
The man soon appeared, he was dressed in white and yellow armor that had an eagle symbol on it. The Clan Leader wasn't alone, he was accompanied by five other Elders, two were women, and the last three were men. Their eyes turned cold when they saw so many dead clansmen laying just about everywhere they looked. The way they died made them feel even more angry, they then looked at the man before them who had a smile on his face the whole time, it was Kayn the Joker.

"You actually have the audacity to invade our clan's manor and even kill our people in the most inhumane way!?" One of the elderly men spoke, he was fuming with killing intent when he looked at Kayn. It wasn't just him, it was all of them, including the clan leader himself.

"Ah, sorry, my buddy Pennywise told me that this place had a lot of riches and that the people here were friendly. I never could have imagined that everyone here was mean and crazy, sigh, well, I guess I'll just have to take it then!" There were many other clansmen starting to appear after hearing the commotion that Kayn had caused.

"Pennywise?" The Clan Leader was starting to recall something, he felt like he had heard this name before but could put his finger on it. Many of the others felt the same but banished the thought after remembering the current situation.

Everyone looked at Kayn with venomous gazes.

"Kill this fuċker, the first one to kill him will receive a precious reward!" The clan leader spoke with a loud voice so everyone could hear. Everyone's faces were filled with greed and went on the ȧssault right away.

"Hoho, it was like that, huh!" Kayn flexed his pistol and began to shoot like a mad man. The bullets penetrated everyone who tried to attack him. Kayn aimed for the head for an instant kill, he only came here to rob this place and leave, but if he could, he would kill a bit while he was at it. These weren't regular bullets, they were infused with Ki and from Kayn's max power level! There was no way for them to resist the incoming barrage of bullets.

Multiple notification rang out in Kayn's head, he came here to also gain more system points and killing these ċȯċky clansmen for some points wasn't at all bad. The elders and clan leader was shocked seeing their people getting killed by a single bullet from what they describe as a primitive weapon. After killing so many people, Kay glinted next to the clan leader's son who was standing not too far away from him. He knew this was his son due to research he had read and seen before.

In Kayn's disguise, he had gone Super Saiyan two. At this moment, he sent out an oppressive Aura to suppress the clan members to prevent them from moving. This included the Great Elders and the Clan leader. Kayn took aim at the young man whose face was overwhelmed with so much fear that he couldn't move.

"N-Noooo, Don't!" The Clan leader yelled in grief but it was too late for all of that, Kayn fired his shot off with a "bang". At that moment, the Son fell to the ground, he had a wet spot between his legs and even between his buŧŧ cheeks! What happened was simply this, Kayn's gun had fired out a flag that said bang on it instead of a bullet, it was just a prank!

"Phew, this dude smells like shit and piss, someone oughta clean this place up, see ya around, guys!" Kayn turned around and teleported away. The young master had shit and pissed his pants in fear, to top it off, he had fainted as well.

Kayn arrived outside of the city, he had killed a lot of people for a good reason, and that was to retrieve their memories to the location of their vaults and businesses. He was gonna rob these people like he did the turtle clan! It didn't take him long to retrieve the information to the vault and their businesses.

Kayn warped back into the mansion, but this time, he appeared in a secret location within the mansion that very few knew about. After reading their memories, he knew where the vault was. He quickly broke the door down and proceeded to rob the vault, he was stunned to see that they were much richer than the turtle clan. These things didn't matter to him but the Red Platinum did. He even found a piece of White Platinum which was much rarer.

After about five minutes, the vault was cleaned out!

"Time to rob their businesses!" Kayn once again warped away. The minute he disappears a group of Elders appeared. Their faces turned pale seeing the empty vault, this planet and universe were based on power while riches were a secondary requirement. Universe eight, which is known as the industrious universe favors riches first, then afterward, power.

"W-who robbed us!? Search the mansion quickly, he may still be around here! Also, inform the clan leader that we've been robbed!" The other immediately began their search while one of them went to inform the clan leader.

Meanwhile, Kayn had begun a thieving spree. It had taken him 3 hours to rob all the businesses they owned. He didn't go easy on this clan like he did the turtle clan; he planned to destroy the turtle clan before he left so this was actually why, with their destruction, it was only natural that their businesses would be given to the royal family there.

The chaos occurring, this news soon spread across the city in no time. That a man dressed in a purple suit with a face as pale as ghost with green hair. He called himself joker from the dark circus, he said he was sent here by the Dragon clan to help the Eagle clan out. Kayn was clearly framing the Dragon clan with these words. The Eagle was so mad that they declared that they are absolutely irreconcilable with the dragon clan and they can't live under the same sky. This clearly meant war or they were eternal enemies.

They found many people at their businesses who died with big smiles on their faces or they were poisoned to death to the point where they looked like melted ice cream! Kayn only left a bunch of joker cards when he left the businesses he attack. Many people then remembered the strange occurrence that happened to the Turtle with that clown attack.

"Goodness, what are these dark circus people up to? I've never heard of them until now." One man said

"They must be a bunch of clowns that rob people and leave their signatures before leaving! Just look at that turtle clan in the Harbinger continent, they were robbed nearly clean by some clown named Pennywise, they must be affiliated together!" Many people chatted happily seeing the misfortune of the Eagle clan.

Meanwhile, Kayn arrived back on the planet he arrived on with Athena and Ariel. "I'll just give these things to Athena to make her clan much richer." Kayn looked at his system points with satisfaction, too bad he'll have to use them eventually.

Kayn then began to train his Super Saiyan form. He was going to train until Athena and Ariel exited the chamber. Time passed and he finally got a hundred percent completion from his Super Saiyan form, it was already at ninety-nine percent.

[Ding! Congratulations for completely mastering your Super Saiyan Form!]

[Ding! Retrieving rewards!]

★Congratulations, you've received - Free roulette pass!]

★Congratulations, you've received - X-Ray Vision Technique]

"Huh!" Kayn was stunned a bit by the system alert. He looked at the description of the pass.

Roulette Pass: Freeroll no matter what, with all possibilities to every level of rarity of abilities.

"Oh, so, it's pretty much a free pass with the possibility of getting something good or bad equally, it's all about fortunate." Fortunately, Kayn had lucky Aura to boost his chances of getting something good from the Roulette drawing. Kayn also looked at the X-ray vision and his eyes glowed, it was an ability any man would want to have, it was no reason to explain why.

Just when he was about to roll the roulette he heard another notification.

[Ding! The Virtual Eye can now be activated!]

"Oh, this is perfect! So many rewards coming to me all at once!" Kayn had been training for quite some time now and hadn't noticed that a large amount of time had already gone by at this point. He immediately looked at the description of the Virtual Eye.

Virtual Eye: Allow the user to open up his eye to just about anywhere. The user will be able to see into anywhere with no problem. This includes places across any known universe to the smallest places in the universe. This ability can be leveled up, which would allow the user to see into other dimensions with no problem.

"Oh my gosh, this ability is too good!" Kayn was shocked! An ability that could see anywhere and even into other dimensions, did this include realities as well? "Haha, I am getting more and more OP, this system is too amazing!" He was glad that he had asked for a system from that mysterious man before being sent here or else, he wouldn't be this strong at this point in time. He would have to put in at least 10 times if not more effort to reach even a million in battle power.

"Virtual Eye, Open!" Kayn opened the eye and projected it, his target, his home New Genesis! Kayn looked around and saw Sasha, she was indeed training like a madwoman, she was sweating all over while inside the gravity room. Someone else was training with her, it was shockingly Gine who was inside exercising in the gravity room as well!

"Wow, this ability is amazing, it's like watching a movie, haha! Mom, keep working hard, you're getting stronger and stronger, has she become a Super Saiyan yet?" Kayn could see something about Gine but didn't know what it was, he shrugged, deeming he would find out later anyway and focused the Virtual Eyes elsewhere.

This time, his eyes were projecting around Elise's house, and he saw Broly outside of the house. He was in the backyard exercising to himself. "Nice, keep training, you have a bright future ahead my bro, hehe!" Kayn was happy to see that Broly wasn't slacking, he had a straight face with no expression on it, he looked serious! Kayn then projected his eye into the house of Elise and saw a scene that he couldn't keep his eyeballs off of. Elise was in the shower singing to herself, she was singing the song, never gonna give you up! Kayn's mouth dropped hearing the troll song that would usually pop up on youtube to trick people.

He then evaluated Elise's body. "Goodness, this chick is decked out, they aren't as big as Athena's but they're right behind her!" Elise had one Yellow eye and one Red Eye, it really looked unique if Kayn had to say so himself, she had beautiful feature of a grown mȧturė woman, she was, after all, ten years older than Kayn. "Shit, I better stop looking, this is torture to look at."

Kayn seemed to have thought of something and projected his virtual eye towards Earth. "Hmm, let's check on Kakarot and see what he's up to." Kayn spotted Goku who was alone in his house, he was eating a fish he apparently caught. Kayn could also see that the 4-star ball in was in possession, in about a month or so, the Dragonball series will start. "Everything seems good, let's check up on Bluma and see what she is doing." Kayn once again projected his eye and found Bulma right away.

"Hmm, it seems that she had already started her adventure to find the dragon balls. She'll soon appear before kak I mean Goku for the Dragonball, he would then follow her to make sure he can get the ball back after she uses it, thus the Dragonball saga begins." Kayn nodded to himself, she had already collected one which gave her a grand total of two balls.

Kayn could project his eye over the planet and a huge eyeball would appear in the clouds staring down over everything. "Alright then, everything looks good with everyone so far, let's roll the roulette and see what I get." Kayn activated his Lucky Aura which consumed 10,000 system points a second to use and rolled

[Ding! Rolling Roulette...!]

Ding! Congratulations, you've received -

To be continued....

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