DragonBall X: The Ultimate System [Re-Mastered]

Chapter 82 - Athena Vs The Ruby Red Puppet!!


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[Ding! Congratulations, You've received: Candy Ray]

"Haha, what the heck!" Kayn couldn't help but laugh seeing this technique, but he had learned such an overpowered yet funny troll-like move. "This is Majin Buu's ability, so if I were to turn someone into Candy, would I get stronger after eating them?" Kayn wasn't sure but decided to look at the description.

Candy Ray: Upon using this ability, the user must use their imagination on what edible object you wish the foe to turn into. As long as it is an edible object like meat, eggs, or desserts, they would surely turn into it.

"Well, this is a really strong move, it's really too strong," Kayn said no more and used the move on a nearby rock, but nothing happened. "As expected, it must be used on living beings for it to work, this makes sense, I guess." Kayn was satisfied with the technique but he wasn't expecting to get something like this of all things.

Kayn Power up from Super Saiyan to Super Saiyan two. He continued his training inside the blue weight suit. He remembered that Whis put Goku and Vegeta into some dimension that helped them with their Ki control but couldn't remember it. Kayn trained hard and only stopped to hunt and eat and afterward, he just continued. His progress was fast and he got super Saiyan two percentage ratio to ninety-eight percent.

At that moment, the door to the Hyperbolic time chamber slowly opened up. Kayn and the Red puppet looked over towards the doors that suddenly opened. Two figures emerged from the doors, they were obviously Athena and Ariel emerging from the gates. The Aura they gave off was far more formidable than the last time they were out here, this was definitely so for Athena, who had improved a lot.

Her face didn't change much but he could tell she had great improvement during the year she had trained. Ariel also had changed, he couldn't feel her power level before but she didn't hide it this time. She had grown in all the right places over the year of training, her ċhėst had grown big since then, she had a nonexistent ċhėst back then but now it was different and this was due to training! Hitting the gym really can get people into shape in more ways than one.

Author Note: I am not trying to offend any women, so please relax, I love all women for who they are. We all come in different shapes, sizes, colors, and so forth. Love you all!

"Well, well, welcome back after a year of training. I see that both of you have improved greatly." Kayn was happy to see their great improvement. Even the Red puppet was stunned when it felt Athena's strength, wasn't she just a pushover 24 hours ago, how could she improve so fast!?

"Yes, we spent a year there and it was quite the workout. We both trained and sparred with one another to test ourselves." Ariel was the first to speak, she was very happy to feel her improvement. She was fascinated with the way time worked inside this chamber, it was simply magical to her.

"I finally got the hang of that Kaio-Ken move after 6 months of training. I had to train my body and Ki to even use such a move or else there would be extreme pain all over my body. The simplest touch would hurt so bad that all I could do is sit still or scream if touched." Athena recalled having gone through that, it hurt so bad if you pushed the technique to the limit and wasn't ready for it.

"Wow, nice, but like I said. Don't push yourself unless you've trained this technique to a certain degree." Kayn was sure that she could do it. Goku had done so over time, and was relatively quick at that. He fought Frieza on planet Namek and even used Kai-ken x20 when fighting him for the first time. All these events were less than a year or maybe even just over a year or so that he made such an accomplishment.

"Alright, my buddy here on stage is looking for a fight! Do you want to rematch him to redeem yourself from that defeat from a year ago, or yesterday?" Kayn scratched his head on what term he should use, and decided to run with a year ago since, for her, it was a year ago. Before she could speak, Kayn spoke again. "If you want to take a break then I understand. You both just came out of the chamber and probably want to rest, right?" Kayn said

"No, we rested up for a long time yesterday waiting for the doors to open up." Athena walked up to Kayn and gave him a hug. "Hehe, it's been a while since I've seen you." Black lines appeared on Kayn's forehead but he understood what she meant, she obviously missed him.

"It's only been a day for me so I really can't say the same." Kayn was honest and she nodded as to understand.

"I'm ready to fight it! I can beat it this time after my training for a year." Athena turned towards the red puppet, her eyes were beaming with determination. The puppet could sense her fighting spirit and grinned, it stepped back and prepared itself for battle.

Kayn teleported near the red puppet and put his hand on its ċhėst. The puppet didn't resist and knew what Kayn was trying to do. Kayn had to boost its power level to suit Athena's for the upcoming battle that is going to unfold. Athena jumped on the stage and began to stretch, she also prepared for her fight as well. Kayn jumped off the stage once he was done strengthening the puppet.

"Okay, the same rules apply, if you fall out of the ring you lose, if you admit defeat, you lose, if you suffer serious damage, you lose!" Kayn looked at both of them and they said nothing. The two just glared at each other, it was like a silent fight of wills was taking place. "Okay then, the fight will begin in 10-9-8-7--6-5-4-2-3-2------...." Kayn stopped and started to whistle, they both looked at Kayn with annoyance, even the puppet did so, which was quite funny.


"Heat Cannon!"

An orange-red beam was fired off towards the puppet, the puppet was just recovering from the attack and couldn't escape. It had no choice but to power up and take the attack head-on, it used both its hands to block the attack with all it had.


The attack exploded on the palm of the puppet's hands. A miniature smoke cloud appeared around the puppet when he blocked the attack. "Nice, it looks like I got him with it." Athena mumbled to herself.

Suddenly the puppet appeared behind Athena with a red glow around its body, it was the Kaio-Ken! Athena was stunned and couldn't react in time, she had no choice and used Kaio-ken herself to move away. The puppet was a little surprised that he missed but snapped out of it quickly and followed Athena to continue its ȧssault.

Two red blazing figures moved quickly through the air. No normal fighter would be able to see these movements. They both used Kaio-ken x2 and slammed into each other, causing several shockwaves and winds to kick up. The puppet quickly gave Athena a knee to the stomach and kicked downward, it had buffed up its strength to Kai-ken time x3 in a heartbeat. It was too fast for Athena with the sudden speed and attack boost. She was sent crashing into the stage but landed on both her hands and legs, she was on her fours.

At this time, the puppet did what she did and had already charged up a Kamehameha attack. It was powered by Kaio-Ken as well so it was much stronger than the average Kamehameha! A blue beam of energy shot out, somehow, Athena had managed to power up her own attack at this time. Her Orange-Red Heat Cannon collided with the Kamehameha, causing both Ariel and Kayn to back away. Rock began to float in the air and pop. The stage was destroyed the minutes the attacks connected! Kayn felt like the scene was familiar, it reminded him of the Galick gun vs Kamehameha!

"Goodness, this is one of the most intense battles I've ever seen, she is really serious this time around!" Ariel covered her eyes due to the dust and lights from the attacks. Rocks were floating in the air and exploding once they reached a certain height.

Athena was getting pushed back by the puppet's Kamehameha, she had no choice but to amp it up.

"Kaio-Ken x4!"

Athena yelled and a burst of energy exploded out of her palms, going through her beam and slamming toward the puppet's Kamehameha. She was now winning, the puppet eyes glinted, it was clearly shocked at this revelation. It couldn't resist and the attack engulfed it in Orange light as it was sent flying further into the sky.

Kayn sighed with amazement, she had indeed improved so much. Athena was breathing hard after such an attack and sat on her buŧŧ in the middle of the stage. Kayn was unsure about the condition that the puppet was in but he was sure it wasn't good. After about five minutes, the puppet descended back to the stage but it was in terrible condition. It looked just like how Cell looked when Vegeta hit him with a final flash, half of its body was gone, its arm and half of its torso had been obliterated!

"This battle is over, Athena is the winner!" Kayn immediately recalled the puppet and congratulated Athena for her victory. Ariel felt the same after seeing such an intense battle. It was one of if not the best she had ever seen in her life.

"Athena, that was an amazing fight, you're definitely ready for this years tournament!" Ariel walked up to Athena and patted her back.

"AH~!" Athena screamed in pain after getting patted on the back, she clearly pushed it too far with that last attack. Athena was sweating profusely from her forehead. "Wait, don't touch me like that, it hurts a lot, I need some ointment or something, I think a bath will do." Ariel nodded and grabbed Athena hand.

"I will take her to the ship so she can recover from this fight." Ariel guided Athena steadily back to the ship they had arrived in to help her recover. "I need to rest afterward anyway, I'm kinda sleepy," Ariel added before flying off with Athena.

Kayn said nothing more to oppose what they wanted to do, Athena had improved a lot which was good enough. Time quickly passed as they continued to train throughout the day. This included Kayn, who was training his Super Saiyan two for mastery purposes. The time of the tournament was now at hand, and today was the day of the tournament, it was time to head back after training on this secluded planet.

Kayn stored his ship back into the storage and teleported away with Athena and Ariel. He arrived at the palace but the King was not home, he had left to the Starfall Continent where the tournament was being hosted. He left with some powerful elders including Elder Mars who went with them.

"Hmm, where is the location of this continent, what are the coordinates?" Kayn asked one of the elders. He easily told him everything. After hearing everything, he shot his senses out and immediately found the King Ki signature.

"Alright, guys, let's head off!" Kayn grabbed Athena's hand while she grabbed Ariel's hand and they warped away under the stunned expressions of many elders and maids around the palace.

"What in the world was that just now, he's gone just like that!" One of the elders exclaimed with his mouth wide open.

"It must be the ability to teleport of something, but I've never seen it go to such a far distance, he must have only gone 10 miles away or so." One Elder had his doubts, there was no way someone could teleport so far. What would he think if he knew Kayn could teleport to universes with ease or just about anywhere he wanted?

Meanwhile, Kayn arrived near a city called Starfall City, it was full of people going in and out from what he could see in the distance. The place was packed to the brim, many clans were raring to see the tournament that represented their clan, it was much more clan present than at the auction.

"My dad should be at the battle dome where the tournament is taking place, let's head there and prepare." Ariel had no problem with what Athena said. Her clan was also here to fight, she wasn't the person representing her clan, but she wanted to watch the fights. Kayn nodded and teleported away with both of them towards the King.

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