
I went to a pasta parlor on the third floor, where I could see the exterior of the store with a glass wall. In the dim streets, the signs are already lit, and thousands of people wander around smiling happily.

“I've never been here before. ”

“It's not much different than a general store. ”

The poet at the table looks around and says, "Praise is no big deal."

When the employee gave me the menu and water, the status of the menu board opened. There were some hard to name pastas and different kinds of steaks, but the price was over KRW 9,000.

“What do you want? ”

“I'll have a sea-cream spaghetti. ”

“Really? I'm a Carbonara, then. I'll try this. ”

Shortly after the poem made a spaghetti of carbonara and seafood cream, a large bowl of pasta came out. It has an incredible small amount of seafood cream spaghetti of ₩ 9800 and a Carbonara of ₩ 8900.

However, he did not say that the poem is ignorantly small. What is it for 9,000 won?

“How's Yumi? How are you studying? ”

“I'm doing it, but I'm worried because I keep thinking about it. ”

“Really? I want to go to college in Seoul with Yumi. ”

“You have to work hard. ”

I didn't know what to talk about with Chan, so I brought up Yumi's academic affairs first. Conversation isn't just about one topic, so start with a little interest and expand.

“Have you ever been to Cheongdam? ”

“I've been there once or twice. ”

“Do you really have a lot of luxury and expensive things there? ”

“Yes, there are department stores that only sell luxury goods, and there are a lot of glamour. ”

“I see. It's amazing. ”

In this way, I had a conversation and found out what elements of Chan's interest were.

“What is praise doing at home these days? ”

“Yes? Well, I'm staying. ”

“Are you giving me a free day at school? ”


Praise replied with a slight red face. I used to do exercises, but I was afraid to go out of the house after I almost got raped. So I helped my parents with a little restaurant or taught the poem in the afternoon.

“Really? If you don't have anything to do, do you want to barista at our cafe? ”

“Barista? I don't even know how to make coffee.... ”

“That's all you need to learn. Do you have any ideas?"

“Well, I'll think about it a little bit. ”

“Okay. Okay. ”

Sometimes I fall in love at first glance, but if I stay with them, my love blossoms. If it's a compliment with male-aversion, I think you should treat it more kindly at your side.

“Delicious. Come back for more. ”

“Oh, yes. ”

Although the amount of Carbonara was small, the taste itself was quite good. Especially in a store like this, the atmosphere was good to come with a woman. I understand why you come to a pasta shop like this when you go on a date.

“If you're done, let's go. ”

The situation went to the counter and tried to calculate even the compliments naturally.


However, the hymn next to him reached 10,000 won. I felt like I wanted to play Dutchpay.

“Thank you.”

When he received Chan's money, he counted it with a card. Here, an ordinary man would pretend to be bluffing, but it was clear that he would hate to act that way even more.

After the calculations were done, many people passed in the dark streets. A lot of women dressed in glamour were walking around with their male or female friends, but few were prettier than Chan. It seemed plausible from afar, but most of the women were not very good at being close.

“I don't want to go for a drink right away, so why don't we go see a movie? ”

“Do you see anything? ”

“Let's go decide. ”

He took a compliment and went to the theater to watch a moderately understandable movie. It was a movie about family love, but the ending was so touching that the poem frowned.

I feel the rush of the ending, and I hear a faint sound next to me. No way, when he looked at the poem, a praiseworthy expression filled his face filled with tears was pouring out his eyes. It looks so different from the image of praise I've always seen. I didn't know Chan had such a sensitivity.

“Impressive, isn't it?"

“Well, moderately. ”

The praise for being embarrassed about crying shifts away from the eyes of the poem.

“I cried a little too. ”

“Oh, I didn't cry. ”

In the words of the poem, he said with a look of praise that is never a compliment. Obviously, there are tears everywhere, and that's a lie. Cute.

“Here, Tissue. ”

Praise takes a paper towel and turns his head to wipe his tears and loosen his nose. I still have red eyes.

“Let's go, brother. ”


The poem checks the time as he leaves the theater. The 11 o'clock is almost up.

“Let's go for a drink. Does Chan know any bars? ”

“No, I don't know because I don't drink very well. ”

I looked around the city, but there was no decent bar.

“Then shall we go there? ”

The bar the poem pointed to was the room that Jiyoung and I had been to before.

“I'm fine anywhere. ”

When the compliment was fine, the poem took the compliment and went into the bar.

The compliment that came into the room looked curiously around. I didn't know where the bar was divided into rooms like this.

Being in a room doesn't sound like a normal house, but you can hear each other better than an open bar.

“Is this your first time here? ”

“Yes, I'm not very good at drinking. ”

“What do you want? ”

“I'm all right. ”

“Got it.”

The city gave Jiyoung a chicken salad and 1700cc of beer before the staff came in.

“Brother, you've had too much to drink. ”

As the staff leaves, Chan cautiously asks.

“Is that so? You'll be fine. I could use a beer today. ”

The poem smiled and said. I didn't intend to force Chan to feed me. It doesn't mean anything to covet a compliment that you can't get drunk.

An employee brought me chicken salad and beer, and the poem poured the beer into a complimentary beer.

While sipping the beer, I heard about the movie I saw earlier, Yumi's story, and a little bit about college.

“Don't you have a boyfriend who praises you? ”

“Boyfriend? Nothing.”

I knew of course that Chan hated men and didn't have a boyfriend. This question, however, was merely a beacon for the next question.

“Really? So you've never been with a boyfriend? ”

The poem asked while drinking beer. Rather than being absolutely curious, I felt like I was just asking.

“That's not it……. ”

Chanting didn't want to talk about it as much as before. I'm surprised that Chan who hated men so much had a boyfriend once.

“Oh, sorry. Maybe you brought up something I don't want to remember. ”

“No, that was a long time ago. ”

Praise replies with a face that is not okay at all. I think something happened with my old boyfriend, but I have no idea.

“How long have you been on leave? ”

“It's been a year. ”

After talking about my boyfriend, Chan continued to make a bad face, and suddenly I took a beer at once.

“It's hard to live. Brother.”

“What? What's the matter? Praise.”

The compliment reminded me of the drink because it was a little drunk, said with a sad expression. Eyes full of wounds.

I think it's because of the work related to men, but when I saw the face of a sad praise, it was not necessarily a good thing because it was pretty and popular.

“Praise, I think you drink too much.... ”

“I'm fine.”

I continued to drink beer, even though I was worried about the poem. This was difficult. The original plan was to pretend Jiyoung was drunk and ask her to take her home. Instead, Chan should be drunk and give her a compliment.

“Brother……. I'll get you another drink. ”

A compliment that had just emptied out 1700cc told the poet. While the poet drank a couple of beers, he drank all the praises.

“Are you all right, Chan? ”

“I'm fine.”

Praise answered, slightly annoyed. It was like that old harsh compliment because of the drink.

The episode resulted in another 1700cc. As soon as the employee brings the beer, the compliment pours into his glass and inhales.

“W-what's wrong with all the men? ”

“Huh? What? ”

Chan, who was drinking, suddenly said.

“I really want them all to die. ”

“Tea, praise. Calm down."

Earlier, it was a eulogy that was as quiet as usual, but when the drink went in, I suddenly returned to that scary eulogy of the old days.

“I really liked it... That scumbag needs to cut off his penis. ”

“Who? ”

“Brother……. You know me naked, right? The hairless one over there. ”

Drunk was definitely drunk or flattered with his face, he said something he would never normally say.

“Oh, yeah. Why is that?”

“Do you know what that rascal said to the school after everything he did? She called me a whore. I... I was the first, but there was no fur there, no virgin veil...... I heard rumors that I was a whore who slept with a man. ”

Tears streamed from the eyes of praise. If the tears that had been shed when I saw the movie before were touching tears, these tears that were shed now were filled with resentment and anger. He wipes his tears and takes another sip.

I finally understood what was going on. The number of one-on-one sex sessions in the profile would have been with the ex-boyfriend you just mentioned. Her ex-boyfriend didn't have a conspiracy and had sex with Chan, but she made sure that there was no virginity and no blood at all and probably felt some kind of betrayal. So after sex, he would tell his school friends that praise was easy, and the rumors would spread quickly. Rumors like this usually go around fast.

“So what happened? ”

Just listening to the words of praise made me angry and asked with a firm expression.

“Do you know how many times I've heard rumors about men wanting to have sex with me? Even my best friends heard the rumors and didn't talk to me...... and the men rushed to sleep with me...... You asked me why I took a leave of absence. So I took a leave of absence.”

“Who is he? ”

The poem was really angry. I felt like I wanted to cut off my penis right away. You're just saying there's no conspiracy, that you're a whore? Even human garbage has no such garbage.

“I think he's the problem. That's what men do. It wasn't just him. It was when I was a kid. You have no idea how gross and disgusting men are. ”

When I see a compliment with a sad face, I have deep pity. When I first met him at the gym, I understood why he was being so hard on himself and angry.

I even took a break because I was rumored to be a prostitute at school, but I almost got raped at home... I feel so sorry for Praise.

“Brother, I need more booze. ”


The poem didn't even drink, but the compliment emptied 1700cc of everything. He said he doesn't drink much, but he wants to eat more after eating like that. I felt like I drank too much, but the status quo was complimentary and I called the staff and gave them another 1700cc.

When I got drunk, I drank a beer that was praised without saying anything.

“Praise, are you okay? Shall we go?”

“What! No! I'm not going! ”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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I'll put up some more later.

I'd love to, but I'm a little busy finishing my novel...

Thank you for always reading.

Oh, I didn't know that. It's been 100 times. Thank you all.

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