
“Ouch... ”

Suddenly, I felt a tingling sensation in my head. The sun hasn't fully risen yet, so I open my eyes while frowning at the light coming in through the window. But the first thing I could see was a wall similar to the color of skin, not the white wall or the ceiling in his room. However, the wall was not flat but slightly protruding overall, and curiously, there was something that looked like nipples on either side.

“What……. ”

I just woke up and I have a headache. I couldn't figure out what was going on. I looked around the praises with my eyes bared.

“No, that's ridiculous. ”

As soon as I saw the face of the poem, I suddenly came to my senses and noticed everything. I had a drink with the poem yesterday. I remember it clearly. The poem brought up the old tale and became depressed for no reason and felt bad, so I think serially about the excessive drinking.

“Ah……. Ah... ”

And the thought that followed echoes with a painful sound: 23 You have never drunk so much in your life, and you have never used such a ridiculous injection.

I felt too comfortable thinking about the situation. The poem was also a kind of man who hated and hated himself, but he saved him from the danger of being raped, and he always seemed to be relied on to some extent for his courtesy. So you'd be drinking and revealing your past you've never told anyone.

“Huff……. ”

An unidentified voice comes from the mouth of praise. I came to the motel and I remembered all kinds of trends. To the poet, insulting all kinds of insults and beating and vomiting...... and vomiting...

After thinking about what he did, he felt so ashamed that he couldn't stand it and wriggled and tormented. This was just a nightmare. I mean, how happy would a nightmare be? I just wanted to die for the fact that all this was real.

Praise was for getting out of the poem's arms and trying to get dressed first. Although the poem was sleeping, I felt so ashamed that it was held in his arms naked. As the compliment writhed to get out of the poem's arms, the poem suddenly hugged the compliment more strongly.

The startled compliment was completely frozen and not even a breath could be heard. If I wake up now.... I didn't want to imagine.

Fortunately, he moved in the arms of the poem and it was a reflexive embrace of the poem, not from his sleep.

“Phew... ”

There is a sigh of relief.

I did not move immediately, but waited a moment in the arms of the poem. If a man other than the poem had held himself like this, he would have kicked his penis right away.

I can hear the heartbeat of the naked pope holding him in his arms naked. That low and regular sound somehow calmed his mind.

The more I thought about what happened yesterday, the more I felt that the situation was great. Even though he was so angry and insulted, he only accepted it quietly and did not get angry once. I also threw up and washed myself with loving hands, even though I was buried in my clothes, and I thought about myself, and I sucked my feet without rejecting the nonsense. Who in the world would do something like that? If I were myself, I would have been angry.

Then, after sucking his feet, I suddenly felt pale and my whole body tingled, thinking of the poem that hugged me, saying I was sorry. My heart was hard enough to bear, and my face was sweet just thinking about the poetry because my insides were fluttering. I was so ashamed that no one saw this praise that I had never felt when I thought I was dating my ex-boyfriend, but I dug deeper into the poem's chest, blushing my face. The scent of the poem's flesh is delightful.

I originally tried to get out of the poem's arms and get dressed quickly, but my anxiety and worries disappeared and my mind was calm just by being in this body.

It was a peace of mind that I had never felt since I heard rumors that I was a prostitute at school and had almost been raped.


Earlier, however, I could feel something hard and big stabbing his vagina. I stabbed my right side of the labia, not my thigh or stomach, and slightly pulled my butt back. It's because I was worried that some weird club might come into my hole.


At that moment, he shouts out in a low voice, not praising its identity. It was a penis. It was similar in size to the hardness I felt when I touched the penis of the poem yesterday. Usually when I realized it was a man's penis, I had to feel unbearable disgust, but now I'm just ashamed.

I twisted my body slightly to get out of the poem's arms again, but the poem hugs me tightly. I thought I might get up and play a joke, but I looked at the situation a little, but it didn't seem to happen because my heart sounds or breathing sounds too regular.

However, while trying to escape, he held her tighter than before, and his penis kept poking around his hole. This situation is so embarrassing and embarrassing.

“Ugh... ”

I tried a few more times to get out, but I couldn't get out. If I try to get out of bed with a teddy bear every day, I keep hugging her. At this rate, I felt uneasy because I thought the situation would happen. However, if I think about it, I saw him naked several times, and I thought that seeing him again would make a difference. If the situation was bad, he would have been drunk and forced to avoid losing his mind.

“Ahh... ”

I gave up. I was acting like that yesterday anyway, but now I think I need to sneak out of the poem's arms and try on clothes.

When I decided to do this, I felt relieved. Praise was just in my arms, feeling the warmth of the poem. I wanted to stay in this comforting embrace until the poem happened.

Praise closed its eyes and tasted the luscious flesh of the poem. I like this smell that is soft and soothing.


I felt like I was falling asleep because the poem was too comfortable. However, unlike before, I felt the poem stroke his head.

“Oh, brother. ”

When I looked at him with a slightly frightened look, the poem smiled softly and looked at him. I'm so ashamed. I didn't even know what to say to apologize to the poem.

“You awake?”

“I'm sorry. I was so rude yesterday……. ”

“It's okay.”

The poet strokes his head and says, I looked at the situation with an embarrassed look on my face, and my eyes met.

“Oh, brother. ”

The poem naturally grabs his face and kisses. Chan was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to do.


“Yes? Oh, no. It's okay."

I felt ashamed and moved every word of the poem as if I were a child who had finished differently than usual.

The poem kissed me again. I closed my eyes to a kiss that felt full of affection. It was okay if it wasn't for the other guy. Even with just a simple kiss, Chan felt a beating like his heart was about to burst, and an unreasonable excitement.

I also asked Yumi to do the surgery because he liked the poem. But it was trust for the poem, not affection, as it is now. Yesterday, I also felt like I was in love with Mozilla when I saw the poem asking for forgiveness.

“You okay?"

“Yes, I'm fine. ”

When the poem smiled, he turned his head slightly because he was ashamed of the praise. Then the poem kissed his neck. I was too ashamed to move my body.

The poem, who kissed the neck, naturally touched the breasts of praise. Praise flinched, but he did not push or resist. Just like Yumi, she blushes her face and feels her touch. This was almost over. I didn't think it would be like this and received a complimentary injection yesterday, but I thought it would have a similar result.

Of course, he didn't necessarily console me with such an objective. I was able to accept it because I thought the pain was from the injection, because I couldn't turn away from the suffering and sadness that I would feel.

In any case, Praise was going to feel sorry and gratitude to himself and gradually develop a relationship through it, unless he forgot everything that happened last night.

However, I got up before the sun rose and held the praise, pretending to wake it carefully at sunrise. After that, I thought that there might be a possibility.

So whenever praise tried to escape, I pulled it to keep it in my arms. I couldn't help feeling flattered by my heart and soft skin, but I was so excited that I made every effort not to get my heart and breathing rough. If they found out you were pretending to be asleep, it would have been counterproductive.

The breasts of praise were not comparable to silver, fame and aru, and were bigger and softer than Jiyoung, the same B cup. It had a good elasticity and perfect shape. In addition, the slightly raised nipples were neither large nor small and had a vivid pink color. The more I touched it, the more I was amazed.

As I rubbed my chest and touched my nipple, it became harder and harder as I grew larger. Chant turns his head, blushing and embarrassed, but he looks so lovely. Taking down a woman who hates that man... It was really hard.

The poem kissed the neck and gradually came down to suck the praised nipple. I carefully examined the compliment by tasting the hard nipple with my tongue, but I turned my head without saying anything and just kept my face red.

The poem went into the duvet.

“Well, what are you doing? ”

The poem, who did not answer the eulogy, grabbed his feet and sucked his toes as he did yesterday. I know that eulogy is your toe.

“Ha, don't. Brother.”

However, unlike the praises that were speeding up his toes so confidently yesterday, the praises that woke him up from drinking were so shy that he took off his feet.

“Why not? You like doing this compliment. ”

“No. Absolutely not. I was out of my mind yesterday. ”


The poem nodded as if he knew, pulled out the blanket, and then washed his toes again.

“Ugh…. Oh, no... ”

Whether he was having sexual intercourse or praising, he kept twitching his feet and was excited, but his tone was shimmering. I was amazed at the noise of a pure pink color that appeared to be between the blueprints with no fur on it.

I couldn't take it anymore, but I stopped sucking my feet and licked my labour with my legs wide open.

“Oh, no. ”

Praise kept saying no, but he was spilling his fluids with a cheerful look on his face.

“Ugh…. No... ”

With my fingers, I felt a tingle in my tongue. Lick the labyrinth, and as the fluid flushes, it rubs against your fingers and gently touches the clitoris.

“Haang……. No... ”

At this point, the situation immediately triggered the magical circuitry by pulling Margaery up to get rid of her. And of course, he developed a healing ability with his penis.

The poem spread the legs of praise and put it to the vagina with his penis.

“Oh, brother. Oh, no... ”

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