
[How did you make 200 million?]

[I didn't make 200 million, but I got it from working in a factory with a part-time job and being lucky enough to win a lottery ticket.]

I'm not wrong. Winning the dragon's legacy is lucky enough to break through a lot of competition like a lottery. And I got paid for doing quests and leveling up, just like in part-time jobs and factories. Well, most of them were through the labor of sex with women, but they were both physical labor anyway.

[Yeah, yeah? Right…….]

[Yes, but why all of a sudden?]

[Oh, no. I'm just curious, so I won't be seeing you today. Take good care of your father. Holy cow.]

[Thank you, Sis.]

[Okay, bye.]

Jiyoung's phone has been disconnected. The poem knew why Jiyoung asked such a question. I didn't lie from the beginning, but Jiyoung mistakenly thought of herself as a rich son. However, I didn't want to let Jiyoung continue to be mistaken. If he only wanted Jiyoung's body, he would have let him continue to make that mistake, but he didn't want to do that because he likes Jiyoung like other women.

However, I felt a bit strange when I hung up the last phone call, but I thought it would be something. Jiyoung couldn't have hated herself or turned away from herself just because of that.

When the poem came back to the room, my mom and dad were talking.

“Sissy, are you here? It's too late. What do you want to do? Do you want to go home and sleep with your mom? There's nowhere to sleep here. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

“Yeah, let's do that. ”

It was 12 o'clock, so I took a cab home. I was lucky to have a house not so far from this hospital.

“Dad, I'll be back in the morning. ”

“Sissy, you're supposed to be working tomorrow, so don't come down to the hospital. ”

“It's okay, Dad. Then get some rest. ”

Before Dad could say anything else, he left the hospital with his mom. The next time I came, I was going to bring the Rejuvenating Tree of Ro Heim and bring potions.

Most shops were closed after 12 o'clock. Only streetlights that are prominent illuminate the streets.

I took a taxi home with my mom. I sweat and wash first, then I change clothes in my room. After returning home, I felt exhausted and lay down in bed.

“Ahh... ”

It's been a crazy day. The town is thinking about going to sleep, and she picks up her tablet and checks out the quest. I had to think beforehand about what quests I would have to do to quickly capture level 4. And when I reached level 4, I was going to choose to focus on magical items that would protect the safety of those around me. He didn't think much of himself that way.

But when I think about it, I was lucky that my dad's finger was cut off. If you go over your arm, or if you can't use your hands...... it's too much to think about.

[Earn more than TOEIC 900 points. EXP 300]

[Get TOEIC score. EXP 700]

[Earn JPT score. EXP 700]

[Get TOEFL score. EXP 1000]

If I got good grades on these various exams, I could get pretty good experience. However, it also appeared here, but it was more important to get all the points in time than to get high scores. The difference between EXP and simple high scores is doubled.

[Pass the administrative notice. EXP 8000]

[Pass the notice. EXP 8000]

[Pass the Foreign Gossip. EXP 8000]

These exams gave me tremendous experience, but they were impossible to pass, so I decided to start with language related exams.

[Over 1 million views on YouTube that relate to you or yourself. EXP 100] [However, with 100 XP per million views, the previous EXP value will increase, even if the number of views increases.], [No duplication. Includes only the maximum number of views from uploaded videos.]

I mean, the more people watch their videos on YouTube, the more experience they accumulate as they watch them. If you look at a million people, you get 100 experience points, but you see 5 million experience points. I don't gain experience with duplicates like I have sex with women.

However, it is a bit sad to see only 1 million people with experience. Of course, if your video suddenly became so popular that you watched a billion people, it would be a huge 100,000 experience. But would that be as easy as it sounds? Even though the most popular idol videos in Korea have not reached 100 million degrees.

The poem was going to put up a song that he had sung because he still felt like he was doing it. If it was amazing, it could be more than 10 million views, and if it was 1000, it could gain a lot of experience.

What was unique about this experience system was that the amount of experience gained was much more popular with many people than the amount of experience gained by individuals through their efforts.

That's why even after passing all the judicial, administrative, and foreign notice that it was difficult, he only had 24,000 experience points, but if he uploaded more than 500 million YouTube views, he was able to get 50,000 experience levels.

Similar to books, he gained 100 for a hundred thousand unfair sales of books or cartoons, and 1000 for a million copies. However, since it could not be duplicated, it was a bit pressing that I had to sell so much by writing a book.

The poem carefully examined the quests and wondered how to get experience points.

I went to his hospital once more in the morning, but I was able to come down lightly because he looked better than I thought. When I first heard that my father's finger was cut off, I was so surprised that I knew if the sky would fall, but I was thankful that I was only hurt that much now.

It became a level 3 and it was a good opportunity to rebuke myself because things were going so well, as I thought. In the future, I was going to pay more attention to the surroundings and accelerate the level up.

I arrived at the cafe before 9 o'clock. I was a little tired because I couldn't sleep, so I took the ramen tea out of the subspace. Full of vitality.

I was organizing the cafe, and as soon as it was 9 o'clock, Hyunju came into the cafe. I was wearing the same dirty clothes as before.

“Hyun-joo, are you here? ”

“Hello, boss. ”

Hyunju bows his head and greets you, but his sternum slightly emerges and disappears. It's a good breast whenever I see it.

“Sit down. I'll get you a coffee. ”

“Thank you."

As usual, the poem made coffee and brought it to Hyunju.

“What are you doing on your day off? ”

“Yes? Well, I'm just at home. ”

“Really? If it's nothing special, would you like to come and hang out with us the next day? ”

“Sa, are you at Ms. Grant's? ”

Hyunju was surprised and said. I don't know what he told me to come here for, but the fact that I was going to the poem's house made Hyunju blush with a little excitement.

“Yes, I appreciate your help in the meantime, and I wanted to treat you to a meal. ”

“I'll be there. ”

The poem said with a slight smile, and his eyes burned. I still have more than a week left, but I was already excited and moved. And that day comes naturally to mind.

‘Oh, no. Hyunju.’

This is what you wanted to call me? ’

I sat on the couch and peeled off his clothes as if they were tearing. Then the delicious chocolate abs and clear chest muscles are revealed. When he licks the pope's nipple, the pope looks pleasant.

Are you excited about licking your nipples? ’

When I put my hand into the poem's panties, I had already touched a large erectile penis. I want to eat this penis that is so greedy right now. But it's too bad it's so good to eat so fast.

‘Oh, no. ’

‘I'm already so excited that my penis is drooling. ’

The poem cheers when you rub Cooper's liquid on your finger and rub around the yogurt. And the lips of the poem...

“Hyun-joo. ”

“Yes? Oh, yes. ”

“What are you thinking? ”

“Oh, it's nothing. ”

As the poem laughed and spoke, my heart burst. I was so excited by the wild idea that I wet my panties with love. At first, I was satisfied with this kind of imagination, but after wearing it to the coffee cup that the poem drank, I wasn't satisfied with my imagination. I felt a tremendous thirst like burning throat.

“Ahh... Ugh... ”

I drank all my coffee as usual and went behind the counter and licked the cup the poem drank with my tongue, but this thirst did not go away. I needed more stimulation.

The poem glanced at such liquor and wondered what he would do when Hyunju came to his house. Hyunju did all sorts of things where he couldn't do anything but look like that, and he was going to focus on that.

At 9: 30, when they opened the cafe, customers came straight in. It wasn't long ago, but there were some people who came by bus or tea to drink or buy coffee.

After working in a cafe in a frenzy, by 4 pm, the poem went to the house of praise to study.

“Brother, are you here? ”

“Yes. Let's study. ”

Praise greets me with a slightly worried but happy face. As soon as the poem went to the room of praise, the compliment carefully hugged the poem.

“Come on. Praise?”

“Come on, brother. ”

“It's okay. The surgery went well, and if you stay just a little bit, that's fine. ”

“I'm so glad. ”

Praise was whispered as he stroked the poem's back. Somehow, the atmosphere naturally flowed that way. The poem kissed Chan and laid him on the bed. Then I touched her breasts with a groan. I feel like I can heal my heart by touching these breasts with abundance.

Praise also actively accepted the hand of the poem.

After kissing, the poet naturally stripped off the robe of praise and also took off the robe of praise. When I saw the penis of the bizarre poem, the compliment slightly blushed. It's amazing to think such a huge thing can enter your vagina.

As they caressed each other and were filled with excitement, the poem naturally stabbed his penis in the hole of praise. Of course, I haven't forgotten to use magic circuits to develop healing abilities so Chan doesn't get sick.

“Hyung, huff... ”

Chant let out a wet groan in the joy while touching the poem's head.

“I'll drop it!”

The penis of the poem, which had been going in and out of praise for a long time, did not overcome pleasure and spilled a huge amount of semen.

“Ahh... Ugh... ”

After breathing out a rough breath, he dug his face into Praise's chest and sucked his nipple. I just wanted to do it more than be affectionate.

“Brother, it's like a baby. ”

Chant stroked the poem's head gently and said. Unlike other men, the situation looked cute no matter what he did.

After touching and sucking the boobs of praise for a long time, the satisfied poem wipes out the genitals of praise and his penis with a toilet paper. The amount of semen was so large that the Stoneman Toilet Paper was filled with a faint aroma of nightflowers.

The poem is roughly throwing a paper towel next to it and hugging the hymn again with a kiss and breasts. I wanted to keep touching the skin of the praiseworthy, wild beast. I was a total sperm thief because my face and body were so beautiful and in harmony.

“I think Yumi will come now. ”

“Can't we just kiss a little bit more? ”

It was almost 4: 50. Chan expressions nervously, not knowing when Yummi would come.

“I'll do more later. ”

“Got it.”

The poet smiled and moved aside, and I put on the clothes on the bed. While praising was wearing a brassiere and panties, the poem was wearing all his clothes and was sitting at his desk.

Knock it off!

A compliment was just wearing a t-shirt and pants, and Yummi came in through the front door. The urgent compliment quickly put all the clothes on and threw the large waste paper towel that was wiped out.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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It looks like the poem will be on level four soon...

Thank you for always reading.

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