
“Sis, I'm here. ”

Yummi immediately opened the visit as if it were natural, and the compliment flinched.

“Wow, are you here?

“Yes. Are you sick? Why are you sucking my face again? ”

“Oh, it's nothing. Yumi, go get changed. ”

Yumi looked suspiciously at the praise of being ashamed, unlike usual. Even yesterday, I am too worried about the strange behavior of praise today. Even though Chan, his older sister, thought he might have kissed the poem or something, the thought immediately followed. Yummi knew how much he hated men in praise.

“Okay, but don't you smell something in your room? ”

Yumi sniffs and sniffs. Then, the face of praise became even redder.

“Wha, what smell? ”

“It just smells a little dirty and subtle.... Aren't you? I'm going to change anyway. Get some air. ”

Yummi, who was making a long expression, saw a compliment and said,

“Oh, okay. ”

Yummi looks slightly suspiciously at the stammering compliment, and leaves the visit wide open. Then he quickly changed his clothes and returned to the room of praise and sat across from the poem.

The atmosphere was a little strange, but after that, I drank tea and studied as usual. The situation solved the mock exam paper in June, but I didn't think it would be that difficult. Although there was a bit of a jam, most 3-point problems were solved easily and I spent a lot of time stuck in a 4-point problem.

“Obviously it's a little difficult. I solved everything but the unknown. ”

“Let me check. ”

“Yes, I'm going to the bathroom for a while. ”

Yummi stared at the compliment as the poem went out. No matter how much I thought about it, yesterday and today, the praiseworthy behavior was too strange. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed and embarrassed when I came into the room.

“Why, what's wrong? Yumi.”

Yummi keeps looking at me, and praises slip away from my eyes.

“Sis, do you like the poem? ”

“You, you've been in third grade and you still care about that! ”

Chant blushes his cheeks and yells at Yumi. However, he did not say no because he was incapable of lying.

“What does high school have to do with that? You don't like him, do you? ”

“You, you are in high school……. ”

“What's the matter? Did you two fight?”

The poem came when I was blurry because I didn't have anything to say.

“No, brother. I just wanted to talk to you for a second. ”

Yumi looks at the compliment in a very suspicious manner, and she dodges the gaze of Yumi.


The poem sat next to the hymn.

“Oh, brother. You've done a lot of math, except for one question with three points and four points. You haven't studied much, but your score is 81. ”

I quickly spoke to the poet to avoid Yumi's suspicious gaze. However, it was quite surprising that I had already received 81 points, even though I had not studied for much longer than for that reason.

Your June mock exam repairs are 81 points? ”

Yumi admired it and said. It was higher than my own score.

Chan lets out a sigh of relief as Yumi's gaze is drawn to the other side. It didn't matter that I liked the poem, but I was really too ashamed to say it. How do you explain something that has been done during this time?

“81 points? That's pretty good. ”

The poem said with a satisfactory smile. Combined with three years of high school and one lucky year, he scored twice as high as his best math score. If I studied a little more like this, I didn't think it would be a big problem to get a full score.

“Brother, it's time to go. I'll get changed. ”


Yumi naturally sat next to the poem as the hymn went out.

“Sis, haven't you been strange lately? ”

“Yes? Is that a compliment? Yummi's weirder than a compliment. ”

“Yes? Why me? ”

Yumi was embarrassed by the water of the poem and replied.

“It's weird to be so pretty these days. ”

“Well, what is it? You're such an idiot. ”

Yummi blushed at the words of the poem, but her mouth was slightly raised to make her feel good. But this was not the sound the pope made to make Yumi feel good. As Yumi's skin with Quezron cosmetics grew better, the hidden beauty began to emerge. Her body was slightly more praiseworthy, but her face was somewhat prettier.

Both sisters are so charming... I guess that's why genes are so important.

Yumi came to the room with a compliment that changed all her clothes while kissing Yumi, and as always, Yumi who finished kissing before the compliment came, pretended not to mind. I also got used to this a few times, so I wasn't as nervous as before.

“Yumi, look at the house. I'll be back from work. ”

“Okay. Talk to me when you get back. ”

“Well, yeah. ”

Yummi's words puzzled Yummi's expression, and Yummi began to search the room. No matter how much I thought about it, I was too suspicious.

You sweep the room, but there's nothing to prove anything. I looked through the sheets of the bed, but there was a slightly strange smell that made me feel damp.

“Isn't that right? That's weird. ”

Yummi tilts his head and opens the trash can of praise one last time. There was a huge pile of toilet paper filled with trash cans.

“What is this? ”

Yummi's reluctant expression slightly raises the paper towel with his claws. I grabbed it a little, but I felt really bad that something was wet.

“What is it?”

The toilet paper smelled a little strange. It was similar to the damp part of the bed, but it smelled much darker, and it was likely that something was spilled with praise. Her older sister Chan looked cute and meticulous, but in reality, she didn't notice much and had a slight scratch.

It was probably wiped out by a lot of spills as well.


Yummi puts the toilet paper back in the bin, washes her hands, and then returns to his room.

Fortunately for the poem and praise, Yumi had never smelled semen since she was born, so she didn't realize that praise was a wipe that wiped the semen out of her vagina after sex with the poem. Of course, Yumi knew that the semen smelled like the aroma of nightflowers, but that was the end of it. I didn't even know the aroma of nightflowers, but I didn't know the smell of semen.

Yumi turned on her computer and searched for cafe quezron on the portal site. Then I saw some new posts. While reading it thoroughly, I could see a few pictures of the poem's face that were sharp and pointy. Yumi immediately right-clicked to save the photo.

“Cool. Hehe. ”

Yummi, who had a satisfied smile, looked at all the other articles as well. I didn't have anything to do with myself and Cafe Quezron, but I felt so good just watching the poem's cafe compliment.

After looking at the article for a long time, I texted the poem and studied. And when my parents came, they greeted him, ate, and then they texted the poet again, checking if there were any new articles on the Internet.

After spending some time like that, after a little after 12 o'clock, the front door opened and I heard a compliment coming in.

“Come to my room, sister. ”

Yumi immediately went out to the living room and brought the compliment to her room. Then Chan, who dipped his cheeks gently, couldn't look Yummi in the eyes.

“Why, Yumi? ”

“Sis, you really don't like him, do you? ”

“If you're in third grade, you shouldn't have to worry about that and study hard.... ”

Yummi was praised for being a tree, but he was not as strong as before.

“Man, do you like it? ”

Yumi said nervously to Chan who kept talking back.

“Why do you care? ”

“Because I like you! ”


A sudden confession of Yumi puzzles me. Yumi really didn't see it coming. So you thought you had a boyfriend before because you liked the poem, not because you had a boyfriend? Then everything went right.

“You, you're a senior……. ”

The embarrassing compliment didn't even connect the words properly.

“No more senior year. Do you like my brother? ”

“Oh, I don't like it. ”

Chant replied that he had no choice. I couldn't fight my brother with the poem.


“Yes. What if you're a senior and you like the Pope? ”

“Well, study hard so I can go to college in Seoul with the poet. I'm going to study really hard. ”

Yumi was already planning to go to a university in Seoul, whether she liked the situation a lot. Chan couldn't help but judge what he should do when he saw her like that. I never thought it would happen that both sisters like the same man....

“Yes, I see... ”

Praise answered helplessly.

“Then I'll sit next to the poet's brother from now on, so you sit across from him. Okay?"

“Got it.”

Yumi's face brightened while she was a little deeper on the face of praise. But I didn't intend to reveal the situation to Yumi. I couldn't hurt Yumi. Praise chose to sacrifice itself a little for Yumi.


“The poet is good at studying, so if you want to go to college with him, study hard, okay? ”

“Okay. Don't worry. ”

“Yes, yes. ”

Chan thought it was inevitable. When I think about it, I think Yummi was more lively with the poem than he who didn't say much. Somehow my mind became complicated, but I decided that I should never reveal my relationship with the poem. I had to study hard, but if I was shocked for no reason, I would be in trouble.

“I'm going to my room now. I'm tired.”

“Okay, sister. It's been a long day. ”

You stare at her like a snack before, and now you return to your room praising Yummi, who is singing a nostril because she feels good.

“Ahh... Yeah, that's it. ”

No matter what I thought, it was for the best. I thought that if I met the poem tomorrow, I would have to talk to him about it and ask for his understanding.

“Ahh... ”

I couldn't stop sighing.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Have a nice day.

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