DragonBall X: The Ultimate System [Re-Mastered]

Chapter 55 - A Week's Deadline!!


'No, no, no, noooo!' Kayn yelled in his mind after looking at the ridiculous mission but the rewards were so good. "Shit! It looks like I'll have to be a bodyguard for the next 3 damn years!" Kayn gnashed his teeth, he had no choice at this point, maybe it won't be so bad, perhaps he could have some fun if you know what he means.

The princess looked at Kayn and noticed his change in expression, he looked so serious. "Hey, are you alright, what happened?" Kayn snapped back to reality upon hearing the princess's voice.

"Ah, nothing. I was just wondering, is it still possible for me to become your bodyguard?" Kayn asked with a twitching face. The bodyguards in the area facial expressions completely changed when they heard what Kayn said.

"What? Are you serious? Do you finally want to be my personal bodyguard?" The princess's eyes began to sparkle upon hearing what Kayn said, she was very happy. "Come, come inside my carriage, we need to talk more about this, hehe!" The princess signal Kayn to come inside by opening the door. The carriage looked quite luxurious on the outside with the banner of a phoenix outside of it. The carriage was Black and red with golden design on it which resembled many phoenixes.

"Princess, isn't this a little too much? I dont think you should allow a man on the same carriage as you." The female bodyguard was not happy to see the sudden change of events, it happened way too fast.

"It okay, he will be my personal bodyguard soon anyway and no one can say otherwise!" These bodyguards were just appointed by her father, he was injured by an ȧssassination attempt. If his daughter had died today, he would surely vomit every ounce of blood in his body out and die on the spot from anger.

Kayn scratched his head and climbed into the carriage, he was immediately hit with a great fragrance. The carriage was simply amazing, there was even a bed inside of it. There were some controls that she probably used early to activate the shield barrier. The carriage inside was outlined with dark brown wood with gold, she also had a painting hanging up in the back, how much did she spend on this carriage?

"Kara and everyone, take us back to the royal palace at once, you guys are seriously injured!" The princess yelled out.

"Yes, your highness!" Everyone spoke in unison and boarded their carriages while some flew. Kara, the female Bodyguard or knight was the driver of the princess's carriage so she approached and began to steer the carriage. Strangely none of the horses were hurt during the whole conflict, the carriage raced off at max speed towards the Royal Palace towards the city.

The princess made tea for Kayn and herself. Kayn looked around and couldn't help but ask. "How much did you pay for this carriage, it seems a little too much, wouldn't you say?" Kayn really likes the taste of whoever designed this carriage.

"Not at all. There have been too many ȧssassination attempts on my royal family lately, we can't figure out who it is. I guess we could be considered fortunate compared to those people on Planet Genava, they are suffering allot." The Princess sipped her tea as she spoke.

The princess seemed to dodge the question and began to talk about something else, Kayn did pry any further. "Geneva? What's the deal with this planet, isn't it just a desolate planet?" From Kayn's memories, it seemed so.

"Nope, not all. This place is unlawful, there are many slave traders and smugglers around that place. They will all be Destroyed soon anyway, but it's sad to see so many slaves die for no reason." The princesses face show pain, there was no hope left for that planet.

"They will be destroyed? Who's going to destroy them?" Kayn was puzzled, were the people on this planet going to siege the place or what? It sounds just about right, will they kill the slaves as well, this was too evil!

"They will be destroyed by the destroyer. They say he is blue with fins on his head, he also has sharp teeth with insane power that can't be matched by any." Kayn's face turned dark after hearing what she had said. The god of destruction's job is to get rid of the things that would make his universe weak or look bad, this sounded just about right.

"Do you know when this destroyer will eliminate the planet?" Kayn asked anxiously

"Huh!" The princess was stunned to see Kayn's slightly panicked expression. "It is scheduled to be destroyed in a week's time. I know this because of my dad, he has a pretty good network and many connections. The destroyer is the law in the universe and no one can defy him." The princess happily explained.

Kayn was lost in thought. If he could get those slaves and add them to his planet, wouldn't that mean more System Points and more natives for his planet? "Anyway, here is the contract for you to sign, there is no need for you to read it, Hehe!" The princess's eyes flashed and she pulled out a contract with a pen, she then slammed it on Kayn's ċhėst.

"OOF! Damn woman, are you trying to blow my ċhėst out!?" Kayn was stunned from the sudden impact, she was too aggressive. Kayn then looked over the contract, he had heard her say not to read it, was she trying to scam him?

"No, dont look at it!" The princess's face flushed and said.

"What?" Kayn read the contract and almost fainted. "What the hell is this? Are you trying to trick this daddy to be your bodyguard for all eternity!?" Damn, this woman was quite the swindler, you let her take one step and she goes a whole mile, to overbearing!

"Ah, sorry! How long do you want to be my bodyguard for then?" The princess felt ashamed and asked Kayn directly.

"I'll be your bodyguard for 3 years and that's it." Kayn glared at the princess but she pretended to not see it and nodded.

"That'll work, I'll get the contract ready when I get back." The princess was satisfied. Kayn eyes flashed a bit, he wanted to go to planet Geneva to check things out, he was here for the adventure after all, as well as to get stronger on his journey.

"Princess, I am going to that planet to check things out. I'll be back in a week or sooner than that if things go well." Kayn exclaimed after some thought.

"What? Are you serious?" The princess thought Kayn was losing it. Didn't she just tell him that the destroyer was going to that planet soon to end it?

"I'll be off the planet before he gets there, so everything's good." Kayn was ȧssured. This is an in and out job for him. He would grab a couple of slaves and book it in a heartbeat. The princess sighed, she knew she obviously couldn't stop this guy from doing what he wanted.

"Okay, take this as proof of you being part of my clan as a bodyguard." The princess pulled out a red Gold Pheonix amulet. It was made out of very rare material that couldn't be gotten by any normal means.

"What? What is this thing made of?" When Kayn touched the amulet, he was shocked to feel how strong and how hard it was. He wanted to copy the strange mineral alloy but it failed! This was some high-quality stuff he wanted to get more of.

"This is red Platinum, it is extremely rare and can be sold for a very high price. My clan had this custom made for me to give to a special person. This will allow you into the palace when you come back from your visit to Geneva." Kayn nodded as to understand. His Creation Ability was simply to low to recreate this Red Platinum stuff. This was probably why it wasn't used as currency like purple Platinum was.

"Alrighty then, I'll see you later then." Kayn paused for a moment and spoke again. "Here, take this and give to your father, it will heal all of his wounds." Kayn then gave the princess an Omni Pill before Teleporting away.

"What!?" The princess tried to stop Kayn but had already disappeared on the spot. "This guy!" The princess cursed, she couldn't help but think that Kayn was one of those types of people! "A pill that can heal my father, I wonder if it is true? He did look serious." She had to be sure, there were too many ȧssassination attempts these days, it was too much.

"Princess, did something happen? That rogue didn't do anything to you, right?" Kara the guard called out to the princess when she heard her shouting, she was pretty loud. There was a soundproof mechanism in the carriage but it was clearly not activated so everyone could hear some of their conversations.

"Everything is good. Just continue to the palace, we should be close at this point." The princess said no more and just stared at the pill Kayn gave her, she then gently put it into a small bottle for later use. Kara said nothing in reply and continued towards the palace smoothe sailing.

Meanwhile, Kayn appeared in the same place he appeared when he put his ship away. "It time to head to Geneva to check somethings out, I am feeling very adventurous, so why not?" Kayn shot out his senses, the planet Geneva wasn't so far from this planet, it was about 3 days away but it was more than enough to Instant Transmit to. Soon, he disappeared again from where he stood, moments later he appeared on a somewhat dark and dusty planet.

"The skies of this planet remind me of Planet Vampa, it so gloomy here!" Kayn couldn't help but exclaim. At that moment he felt someone closing in on his position, he could feel the hostility coming from the approaching force. Apparently, whoever they were, they knew he was here and was looking for trouble.

"Another group of idiots who are seeking death. My second day in this universe and I've already gotten into so much trouble." Kayn shook his head and waited for the opposers. At that moment a group shabby dress thugs came out of the brushes, their power levels were simply a joke. They ranged from 20,000 to 120,000, it was no way they were a threat to him.

"If you don't want to die then hand over all your valuables! This will include your clothes as well, I like those fancy white boots you're wearing too, hand it all over!" The man was overbearing and arrogant, he wanted to even rob Kayn clothes, did he want his undėrwėȧr to!?

Kayn looked at the group of people, there was a total of eight guys. They were dressed in rags that would definitely fall apart soon, their shoes had holes in them while 2 had no shoes at all. If only they knew that this planet would meet it end in 7 days, what would they do then?

"Sorry, but I won't be giving you anything so you can just forget it." Kayn said

"Haha, I am not well suited in killing so ill just give you a good beating and take your clothes, no hard feeling!" The man's eyes turned red like he hadn't slept for the last 2 days or so. He rushed to Kayn bearing his fist, his fist was aimed at Kayn stomach, he wanted to bring Kayn to his knees.

"Too weak!" Kayn shook his head, he waved his hand and Oppressive Aura burst out, everyone in the area hit the group immediately without the possibility of resisting. It was almost like gravity had reversed on them, they were immobilized on the spot.

"W..wh..what have you done?" The man's face was in the dirt, he could bȧrėly get his question out. He seemed to understand something after asking his dumb question, this guy didn't even touch them and they were defeated just like that.

"Wait, d..dont kill us!" The man yelled out, he was sweating all over from fear and the terrible gravity on his body. Kayn wasn't planning on killing these guys anyway, why would he waste his time on killing people who were of this level.

"You'll tell me everything there is to know about this planet or else...." Kayn added force to the Oppressive Aura as a warning. He really didn't need them to tell him anything, he could just beat anyone up and get what he wanted from here.

"Y.. yes, yes, you're the boss, we'll do it!" The man hurriedly to speak up in fear of being crushed to death.

"Good!" Kayn dispersed the Aura and continued. "You guys wait out here a bit, I need to check something. Dont even think about running, I can easily track you down and when I find you, things will turn tragic!" Kayn warned. The men gulped down a mouth full of saliva in fear.

"We wouldn't dare to run, boss!

"Yeah, Yeah, we are here to the end!

"He's right, I wouldn't run away!

"I am a loyal follower forever and ever!

Kayn nodded seeing everyone ȧssured faces, there was no way for them to escape no matter what. He could tell that they were once slaves on this planet and had escaped. They would then start robbing people for their things to survive on this harsh planet. Kayn walked to the nearby cave, he wanted to check his Roulette winnings but he kept getting disrupted by sudden event every time.

"Alrighty then, what did I get, haha!" Kayn began to check his winning.

*Congratulations Kayn, you've received-

To be continued...

[Host's Status]

Name: Kayn (Luke)

Race: Saiyan

Bloodline: 100% Legendary Ancient Saiyan

Age: 18(+3)-Year-Old

Lifespan: ∞ Years

Body State: Healthy

Battle Power: (2,000,000,000,000) 149,000,000,000,000 ((Trillions))


[Ki Control: (A++)],[Ki Shaping: (A++)],[Kamehamaha: (S)],[(Instant Transmission: (A++)]

[Ki Senses: (A+)] [Destructo Disc: (C+)] [Creation:(B++)] [Warp: (A)]

[Spirit Ball:(B)] [Spirit Bomb: (B)][Superior Senses: (A+)][(Solar Flare: (C++][Galactic Donut: (B)] [Warp Step: (B++)][Final Flash: (D+)] Big Bang: (C++)] [Super Kamehameha: (B++)] [Space Creation: (D)]

[Close Combat-]

[Muay Tai: (E)][Boxing: (A)][Taekwondo: (A)] [Taijutsu: 1000 (A)] [Tiger Style Kungfu: (B+)] [Dambe: (D+)]


[Oozaru: (x15)] [KiaoKen: (x3)(x4)(x20)] [LASSJ: (x100)] [LASSJ-2: (x200)] [LASSJ-3: (x800) [Infinite Might: (Initial Stage(x5)/(Stage One G-1(x20)] [Ikari: (x15)] [True God Essense (Sealed)]

[Passive Abilities-]

(Eye Of Judgement),(Zenkai Boost),(Power Ball),(Instantaneous Regeneration)

(Aura Of Terror),(Aura Of Oppressive Might)(Divine Language) (Eternal Youth)(Enhanced Breathing) (Enhanced Survivability(No Oxygen),(Enhanced Durability)(Enhanced Strength)(Immortality)(Moon Essense)(Combat Adaptability)(Anti-Destruction)(Divine Creation)(Universal Warp)(ShapeShift)

[Ki Practices]

(Legendary Ancient Ki)


[(Omni Cure Pill (x2)][(Power Pill (x5) (Low-Grade)][(Senzu bean (x89)][Reality Orb [0/2]][(Power Pills (x1) (Mid-Grade)][Discount Card(50%)][System Ai (SnowOwl)][Ki Orb(SSG-Ki)][Time Ring][Water Of Life (x2)][Elixir of Speed (x1)][High-Grade Power Pill (x2)]

[(9,000,700 System Points]

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