blutz Wave Machine

Description: You must be the Personal Bodyguard of the Princess for a 3 Year time period!

"What!?" Kayn started to feel dizzy seeing this mission he didn't want to do, 3 damn years!

To Be continued....

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