
[Where are you now? Is this a hospital?]

He said with a trembling voice. I never thought my parents would get hurt in my life until now.

I'm doing a suture. What should I do? Really.]

[Where? I'll be right there.]

The poem went into the cafe and wrote a note about the hospital my mom called me. My hands trembled while writing. I tried to relax as I took a deep breath.

“Chan, I'm going to the hospital now, but I don't think I'll be able to make it today. ”

“Is something wrong? ”

When the poet hung up the phone and spoke to Chan, Chan said with a worried expression.

“My dad's a little hurt, so I think we should go. When the time comes, we close the door and go. Okay?"

“Yes, don't worry about it. ”

Chan had more words to ask, but in order not to take away the time of the poem, he only finished with a reply that he knew.

“I'll be there.”

“Please contact me later. Brother.”


I left the praises I was worried about and the poem left the cafe and picked up a taxi. I usually had no car, but I was not uncomfortable at all, but it was too bad that there was no car in this urgent situation.

I tell the taxi driver where to write a note and I run straight away. It takes about an hour, so the cab will cost quite a bit, but that's not a problem.

The dark path through the windows of the taxi seemed to show his heart. While he was playing with praise and Yumi, he was so sad that he cut off his finger while working hard.

When I think about it, I haven't really cared about my parents at all. I had over 100 million dollars on my hands, but I regretted not giving it to you because I didn't want to explain it to you. If I had told you that I had won this money in a lottery, my father's finger would not have been cut off.

“Ah……. ”

Moreover, if you had taken a level 3 and obtained a magical tool for your parents instead of ignoring obstacles that are meaningless, none of this would have happened. No, if I wasn't at level 3, I would have helped my parents a lot if I had gotten a new magical tool by filming level 4 quickly, but I was so satisfied with the situation that I was ashamed of myself.

I was able to make excuses. I didn't raise my experience level 4 at all, and I was busy with the cafe and the gaps in the cafe. However, he knew that he had changed his mind before.

The heart of the poem became darker and darker as I continued to regret.

“Ahh... ”

I just kept sighing. He had two full recovery potions, but that wasn't the problem. It was because I was so pathetic that I knew it was hard for my parents, but I didn't care about anything like that. Thought he'd matured a bit after receiving the dragon's legacy, but he was no different from before.

“Almost there. ”

I paid for a cab with ₩ 43,000 and went straight to the hospital. My mom was sitting helplessly in front of the emergency room.

“Mom, I'm out. ”

“Sissy, are you here? ”

My mom smiled faintly because it calmed down a little differently than before.

“How did it go? ”

“He's still in surgery. Sit here.”

The poem sat down next to his mother.

“How did you do that? ”

“I was cutting down trees. At least one finger was cut off. ”

My mom said that it was fortunate, but the poem was so heartbroken when I thought about the scene of my dad's finger getting cut off.

“I'm sorry, Mom. ”

“What are you sorry about? How's your studying going? ”

When the poem was worrying for nothing, my mom turned around and said that the poem was flawed for a moment. I left school for the cafe a while ago, but I still haven't told my parents about it. The poem pondered whether to confess now or hide it a little more.

“Mom, I'm setting up a cafe. ”

It was better to reveal it now anyway. This would become harder and harder to explain over time, and it was easier to provide financial support to the hardworking parents when referring to the income of the café. And I've been thinking about what I'm going to tell my parents.

“What? Café? With what money? ”

Surprised Mother asks.

“I made it with my part-time savings and Aru's savings. I was going to tell you if the store is a little stable.... Sorry, Mom.”


I purposely inserted the aru because my parents would never believe me if I just said I gathered it for part-time use.

“Yes. Aru helped me a lot. ”


The Pope's mom still looked like she didn't believe me. It was easy to understand that his son, who was still like a child, had opened a cafe. It doesn't cost a penny or two to go to a store like that, but it's also a question of how they saved up that much money.

“Yes. I haven't been down to the house very well in a long time. It's all part-time. ”

The poem, unable to say that it was because it received the dragon's legacy, lied without blinking an eye. However, it is now very natural to act because of many lies like this.

“What kind of carpet? ”

“Aru and I are doing it together, it's a normal cafe. Sell coffee and tea. ”

“So, how's business? ”

My mom asked me with a curious face if I could believe it.

“Yes. It hasn't been a month since it opened. I think I'm going to make 20 million this month. ”

“2, 20 million won? ”

My mom thought it was just a small cafe, but I opened my mouth when her father told me that he only made money this month that he had to work for a year. I didn't know that his son, who thought he was just a kid, had been saving money for part-time cafes for a long time so he could finally earn 20 million won a month.

“I was going to say business for a month.... I'm sorry, Mom.”

“That's why you've been so busy. My son is amazing. ”

She patted the pope's butt. 20 million won a month! Even in a year, you can save up unexpected money. Earlier, her face that was full of shade brightened a little.

It was natural for my father to get his fingers cut off and suffer a huge blow to his life. I could get paid if I didn't work until I got better with the money I paid for the surgery, but it was a problem afterwards. It must be hard to get a job like before just having one finger cut off.

Then, I had to live for a while with less than KRW 1 million, but I was too close to spending half of my money on living expenses just by sending 200,000 KRW to the poem and renting my house. While I was worrying and worrying about it, my mother became proud of it as she said the good news.

He took out his tablet, connected it to the hospital's WiFi, and found a blog post with pictures of his cafe on the Internet and showed it to his mom.

“This is the cafe with Aru. ”

“Oh, really? ”

I looked at the picture of the cafe, awkwardly touching the tablet with her impressed expression.

Seeing that, I felt the heart of the poem lighten a little. Regrets were meaningless. Since it had already happened, it was more important to think about how to handle it the best way. That's why I told my mom about the cafe, and I was going to apply the potion that I received when I became level 3 for my dad. There was a full recovery potion, but it was a miracle medicine to revive the dying, including the severed arm and leg. It was a little difficult to write because it wouldn't leave a scar. However, if my fingers don't stick together, I was also thinking of using a full recovery potion. If you choose to heal your father's fingers or save the potion, you will heal your father's fingers without hesitation.

While I was talking to my mom, I was moved to my room after my dad's surgery, which lasted a little more than two hours.

When I saw my father lying in bed in his patient's uniform, I felt his tears welling up for some reason.

The doctor next to my dad was explaining his condition to my mom.

“The surgery went well. I think I'll stick my fingers together, unless something goes wrong. ”

“Doc, thank you so much. ”

After saying a few cautions, the doctor left and the poem went to his father's side.

“Dad, are you okay? ”

“What are you doing with a severed finger? ”

When I saw the teary situation, I said as if my father wasn't a big deal.

“Are you okay? ”

“Don't worry, I'm going to school tomorrow, so go down quickly. ”

When asked about the worrying poem, my father told me to go quickly. But after seeing the doctor say the surgery went well and the appearance of a good father, my mind was a little calm.

“Oh, Yido. Why do you keep telling me to keep going down? You don't know our pope owns a cafe, do you? ”

My mom smiled and told my dad that he was completely relieved after the surgery went well and he seemed fine.

“Cafe? What cafe? ”

“Well, he runs a cafe and makes 20 million won a month. ”

I told my father exactly what my mother had heard from the poem earlier.

“Really? What about school? ”

But my dad was more curious about how he did it than earning 20 million won.

“I'm off duty.”

I couldn't say that I had resigned, so I hesitated a bit. It's because the Pope knew he wanted his father to leave the university. So I couldn't say that I quit.

“College must graduate. Do you understand? ”

“Okay, don't worry. ”


Then the poem's father's face opened up. I was more worried about whether he was doing well at school than getting his finger cut off.

“My lord. When the time comes, bring Aroo to the hospital. I really want to see her. ”

“What about Aru?"

“Aren't you guys getting married? Let's see how she's doing. ”

“I don't want to get married yet."

I was surprised by what my mom said, and I replied. Aru was not yet able to marry as a stateless citizen of any country, let alone Korean nationality. And marrying Aru... I haven't even thought about it yet.

“Sis, my father got married when he was your age and gave birth to you, but our pope has to get married soon. ”

My mother said as if it were natural.

Glug glug!

Then a phone call came from Chan Mi.

“Hold on. I'll get the phone. ”

He left the room and got a phone call from the hallway.

[Brother, how did it go?]

Luckily, the surgery went well.

[Oh, thank God. But where did you get hurt?]

Chan sighed relieved that he was worried a lot.

[He got his fingers chopped off while working at the construction site.]

[Oh my...]

[It's okay, the surgery went well. Did you close up shop better than that?]

The poem purposely changed the subject to avoid worrying about Chan.

[Yes, I'm closing up and going home now.]

[I'm sorry. I should have taken you...]

[No, you don't have to worry about me. Can I go to the hospital in the morning?]


Suddenly, the poem was surprised by the words of praise and said. Of course not.

[Yes, I just wanted to say hello this morning.]

[Sorry, it's still a little difficult.]

It was clear that when Chan came to the hospital, Mom would bring up Aru for no reason, and then she would realize that Aru and herself are not her sisters.

[Yes……. Then I'll definitely go next time.]

[Yeah, okay. Go home and get some rest. I'll be down tomorrow.]

See you tomorrow.]

I hung up on Chan and the poem came back to the room.

“Who is it? Aru? ”

“No, another friend. ”

“A friend from school? ”

“No, I'm not a friend of the school, I just know him. ”

My mom kept asking me, but I explained the situation roughly. It's hard to lie when you have so much to hide.

Anyway, when I first heard that my dad's finger was cut off, I thought the sky was going to fall down, but fortunately, after the surgery was over, I was only going to be hospitalized for two months. Now I feel a little strange.

However, in order not to go through this again, my mom or dad needed to quickly get a level 4 magic tool. It was good to know that there are so many dangerous things in the world that even the slightest hint of caution could result in serious injury or death.


Then another phone call came. Jiyoung.

“I'll get the phone. ”

“I heard you have a café for my son. ”

I left the room and got a phone call.

[Sighs] What are you doing? If you're done, why don't you come home today?]

Ji-young secretly said in a colorful voice. I have failed many times to become pregnant, but I have always wanted to succeed at this stage of my life.

[Sorry, Sis. My dad's hurt and he's in the hospital.]

Your father? Why are you hurt?]

[He was working on a construction site, and his fingers were cut off. I'm glad the surgery went well, though.]

[Oh, thank God. But a construction site?]

Jiyoung asked with a curious voice. He must be the son of a rich family, but he didn't understand the meaning of the poet's father working on the construction site. Do you work for the construction company?

[Yes, work on a construction site.]

[Are you taking care of something?]

[Yes? No. It's just a lot of work.]

[Yeah, yeah?]

Jiyoung's voice trembles a little. She's only 26 years old, and I thought he was the son of a wealthy woman for setting up a cafe with 200 million dollars. When I heard that my father was working hard, I realized something about the situation was shattering.

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