
The hymn shouted loudly to the poet if he was drunk. His face is full of bitterness.

The poem looked at the clock and it was already past 1: 00 in the morning. I'm worried I'm going to have to take you home now. The plan had already been ruined for a long time, but it was okay to break up at this point because it was a big harvest that I could hear the past of praise.

“Oh no! Someone keeps calling me! ”

Chan took out his phone with an annoying hand and answered the phone.

“I'm not going. I'm not going today. So don't call me. Do you understand?”

I think I just got a call from home, but I keep yelling at him.

“Yumi, will you keep bothering me? ”

“Chan, give me the phone. ”

Yumi said the poem took away the phone of praise. Then praise stares at the poem and drinks again.


[Brother, what's going on? What's wrong with her?]

Yumi said in a worried voice.

[Sorry, I drank a lot of compliments.]

[Then let me sleep at your place. My mom and dad are freaking out when she drinks so much.]

If it was a stranger, he would have come himself and brought a compliment, but I could say this because it was the poem.

[Can I?]

[Yes, I'll tell Mom and Dad that I'm sleeping at my sister's high school friend's house. She's waiting for me all the time.]

[Yeah, okay.]

[And you…….]


[I……. Oh, no, no, no. Bye.]

I hear a low sigh and hang up. I knew roughly what Yumi wanted to say, but I was too busy with work to meet her. This was not like Yoo-young, but Ji-young as well. After work, it's past 11: 00, so I don't have as much time as I used to.

“Chan, do you want to stay at my house? ”

“Is it because you want to have sex with me? ”

Chan says, staring at the poem.

“Praise, come to your senses. ”

“Yes, I will. I'm gonna have sex with you, okay? Huh?"

Praise was completely unconscious. The poem never intended to have sex if Chan only sexed cancer. What can I do if I drink like this and have a body with a voice I don't even like? Rather, after that, we just stand idly together.

“Praise be to you, let's go home. ”

“Never mind. Go to the motel. I'm gonna have sex with you."

When the poem grabs the arm of praise and tries to take it out, praise is roughly rejected.

“Yes, yes. Okay, let's go to the motel. ”

“It's been a while. ”

When the poem says to go to the motel, I just stand up praising him. I don't know what Chan is thinking.

After calculating the price of the liquor and coming out to the street, he went to a decent motel nearby, hugging the drunken praise.

“Praise, lie in bed and sleep. ”

“I don't want to! You piece of shit! You brought me to a motel to have sex with me? You, you're just like every other man I've ever seen. ”

Without taking off his shoes, the hymn lying on the floor of the room stared at the poem. Earlier he went to the motel and now he's asking why he brought her to the motel. I don't appreciate the compliment, but I'm too drunk. I should never drink with Chan in the future.

“I can't. ”

The poem raises Margie because it is difficult for her to hold a hymn so that it doesn't happen with just basic strength. There's a tremendous amount of power.

The user tucks its arm into the praised armpit and lifts it up, raising it lightly like a feather.

“Hey! Don't touch that! Where are you touching?”

As it is placed in the heart of the poem, a compliment strikes the poem to escape.

“It hurts. Praise be to you. ”

It really hurts me to hit him with all my heart. The poem hugged the hymn tightly and laid him straight on the bed. It's really hard.

“All scum like you have to die. ”

Praise was constantly swearing and cursing.

The poem silently looked at such praise. I just don't want to feel bad about how much hurt I'd be if I was not in a bad mood.

The praise that cursed for a long time became silent. I didn't fall asleep, but I kept staring at the situation with angry eyes. I think I'm tired.

“Praise, I'll take off your shoes. ”

When the hymn calmed down, the poem took off his shoes and socks, but fortunately, he didn't kick or push them away. As I took off my socks, I noticed the white and cute feet of praise. Unlike being 172 centimeters tall, the feet of praise don't look so big.

The poem wiped the thread of the sock on Chan's foot with his hands, then laid the naked shoes neatly on the porch and took the duvet out of the closet and laid it on the floor. I wanted to sleep next to Chan Mi, but I'll be in trouble in the morning.

“Ugh……. ”

Suddenly, Chant frowned and began to make a vomiting sound.


When the poem calls, he does not answer, and praise rises, he tries to vomit on the floor.

“Oh, shit. ”

The startled revelation immediately raised Margie, hugged her compliment and ran to the bathroom. And as soon as I put down the compliment to make him puke,


I threw up on my clothes.

“Ah……. ”

The top and bottom of the poem were covered in vomit, and the top and bottom of the compliment were filled with vomit. A sour and disgusting smell spreads.

“Ahh... ”

I can't breathe. The poet tried to take off all his clothes and take off his complimentary clothes while turning on the water in the shower to keep it warm. It's like saying hello to someone who's drunk.

“Hey! Why are you taking off my clothes? Do you want to die?”

When the poet tried to take off his clothes, Praise tried to push him away. However, the poem that had already brought Margie up was barely able to take off her top and pants by giving her a stirring compliment.

I had seen it before, but the body of praise was unbelievably beautiful. The waist, the bounteous chest, and the elongated white legs were much better compared to any model. She was pretty here, so men couldn't stick to her without her magic.

When I saw the white and fine body of praise, I began to get a slight erection.

The poem slightly pulled back and skillfully stripped off the praiseworthy brassiere and panties. Now the same brassiere can easily be peeled off with one hand.

“Well……. ”

The perfectly balanced breasts and pink nipples and areola were so beautiful that I could see any man. Thanks to the slippery vagina without a conspiracy here, the inviting and crude colors exploded.

The poem was so glamorous that I felt the penis unfold in an instant.

“Hey! What the hell! ”

As he pricks his back, the praise rises, annoyed, and squeezes the penis of the poem.

“Oh, it hurts. Praise.”

It was not a touch for loving, but a hand filled with anger.

“Is this it? This is what makes a man do such rubbish? ”

I grabbed the penis with one hand and held the testicle tightly with the other.

His expression distorted due to the intense pain I felt at the moment. I keep thinking I should choose the next magical circuit to defend against this kind of attack.

“It hurts!”

As the poem shouts, a flimsy compliment loosens his hand. But I don't let go of the hand holding the testicle, I keep staring at the poem.

“You people need to wake up when you're sick. ”

Praise rubs the scrotum, but it feels more pleasant than pain because it holds the scrotum firmly as it did before. My penis flinches with wild pleasures. However, rather than savoring the pleasure, the poem pulled out the penis from the hand of praise and wet the body of praise with a shower. I couldn't stand the smell of vomit.

I removed soap, shampoo, and body cleanser from the sub-room whether or not I saw it. The vomit smell was not easily erased by ordinary shampoo and body cleansers, so I had to use something from Quezron's castle.

The poem washed the vomit on his body and the vomit on his clothes with water and wet his body. And when I washed his head with shampoo, he was still, unlike before, struggling. I guess it makes me feel better to wash it with warm water.

After washing my hair, I lathered my body cleanser onto the shower bowl and thoroughly washed the body of praise. I feel the soft, wild skin of praise in my hands.

The poem rubbed his body with a shower bowl that lathered thoroughly onto his chest and vagina as well as his feet.

I covered every corner with body cleansers, shower compliments, and washed my body.

“Ahh... ”

Praise also breathed out loud whether it felt good to wash away dirt.

The shower is finished. The poem wiped the body of praise with a towel, and after washing himself, he lifted the neck and legs of praise with his arms like a princess. Then praise makes a satisfied face. I liked this posture that supports me.

I carefully placed the compliment on the bed. Fortunately, I lie in bed quietly without hitting or getting angry as before.

“You can go to sleep now. I'm gonna go wash up. ”

“It's my heart! ”

“Yes, yes. ”

The poem returned to the bathroom and washed all his clothes and underwear with soap from the sea urchins of Quezron. I don't know what I'm going through after drinking.

I left my clothes in the bathroom and came back to the room, but Chan was lying there dazed, awake, not sleeping. I don't know why I don't sleep even though my eyes look drowsy.

“Hey! You like me, right? ”

“What, what? ”

Suddenly, Chan got up from bed and looked at the situation and said, As the blanket that was covering goes down, my beautiful breasts are revealed.

“Hey! Come and suck my feet! ”

“Ahh... ”

Why would he do that? Earlier, he was killing himself, and now he's pushing his legs out to suck his feet.

“Don't do it! Do you want to get hit by me? ”

“Yes. Yes. ”

The poem sighed lightly and grabbed the right foot of praise that was sticking out of the bed, licking the tops of his feet slightly with his tongue. I'm tired of my feet or whatever, so I want to go to sleep quickly. I have to go to work tomorrow. It's already 3: 00 in the morning.

“Hey! Suck my toes! Don't you know how to do it? ”

In the words of praise, the poem sucked the thumb of praise into his mouth. It was a good thing I just washed it clean so it didn't smell or taste anything.

“Mmmm... That's pretty good.”

Praise sounds satisfactory.

The poem listened to the words of praise and doubted whether that praise was the praise he knew. That's how people want to change when they drink. My guess is that this is how I express my revenge against a man, but I have a bad feeling about it.

“Hey! Don't you suck properly? ”

I thought about it for a while, but I just kept putting it in my mouth, and then Chant shouted. The poem sucked the toes of praise again with all his heart.

“Hmm……. Yeah, you're good. ”

Until now, I was unraveling the man's anger by giving him shame to suck his feet, but he seemed to be more satisfied because his acclaimed voice was also his toe.

At this rate, the poem stopped sucking his toes and lay on the side of the praise.

“Who told you to quit! ”

As expected, praise was annoyed.

“Sorry. It's a compliment. I'm sorry.”

The poem hugged the hymn and said. So pitiful and sad.

“I'm sorry. I'll apologize for that. ”

“Piss off! You think I'm gonna fall for that? ”

Praise also struck me in anger, but the poem simply hugged me and patted my back.


“You're really annoying... …. ”

While I was angry for a long time, I suddenly cried in the arms of the poet.

“I'm annoyed.... ”

The poem gave me a silent hug while crying in his arms.

How long has it been? I can only hear regular breathing.

Since they were both naked, they were probably embarrassed when they woke up tomorrow morning, so they tried to get out of bed carefully.

“If you move, you die.... ”

He looks at the situation with sleepy eyes and gets angry and is buried again.

“Ahh... ”

The poem hugged the naked hymn naked. I wanted to hold the praise properly for what happened. I wonder what will happen if I wake up in the morning. I don't know.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you. Have a nice day.

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